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  1. BrianK

    Silicone air lines... did I do wrong???

    Try a different brand maybe? I use silicone and have no problems at all putting on or having come apart. I really like the flexibility.
  2. BrianK

    UV... any down sides???

    That is the kind I have but I definitely do not put it in the tank. It is in the filter section of my AIO so there is a layer of black plastic between it and my fish. And I should add, the instructions that came with it said not to put it in with the fish (if people actually read the...
  3. BrianK

    UV... any down sides???

    I have a cheap UV light in my filters. I originally got one because of a stubborn bacterial bloom that would not go away no matter what I did. The UV light took care of it in one day. After that I just kept it going a few hours per day. No particular reason.
  4. BrianK

    Baby Amano Shrimp

    The adult definitely looks like Amano. I'm not convinced about the baby.
  5. BrianK

    How to be successful with Serpae Tetras

    I am in process of replacing tiger barbs with serpae tetras. Presently have only 5 serpaes with 7 tiger barbs. They seem very peaceful to me but maybe it's because of the tiger barbs lol. I am phasing out the tiger barbs. I've had some aggression problems with the tiger barbs although they are...
  6. BrianK

    Fluvial Edge Stand?

    Maybe a plant stand?
  7. Screenshot_20230620_130223_DuckDuckGo.jpg


  8. BrianK

    Are these Amano shrimp or did I get ripped off?

    I would guess someone let 2 different color variations of shrimp breed. Not Amanos.
  9. BrianK

    Starting With Shrimp - Looking for the errors before I make them.

    You don't need a heater. I would start with 20. Depends how patient you are. Color doesn't really matter. Drip acclimatize them. If you can find someone local who breeds shrimp in water similar to yours, that's icing on the cake. Sponge filter is perfect for shrimp.
  10. BrianK

    can't keep neocaridinas alive [spoiler: no survivors]

    I literally only do like 1% changes.
  11. BrianK

    can't keep neocaridinas alive [spoiler: no survivors]

    I had trouble keeping my shrimp alive too until I went with a sponge filter, no heater, and only very tiny water changes.
  12. BrianK

    Java moss pad roots?

    something like this...
  13. BrianK

    Java moss pad roots?

    Looks like the moss is mounted on some kind of fiber mat so it can make a carpet.
  14. BrianK

    Not sure if fish store sold me correct pleco species?

    I've been wondering the same thing but mine is still small and has been growing slowly. About 1.5 inches when I got it and about 2.5 inches now over about 4 months so I think I am good but still no bristles at all.
  15. BrianK

    Micro thin worm like thing and moving dust specs in fry tank with Java moss ?

    Moving in that way I think eliminates detritus worms and planaria. Sounds more like an insect larva.
  16. BrianK

    should I trust this stand for my 20 gallon?

    I would waterproof it myself. Paint or cover it.
  17. BrianK

    What is the largest fish you own?

    I have small fish. Biggest I have right now is a dwarf gourami, about 3 inches. Going against the no pleco rule, I do have a bristlenose that will eventually be my biggest fish.
  18. BrianK

    Fertilizer with shrimp

    I fertilize my shrimp tank with no problem too. You will need a pre-filter sponge on the HOB if you don't have one already.
  19. BrianK

    4 Male guppies together?

    I've had up to 5 males together. It's worked pretty well. I've had some fish that got bullied and stopped eating and died. At the moment I have 3 and they are completely peaceful.
  20. BrianK

    Gravel for shrimp

    Sorry. No idea. I've had Java, flame, and Christmas mosses and they grew nicely for me.
  21. BrianK

    Gravel for shrimp

    Something like guppy grass is pretty foolproof but will require constant pruning. I have subwassertang in my shrimp tank but it is less hardy than Java moss.
  22. BrianK

    plant weights

    They are the supposedly fish safe ones from buceplant.com. Zinc magnesium alloy. I guess I will see how it goes for now. If the plants start to die, I will switch to rocks. Thanks all.
  23. BrianK

    Gravel for shrimp

    Not the ideal setup for shrimp there. The snails will compete with the shrimp for food. And if you plan on no real plants, then pick whatever looks good to you for substrate. That said, shrimp do like real plants. They feed on the biofilm and dead plant material on them.
  24. BrianK

    plant weights

    Thanks. I may do that but it doesn't answer my question about plant weights.
  25. BrianK

    plant weights

    Is it okay to use plant weights on Valisneria and Amazon Sword or will it kill them? Just trying to keep them in the gravel since the roots are so small on these new plants. Thanks
  26. BrianK

    Gravel for shrimp

    depends what kind of plants and whether there are fish in addition to the shrimp
  27. BrianK

    Gravel for shrimp

    I prefer just regular gravel. It is easier to keep clean. I dose liquid fert for the plants.
  28. BrianK

    Pest snails

    I had a pretty good infestation myself. I just kept smashing every one I saw. It took months but now I have seen any for quite some time now.
  29. BrianK

    is culling cherry shrimp necessary?

    If you never cull, there will eventually be no "cherry" shrimp left. They will all be brownish.
  30. BrianK

    Can I Add a Single Cherry Shrimp Alongside Amanos?

    Even 50 cherry shrimp's will hardly add to the bio-load.
  31. BrianK

    Fluval flex water problem

    Over on the left there are snap in covers where the water goes into the filter section. The covers may have a piece of sponge inside. It's a pre-filter.
  32. BrianK

    Fluval flex water problem

    The sponge or the intakes are dirty.
  33. BrianK

    Floating plant help

    Put the tubing around the filter output rather than around the plants.
  34. BrianK

    Fishing in the Flex

    Amanos can climb over the top
  35. BrianK

    2.5 Gallon Cherry Shrimp Tank

    Fill it with water and plants like christmas moss, subwassertang, floaters - stuff with lots of surface area and/or roots. Work on getting it nice and stable with some algae and biofilm growing.
  36. BrianK

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

  37. BrianK

    Tetra has been small forever, any reasons?

    I don't think that is a black skirt. Looks like a serpae tetra to me but it is hard to tell with glo fish sometimes.
  38. BrianK

    Shrimp tank

    And read up on how to drip acclimate shrimp.
  39. BrianK

    Shrimp tank

    I would say neocaridina shrimp then with that PH.