Qt/hospital Setep Help/opinions


Fish Fanatic
Nov 12, 2013
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Hi all
Going to be getting myself a qt tank after learning the hard way about just adding fish from your lfs to your own tank.
i have been looking at something like this  http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/starter-tank-24l with a heater wondered if it will be ok?
does anyone have any experience of these and the kind of filter included?
also with a qt tank is it best to leave it devoid of any gravel, plastic plants ornaments ect or should you set it up with these included
If you have any links to what you guys use or just fancy posting a pic of your set up this would be great to get some ideas
cheers all
I think kinda small at 24 litres / 6 gals but if just for a few small fish, should be ok, a simple sponge filter with air pump will be ok.
I have a 10 gal/40 litre I use as a QT, clearseal tank, second hand from ebay.
And yes, bare bottom tank with a couple of plastic plants would be best, this is so you can see if any faeces and how much leftover food not eaten, also much easier to clean with syphon.
Also, best to have separate syphon, nets and kit from main tank otherwise possibly may transfer whatever illness stock has in QT to main tank.
Thats a better tank by a margin IMHO. Better value and more suitable as a QT.
That would do the just nicely I think 

Simple sponge filter or HOB will be god as well, these are only a few pounds so not expensive at all.
Like this for example,
You will also need a heater for that tank BTW.
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I use a 1.5g tank for a quarantine. I keep small species of fish (betta, neon tetras, snails) so it doesn't bother me. Bare bottom is best, but the 1.5g does have gravel in it, so I just leave it as is. A heater and thermometer is best as well.
DreamerHorse said:
I use a 1.5g tank for a quarantine. I keep small species of fish (betta, neon tetras, snails) so it doesn't bother me. Bare bottom is best, but the 1.5g does have gravel in it, so I just leave it as is. A heater and thermometer is best as well.
1.5 gal / 5.7 litre tank is pretty much too small for any fish, maybe a few shrimps and a couple of snails would be maxing that little tank. 
For a betta I would consider an absolute minimum 2.5 gals as a Q/T.
As for neon tetras, not at all suitable for 1.5 gal, they are usually active little fish and do actually need a bigger tank than 1.5, would not even consider putting a neon in that even just for a day.
farmershogger, IMHO I would stay with that 30 litre / 8 gal as minimum for a quarantine tank.
thanks for the replies. i ended up going for one of these with condensation tray
and this as a filter as i think the media should fit in my external better
will prob loose the gravel and add extra ceramic rings though at some point as well as adding a proper hood. anyway them coupled with a 100w heater and 170l/h air pump and i think im there.
just got to decide whether to paint the tank now and if i do whether to do just back or back and sides, what you think?
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Looks pretty good, nice.
Now, you just need to keep the willpower not to turn that into another display tank for more fish 
haha that will be quite easy seeing as theres no room for it permanently :)

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