i have the same fish i think (it was labelled blue zebra in the lfs but not sure) and im rearranging the tank today wonder if he'll spit the dummy?that is so funny :P :lol: :grr: :-(
some one correct me if i'm wrong but what about the water conditions shouldnt it be hard and alkaline for the cichlid and soft and acidic for the gouramis which i assume he was living in the gouramis water which wouldnt be to healthy for him?
on the first picture of the moori is that a fuelleborni below it because it looks alot like mine?i thought the black blotches on the moori are signs that they are stressed (correct me if i'm wrong) and is anything chasing it?
hey my mate has a 4ft fish tank 200L and had a problem with whitespot lately and he wants to know what type of fish would go good in their such as kuhli loaches and things like that. any help would be great.
i dont mean the electric yellow i have 2 fish that look like them i think the blue and yellow one is a aulonocara steveni but dont know what the other one is?have tried google but nothing came up.
does anyone know what type of fish they are?there the same as mine
today i just got some electric yellow that i ordered in from the lfs they are supposed to be 1 male and 2 females am just curious as the supposingly females arent much different to the males in colour and they are about 4cm -_-
i agree with freddyk labeotropheus trewavasae are my fav fish but are to :grr: i have just put some fish in my 4ft fishtank today and am getting some more in 2 days.
your fish has white spot it can be caused by stress,tapping on the glass and have you bought any fish lately?if so dont tip the water that the fish came in into your tank as that could be the problem.
hi today i got 2 peacocks i think one is a jacobfreibergi and dont know what the other one is will be getting some females for them once i indentify them.
yeah theres enough of malawis 2 choose from but i just like the frontosa am thinking of starting of with some electriv yellow in a few days just thought he could come in as there not to aggressive but amthinking of getting some more aggressive ones i like red top pseudotropheus,pseudotropheus...
Its s abit late i have already ordered the fake rock in and i cant get the rock as my lfs dosent sell it as he has had to many people crack their tank but thanks 4 the suggestions any ideas on fish?do you think the ones in my previous reply would go well?but i might get some aswell and do you...
some good starters are some electric yellow and some other peaceful fish but remember if you want to keep them to spread out the aggression have 1 male and 2+females.goodluck on it am about to setup a lake malawi tank in a few days
sorry, did use aquarium sealent and have ripped them out anyway.have just ordered in a 2ft long fake rock its kind of rubbery plastic from my LFS it cost $136 it has lots of shelves and caves for the fish and will be getting fish around the 10th.what fish do you think i should get?
today im taking my water to be tested at my local fish shop for nitrate and so on.the tank is 200litres and it has been cycling for longer for 2 weeks.and i have already filled it with gravel so i cant put coral sand in it but i wanted to is it ok to put a bit of coral in the tank because i know...
hey peoples i had glued rocks in my tank and they made the water go a yellow colour. today i have ripped them out and now the waters clear havent gotten many suggestions yet am hoping to set the tank up in a few days.and by the way what does GH stand 4.
i know how u feel i had a 2ft tank with 2xclown loaches,2xbristlenose catfish,2xblue dolphins,1xalbino shark,1xred finned shark,1xrainbow shark,2xsucking cats they all died from whitespot.