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  1. L

    hi mi new to this site but im not new to fishkeepi

    Once you've made ten posts you will change from newbie to fish fanatic! Just get involved with the discussions. Welcome aboard.
  2. L

    The best place to buy your aquarium!

    I just bought a 55 gallon tank with hood, lights, underground filter, small heater, and a 40 gallon with stand, HOB filter, good heater. It came with loads of gravel, a python vaccuum, food, some meds and aquarium salt. All this for the low :P low :D low :kana: price of $100! I almost felt...
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    Short Vacation

    Great! Thanks for the quick repliies. I'm glad I didn't go buy one of those expensive vacation feeders!
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    Short Vacation

    I leaving on a 4-day trip to Zions National Park (one of the most beautiful places in the world) tomorrow. I'm wondering what the best way to feed the fish in my absence will be. What do you guys do?
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    My little occelatus tank

    The funny thing is that I have always thought TheCichlidAddict was a "she" because whenever I read one of your posts a beautiful woman is staring at me. :alien: (Call me ignorant, but who is that?) I recently checked your profile and learned otherwise.
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    My little occelatus tank

    LOL :*) Sorry! I don't know why I assumed that you were a man! Maybe I just thought a man would be more prone to throw his monitor out of an office window. :* Guess it's obvious I haven't been around very long.
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    My little occelatus tank

    Exiled sent me his occelatus clip with in minutes of my requesting it. :D It's a great clip of them digging in the sand. I guess he's got quite the collection of movies. Thanks Exiled.
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    Stocking Q

    From the looks of your sig, you think nearly every tank should have a cory or two! :rolleyes: LOL!
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    Stocking Q

    I don't want to overstock my tank, but I want my loaches to be happy. Would you recommend 2 or 3 based on the info in my sig?
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    Which Water Source???

    Yesterday was a wonderful day for my fish. My tank completed its cycle! :D Ammonia and Nitrites are 0! :D I did a water change to lower the nitrates and tonight I'm going to go get some rasbora. Will I mess my cycle up if I add five at once? It would probably be better to only add 2-3 at a...
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    bday plants!!!!

    :cool: It's my birthday too! I got some cash that I plan on buying a 10G breeding tank! I'm so excited! Happy Birthday to you!
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    Which Water Source???

    I guess ideally I would like my ph to be about 6.8 and my gh to be 5. I don't want to shock any fish by transfering them from an alkaline living to an acid breeding tank> :/
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    Which Water Source???

    I'm looking for some advice on getting the right water quality. Here's my dilemna: My tapwater has a ph of 8.6 :o and a hardness of 8 GH. I also have an RO unit (for drinking water) witch lowers the PH to around 7.0, but completely wipes out any minerals in the water - 0 GH. :o (this makes the...
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    ACE or AquaSafe?

    I have used ACE without any problems, but I recently switched to a non-namebrand dechlorinator. I got it at Petsmart. It was only 9 USD and the bottle treats over 7,000 gallons! :kana:
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    Seeking advice & reassurance

    Sounds like a great fish! :D I'll have to keep my eye out for them!
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    Seeking advice & reassurance

    Is this a peaceful breed of puffer? I thought they were all pretty vicious!
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    Is ACE bad?

    Thank you all. I will do daily water changes. Should I continue until the level drops to 1 or so? I hope my zebras do all right and that the cycling finishes quickly!
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    Is ACE bad?

    I guess if the ACE was starving the bacteria then my nitrites would not have spiked. Is that a safe assumption? The reading is about 5.0. I changed the water 2 days ago and will do it again today. I hope it starts to go down.
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    Is ACE bad?

    As I've read more about cycling I've started to wonder if I've done something wrong. I have been treating my water with ACE (ammonia chlorine/chloramine eliminator). By using this am I starving the beneficial bacteria? I have been cycling with danios for nearly a month. My ammonia levels never...
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    How often should water changes be done during a cycle with fish? I thought changing the water slowed everything down.
  21. L

    Danios or Guppies?

    I'm going to sound like a hypocrite :*) , but if you haven't started cycling your tank yet I really recommend doing a fishless cycle. I know it's hard to wait, but in the long run it will pay off. I'm 3 1/2 weeks into cycling my tank with danios. I used Cycle, but it still looks like it will be...
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    Hardness Of Water

    I set up my tank 3 weeks ago. I hope cycling doesn't take too much longer. My nitrites just spiked so hopefully I'm nearing the end. I used Cycle and have monitored the water every couple days. I never did notice an ammonia spike though. I did three 25% water changes during the first week...
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    Hardness Of Water

    I was initially going to go with the clowns, but I guess they can get up to about a foot long! Check out this link. I only have a twenty gallon tank, but wanted some nice looking, active bottom dwellers. My lfs has Yoyos for 2 bucks and...
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    Kribs w/ rasbora & danios?

    400 litres is nearly 90G right? That would probably make a big difference. I don't think I'll risk putting the kribs in their. Maybe when I get a big tank someday. I don't know much about rams. From the little research I've done there are Blue Rams and Bolivian Rams, both of which are pretty...
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    Hardness Of Water

    Sorry Fishstix. I had no intention of messing up your thread. I thought my question was basically the same. "How important is the hardness of water." I'm still new to forums and chats. I'm learning.
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    Hardness Of Water

    I've read that having such soft water will make it hard for me to balance my Ph. Is that not an issue with the fish I will be stocking the tank with?
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    Hardness Of Water

    I would also like to know the answer to this question. I have the opposite problem. My tap water has Ph of 8.6 and a hardness of about 8 dGH. I have an RO unit that lowers the Ph to about 6.8, but the water goes through a water softener first so the dGH is only about 1. I don't mean to steal the...
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    Betta tankmates

    Thanks. I can always count on fish or bust for some answers.
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    Betta tankmates

    I'm thinking about adding a male betta to my community tank of 4 danios, 5 rasboras and 2 Yoyo loaches. The aquarium is 20G. Do you foresee any problems? I'd like to breed him in this environment too. What do you think?
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    Kribs w/ rasbora & danios?

    Well, I'm not getting much response on this one. I've continued to do my homework though and it doesn't sound like it would work without a few casualties unless I get very lucky. I want to own some, but my wife wants us to stick to one tank. I'm trying to convince her that we need at least one...
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    Driftwood just keeps drifting

    So I bought some driftwood for my loaches to enjoy hiding behind/under, but is it ever going to sink? Are there any ways to speed the process up or a way to rig it to the bottom without making it permanant?
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    Kribs w/ rasbora & danios?

    I would like to get a pair of Kribs. Their breeding habits sound very interesting to observe. I understand they need a few dither fish, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. What do you guys think about adding 2 Kribs to a 20G tank with four zebra danios and 4-5 Harlequin Rasboras? I'm debating...
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    Fish stuck behind aquarium background!

    The silicone is a great idea. I should have done it, but now that I have it filled I'll stick it to the back. I think I'll go get a new heater before I add any more delicate fish. BTW I just added a male danio to my three females. It was obvious which gal was the Queen of the tank. She staked...
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    Fish stuck behind aquarium background!

    Hey everyone. I'm new here and I need some help. Does anyone use the aquarium backgrounds? Do you put it inside the tank? My Zebra Danios keep getting stuck behind it. :dunno: What's the best way to make sure it stays to the glass? I can't keep my temperature stable. It goes from 72 - 80...