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  1. B

    Ghost Shrimp

    a friend of mine has a tropical tank that stays around 75 degrees F. he has about six or seven ghost shrimp that have lived in there fine for the last couple months...a couple of them are even gettin ready to lay eggs
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    What is the meanest fish you've owned?

    i currently have a bala shark around 7 inches...hosever the biggest fish i have owned was an oscar which was about 10 inches
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    New Tank

    before u add the gravel or watever ur goin to have on the bottom make sure u put just water in the tank to ensure that there r not any leaks in the tank
  4. B

    Sand Bottom Tank?

    i will be moving in about six months and want to change my tank to a sand bottom when i do. i have heard from a lot of ppl that it can mess up ur filters. wat if i set my filters higher in the tank? how would i clean it? i was lookin into get a blue crayfish. will that help keep the...