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  1. harperc


    I haven't started anything on the tank yet but I'm thinking of giving the fishless cycle a go. I've read they need a 30gal so it might be ok, they are indeed very beautiful :)
  2. harperc


    I lost most of my fish to callamanus worms a while back leaving me with 5 platy fry who are currently living in my 25l tank. Since then I have thrown out the gravel and everything from my filter so I can start everything again, this time with a little more planning! I'm hoping to have some...
  3. harperc

    thinking about how I want my 125l to look!

    thinking about how I want my 125l to look!
  4. harperc

    Help Needed A.s.a.p

    I did find Harkers Harka Verm while I was doing a search but wasn't sure if it was safe to use for thanks for mentioning it, you've answered my question :) Our local vet doesn't do fish, so my dad just ordered some Harka Verm on ebay. What dosage did you use?
  5. harperc

    Help Needed A.s.a.p

    I was actually just coming back to this to to mention those. I took more notice of the hairs a few hours ago and found out about them and it definitely looks like them! :) I'll be going to our not-so-local-but-more-professional pet store on Saturday (I'd love to go tomorrow but I can't drive...
  6. harperc

    Help Needed A.s.a.p

    I tried that last night and couldn't see any dots, so its not velvet, and I don't think the Sterazin is working, they're still hiding and flicking :(
  7. harperc

    Help Needed A.s.a.p

    I haven't checked for velvet, I'll have a look tonight. It could be hard to see on one fish though, 1 of my platies is a yellow colour. Yes, only 2 Panda Garras, I read they liked being in groups but never heard about one stressing the other...I guess that would explain why my little one is...
  8. harperc

    Help Needed A.s.a.p

    A few weeks ago my 125l tank had a serious algae problem and what sounds like fungus. I got rid of the algae (for now) but the fungus is all over my bogwood again. I've also had 7 recent fish deaths! Unfortunately I only have test strips and don't have anything to test for ammonia (I'm saving...
  9. harperc

    Sick Platy?

    Tank size: 30l pH: 6.5 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 25C Volume and Frequency of water changes: approx 35% fortnightly Fish Symptoms: One of my female platies has what looks like a bit of fluff on the bottom of its mouth. At first we thought she had a bubble on her lips (sounds silly I know)...
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