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  1. PorshaF

    Help with stocking my 10 gallon!

    If water allows- I'm going with a trio of pea puffers
  2. PorshaF


    Perhaps Missouri
  3. PorshaF

    My kuhli loach!

    Something that I didn't know about kuhli loaches in the beginning is that they really do best with a sand substrate. They like to dig and forage in the sand, they try to do that on gravel but injury themselves on rocks instead. It probably didn't cause this death but is something to look in to...
  4. PorshaF

    Bloated Betta

    I think he looks like he has swim bladder, what are his symptoms? How long have you had him? Did he have any signs of ailment when you purchased him? If it is swimbladder, try giving him a boiled pea without the shell. Just a bit of the pea will act as a laxative, swimbladder is often caused by...
  5. PorshaF

    Newbie reporting for fish duty

    Members here are very helpful with stocking ideas, if you need help just take a vial of your tap to your local pet store and have its parameters tested, or if you may still have a testing kit, or are able to invest in a liquid one. I felt a similar way investing in a 75gallon tank to use as a...
  6. PorshaF

    I'm new to fishkeeping... Can I have some help?

    A trio of pea puffers! (Saw a trio at my lfs today, holy cow they are adorable)
  7. PorshaF

    Betta Tank Recommendations

    Just to expand on the frozen food bits: make sure you thaw the food in tank water or other dechlorniated water 😊
  8. PorshaF

    Live plant for aquarium

    How about Anacharis? They're relatively bushy and full, you can plant or float those, attach to a piece of wood or rock with a weight
  9. PorshaF

    Pleco Appreciation Thread

    Look who I found while vacuuming the sand! (Stirred up sand sorry for the cloud)
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  11. PorshaF

    My betta journal!

    An update on Black's tail healing progress- for anyone who saw his older picture. I'll try to get one of him flaring after his water change
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  13. PorshaF

    Please post pictures of your floating plants

    I have it in two of my betta tanks, my female betta sleeps on top of it and the other betta prefers his anubia
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  16. PorshaF

    Pleco Appreciation Thread

    I'm not sure if hes a sailfin now after seeing other people's pictures haha but this is J Franco. Hes only about 4 maybe 5 inches long, I've had him since March and hes very shy. Coming and going pictures because that's the best I can get! 😅
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  19. PorshaF

    stock my 55 gallon for me

    I would up the rummy nose, I heard they do really well in big schools!
  20. PorshaF

    My first snail!

    Lfs told me it's just been eating biofilms but I want the snail to thrive so I'm investing as much as I can into its care- any advice is welcomed
  21. PorshaF

    My first snail!

    I just got him today, but same as I feed the plecos- blanched zucchini, carrots, cucumber, I read spinach is another option for the snail, (we're a vegetarian household so we always have fresh produce anyway) already have spirulina and algae discs also, the cuttlebones are probably cheaper, I'll...
  22. PorshaF

    My first snail!

    I put a "wondershell" in the tank, I think it's just a cuttle bone shaped like a shell, is there one you use which you think is better?
  23. PorshaF

    My first snail!

    Hello! Welcome Apple, named by my six year old. It's our first snail actually!
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  25. PorshaF

    Got a small order in

    Is the supplier public? My moms looking for bulk food for the koi that isn't packed with wheat -like everything we find on shelves
  26. PorshaF

    Algae is building up on my tank walls in new 5 gallon

    Maybe your lfs will trade you the current stock for a nerite snail and a pretty betta, if that's something you'd be interested in
  27. PorshaF

    150L tank heater recommendation

    My first heater I ever bought was 100w preset to 78 degrees it worked for maintaining temp in a tank that was about 35litre but soon found out it was a waste when I had ich and needed to adjust temps 😩 now I know to avoid spending money on a heater that isn't fully functional (I don't know why...
  28. PorshaF

    150L tank heater recommendation

    Watt wise I would go for a 200w heater for a 150litre, and for a 450 litre I would put two 200 or 300watt in there (one heater on each end) the brand I like which is available online with adjustable knob is Aquatop, I reccomend an adjustable heater and not a preset for incident where you need to...
  29. PorshaF

    Algae is building up on my tank walls in new 5 gallon

    I was using the swype on my phone, I wish this was the first occurrence of uppity, but it is not 😂😂
  30. PorshaF

    Algae is building up on my tank walls in new 5 gallon

    Whoops! I was on mobile for that message, it was 'you' not uppity haha did the edit on my post
  31. PorshaF

    Tank Temp in Heat Wave - Best to Just Leave Things Be?

    In the summer heat here we feed the pond fish 3 times a day instead of 2 to make up for the increased metabolism. I haven't researched if the same applies for indoor cold water fish as I have aircon in my "fishrooms" but I imagine they would appreciate the grub, hope it passes soon! Stay hydrated!
  32. PorshaF

    Site is very slow

    Seems alright on my end also
  33. PorshaF

    Newbie reporting for fish duty

    Welcome! What sort of fish are you interested in? Do you still have the 50 gal tank to cycle?
  34. PorshaF

    Water and filter questions

    Continue gravel cleaning, doing a water change once a week will drop any harmful amount of ammonia. Just check below hardscaping for poop or rotted food that they may have pushed under once In a while. When you do your water change just take your cartridge out of your filter box, swish it around...
  35. PorshaF

    Pleco Appreciation Thread

    Following so I can come back and edit when I successfully take a good picture of my plecos haha 1female clown, 1 sailfin unknown gender
  36. PorshaF

    Hello Fron N illinois

    Can't wait to see them! You should start a journal on the forum of your tank progression!
  37. PorshaF

    Algae is building up on my tank walls in new 5 gallon

    I would say just betta and a snail, or a betta and shrimp are compatible for 5 gallons. If you're looking for a natural solution to the algae, limit your lights to less than 10hours a day, add some live plants if you can, keep the tank away from windows or direct sunlight. With limited light it...
  38. PorshaF

    Hello Fron N illinois

    Welcome! Do you have any pics from your angel tank in the past? Community of those are so pretty! I'm also in Illinois, I live right on a junction of the Illinois River and Fox River
  39. PorshaF

    Celestial Pearl Danios

    I would isolate and maintain daily water changes in the hospital tank to reduce chance of infection if that laceration is still open, poor thing. What else is in the tank? Any new additions? Water parameters, is the tank cycled?