I use a 1.5g tank for a quarantine. I keep small species of fish (betta, neon tetras, snails) so it doesn't bother me. Bare bottom is best, but the 1.5g does have gravel in it, so I just leave it as is. A heater and thermometer is best as well.
Lighter colors are a sign of stress. I have six neon tetras who used to be a dull orange. Over the span of a months, they have destressed and turned a rich red. Just give them time, and plenty of places to hide.
Mystery snails are either male or female, that's what research has told me. ^.^
My snails are only fast when they want to be. I woke up one night to one of my snails moving fast toward the collard with feelers out all the way.
I took a peek at my snails and one of them actually has dark shell growth. So I think one is going to be black and the other tan with brown stripes. I wasn't too sure because they didn't have much shell growth and the rest is damaged from lack of calcium (stores fault not mine).
So I'm going to...
I have two baby snails from Walmart that are tan with brown stripes. I don't know genders but I do need names. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated. This name issue has been driving me nuts.
The snails have eaten a good portion of the collard. I took out the leftovers to prevent it from rotting in the water. The snails just like their veggies really well done.
Their shells are growing in nice and thick. I can't wait until they look loads better.
I have an unblanched and blanched (microwaved for one minute thirty seconds in a mug of water) piece in there, the snails aren't paying either any attention. I moved both on the blanched piece so we'll see.
I'm weighing them down with two seashells (no sharp edges).
EDIT: both have moved off...
I keep neons with my betta Twilight. They get along fine, though he does chase them occasionally. I also have two mystery snails with Twilight. He leaves them alone for the most part, but he does like to stalk and stare at them.
My betta allows himself to be sucked against the mesh that protects fish from being sucked into the filter. Can't say the same for fins and I am trying to find a way to fix that. O.o
I love bettas, neon tetras, mystery snails, and guppies. I've been keeping fish for a few years and have had bettas the longest. I really like my snails though cause they're so shy. :D
A little update...
One of the snails is growing in a healthy layer of shell. It's a gorgeous brown/tan color. You can see it in the photo I've attached below. The other snail is getting regrowth as well, but not as much. Currently the snail is sleeping under some plants, so photo later.
Thanks for those links! Very helpful. I'll try and get a few of those shell blocks for my tank since they are so cheap. :D
I'll try and get some spinach tommorow if the weather let's up (it's been snowing hard).
I've been using a cuttlebone (as mentioned). I'll look into other options, but I'm stuck with Walmart. What veggies are in season that have calcium? Are canned veggies okay? My mom has some canned green beans, but I don't know how to prepare it for them.
They didn't show much preference for the...
I got two snails from Walmart (I know, not the best place to buy). They are acting fine, eating and climbing he tank. But their shells are really roughed up. They have a few cracks, lots of white spots. I'm wondering if this is a lack of calcium? They were like this when I bought them. I got a...
Hiya there, I'm DreamerHorse, but you can just call me Dreamer or Dream. I live in Illinois and I own two tanks. A 10g and a 2.5g. In the 10g there is one veil tail betta named Twilight, six neon tetras named The Celestial Fleet, two black mystery snails who have not been named yet (just got...