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  1. N

    My Tank

    :hyper: Love you tank!!!! :hyper: I am new to the fish world. (As you can tell by my name.) So can you tell me what kind of fish you have, they are very nice.
  2. N

    If you had a 55 Gallon tank.......

    I Would fill it up with like :P 35 Tiger barbs :P . Then put a bunch of frozen brine shrimp in there and let them tear the heck out of it.
  3. N

    If you had a 55 Gallon tank.......

    :sly: i know i was just seeing what everyone liked kinda like a poll. :sly:
  4. N

    If you had a 55 Gallon tank.......

    :blink: Please Post. :blink:
  5. N

    Will this work?

    I based my whole tank setup with fish compatible with tiger barbs like tetras and mollies. I was thinking about getting guppies instead of swordtails though.
  6. N

    Will this work?

    OK thx for the help maybe i will only get 5 tiger barbs. But is there anything i should add?
  7. N

    Will this work?

    I am getting a 55 gal tank :hyper: and wanted to know if this is a good communtiy. 10 tiger barbs 3 black tetras 3 flame or black phantom tetras 4 lyertail mollies 2 swordtails 1 plecostamus Is this a good community what should i add or take away? :blink:
  8. N

    you guys....

    :hyper: Glad to hear your betta is better :hyper:
  9. N

    you guys....

    I hope your betta gets better. The only reason i am posting is because i wouldnt buy that 1 gallon bowl for $10 I bought one at the walmart here for $2. Where do you live at?
  10. N

    I'm new..

    I am going to move soon so i don't want to get a big tank right away so to hold me over i am going to get a double hex tank and 2 bettas. :hyper:
  11. N


    I was thinking about either Black tetras or flame tetras. Which kind of tetra would be the best to get?
  12. N

    Need a compatable cleaner fish.

    What should i get a Plecostamus or an algea eater. I am getting 5 tiger barbs and 2 tetras all in a 10 gallon tank. Which of those would be better to have because everyone tells me Tiger barbs and aggressive? :crazy:
  13. N

    I'm new..

    Well i was going to get a 5 gallon because it would be small enough for my room but i could get a 10 gallon tank. I saw one at the store for only $9. But if i did just get a 5 instead of tiger barbs i could get some Black tetras and i saw some young goldfish for only 28 cents each.
  14. N

    I'm new..

    Thx Alan for the info. I was thinking of getting 3 Tirger B. and 2 Black tetras. And i read on a website that Tiger barbs could eat little pieces of cucumber. What do you think would be a good fish to have with tiger barbs? :S
  15. N

    I'm new..

    I'm only 16 so I will probably just get a 5 gallon tank for my room. :D
  16. N

    I'm new..

    Hey, my name is Bryan and i am just starting out in having fish as pets and I wanted to know what would be a good tropical fish to start off with. I was thinking about tiger barbs. Could someone help? Thx.