Help Needed A.s.a.p


New Member
Jun 1, 2010
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A few weeks ago my 125l tank had a serious algae problem and what sounds like fungus. I got rid of the algae (for now) but the fungus is all over my bogwood again. I've also had 7 recent fish deaths!

Unfortunately I only have test strips and don't have anything to test for ammonia (I'm saving up for a API master kit). According to the strips my water parameters are:
pH: 8
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 120
gH: 180
tank temp: 26C / 78F

Fish Symptoms:
Platies constantly rubbing themselves on soft leaves and allowing the last guppy to nip at their sides. 1 of them was always at the top and hardly moved except to eat, while the others spent most of their time hiding at the bottom amongst the plants.

Fins clamped very tight. No visible spots.

One platy keeps spitting out flakes, but she ate some bloodworms. While swimming seems to stop-and-start all the time. I also noticed what looked like stringy white poo, but I've only seen it once.

The other platy isn't interested in food at all. Also I noticed a bit of red just in front of her anus, its like little red hairs? Can't think how else to describe it. She seems quite weak and when with the other platy rolls on her side.


My panda garras don't seem right but it could just be me looking for problems. Although I did see one of them having an itchy moment and rubbing itself on the wood, and its fins are also clamped. My second panda garra seems fine but leans to one side-not sure if its ill or if it's hurt 1 of its fins (the other garra likes to chase it around).

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
Usually change 25% every fortnight but due to illness I've started changing 25% weekly.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Biomax, Clearmax, Ammonia Remover and Purigen.

The guy at our LFS thinks its some kind of parasite and gave me some Sterazin. I've never had to treat fish before so have no idea how long it should be until you first notice a difference. I've done 4/5 of the doses and haven't really seen any change.

Tank inhabitants:
4 guppies (now all dead)
2 black neon tetras (1 died)
4 cardinal tetras
4 platies (2 died)
2 panda garras

Recent additions to your tank:
I bought 4 guppies a while ago, all of which are now dead. I noticed the problems after they were added, but they looked healthy when i added them.

Any idea what parasite it could be? Or if it could be anything else? Is there a better medication I could use? Is there a way I can get my non-eating platy to eat? One of my dead platies dropped some fry, are they likely to be infected?

Thanks in advance!
  • "Stringy poo" along with "flicking" (regular rubbing on plants; furniture; sand/gravel) with no obvious spots (have you checked for Velvet by shining a torch of your fish in dark conditions?) could well indicate an internal infection).
  • Do you only have two Panda Garra? I specifically bought three, as duos can often stress the submissive Garra to death... Its a case of either one or 3+.
  • As a general routine, I think you should try to do more than 25% water change every fortnight, even when fish are healthy. Try 25% every week, or even two ~10-15% changes per week.
  • I have to confess I have no knowledge of Biomax, Clearmax or Purigen.
I'd say start with a big water change, in the region of 75%, ideally including some "gravel/sand vacuuming." Fish can sometimes perk up noticeably in fresh de-chlorinated water. From the information provided so far and I would like to hear what the above unknown products do first, I reckon that starting the 10-day course of Sterazin today sounds like a plan. As with most medication, increasing the aeration of the water for your fish will be of benefit, even if that means lowering the water level a little to get a "splash effect" from your only filter output.
I haven't checked for velvet, I'll have a look tonight. It could be hard to see on one fish though, 1 of my platies is a yellow colour.

Yes, only 2 Panda Garras, I read they liked being in groups but never heard about one stressing the other...I guess that would explain why my little one is always being chased around. If my fish get better and everything goes back to normal I'll run down to my LFS and buy another 1/2 :good:

I did 25% every fortnight mostly out of laziness, and because I'm always being moaned at about the water meter. As I said I have started doing 25% every week because of their condition, and I will try and keep it up :nod:

The Biomax, Clearmax and Purigen are all in my filter, not chemicals I've added in.
  • Biomax are ceramic rings used to provide a surface area for beneficial bacteria and helps reduce ammonia and nitrite.
  • Clearmax is designed to absorb phosphate, nitrite and nitrate to keep the water clear.
  • Purigen is meant to control ammonia, nitrites and nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic waste and keep the water clear.
I vacuum the gravel every time I do a water change so that's not a problem. I did a 50% water change before I started medicating the fish as well. I've already started the Sterazin, I'm on day 8 now but haven't noticed any changes, I don't know how long it takes for medicines to take effect :unsure:

I read about the aeration the other day and I turned my bubbler up a little over halfway and I increased the water flow a little too.

Thanks for your reply by the way :)
"Stringy poo" along with "flicking" (regular rubbing on plants; furniture; sand/gravel) with no obvious spots (have you checked for Velvet by shining a torch of your fish in dark conditions?) could well indicate an internal infection).

I tried that last night and couldn't see any dots, so its not velvet, and I don't think the Sterazin is working, they're still hiding and flicking :(
One platy keeps spitting out flakes, but she ate some bloodworms. While swimming seems to stop-and-start all the time. I also noticed what looked like stringy white poo, but I've only seen it once.

The other platy isn't interested in food at all. Also I noticed a bit of red just in front of her anus, its like little red hairs? Can't think how else to describe it. She seems quite weak and when with the other platy rolls on her side.

It might be worth having a look at some pictures of callamanus worms, they will make the fish flick and have white stringy poo. Your description of red hairs by the anus sounds like these.
It might be worth having a look at some pictures of callamanus worms, they will make the fish flick and have white stringy poo. Your description of red hairs by the anus sounds like these.

I was actually just coming back to this to to mention those. I took more notice of the hairs a few hours ago and found out about them and it definitely looks like them! :)

I'll be going to our not-so-local-but-more-professional pet store on Saturday (I'd love to go tomorrow but I can't drive and I don't know of any buses that go there :() and show them some pictures to double check.

I've read that Levamisole is the most effective treatment? But it's meant for pigs and poultry, so it sounds like it could be hard to get hold of :/ but this pet store sells things like chickens, ducks etc so hopefully they should have something there! Is there anything else that can be used?

Also, will I have to put carbon back into my filter before starting a different medication? Cos I've been using treatment for flukes + internal worms. I don't really know how any medication for fish works.
Your description rang bells with me as I've been trying to get rid of persistent callamanus worms for quite a while now, if you've been reading about them you will have heard how much of a battle it can be. :sad: You need to get hold of some Levamisole, it is the only thing I've had any success with. You can get it in Harkers Harka Verm (a bird wormer)which I ended up buying on ebay (if you do a search on this site for callamanus worms there are some very helpful threads about dosage)or from a gentleman in America called Charles Harrison. It took about a week for a package to reach me. Unfortunately I can't do a search at the moment for his contact details but I will have a look tonight when I'm back home. Some people manage to get rid of them in just two treatments, you have to retreat to break the life cycle, but it has taken me alot longer. Wishing you lots of luck. :good:
You need to get hold of some Levamisole, it is the only thing I've had any success with. You can get it in Harkers Harka Verm (a bird wormer)which I ended up buying on ebay

I did find Harkers Harka Verm while I was doing a search but wasn't sure if it was safe to use for thanks for mentioning it, you've answered my question :)

Our local vet doesn't do fish, so my dad just ordered some Harka Verm on ebay. What dosage did you use?

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