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  1. G

    Algae Help And Id Please!

    Things were going so well, then I came home this weekend to find this filament like algae starting to take hold. Anybody able to tell me what it is and what should I do to get rid? Cheers.
  2. G

    How Often To Amano Shrimp Shed Skin?

    That's exactely what I thought, thanks for confirming buddy. OT - Sounded like you were having fun yesterday!!
  3. G

    How Often To Amano Shrimp Shed Skin?

    As it says in the title. Lots of bits of exoskelton lying around at the mo, not sure if they are dieing or shedding, is there a way to tell?
  4. G

    Jbl Proflora 2 Kits - Are They Really That Bad?

    No I've never had any CO2 dump with low contents. The flow has always been steady all the way down to empty IME. Perhaps they have varying degrees of build quality as I've got no complaints after 2+ years of use
  5. G

    Jbl Proflora 2 Kits - Are They Really That Bad?

    I've got a JBL Reg and solenoid and never had any problems. I've also got 2 spare 500g cylinders if anyone wants them. Why don't you use a fire extinguisher. It only took some minor adjustments on my JBL reg and apparantely that is because it was an older one. Newer ones go straight on.
  6. G

    Java Fern Help

    They are not, they are attached to a peice of wood.
  7. G

    Java Fern Help

    Hmm thats what I also thought, any other ideas?
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    Java Fern Help

    Thanks, I look forward to your reply
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    Java Fern Help

    Couldn't possibly be too much light at 1.1WPG could it???
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    Java Fern Help

    Never mind his problems, what about mine!! It's my thread, help me ;)
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    Java Fern Help

    There are no swords in the picture...... Dosing tropica plant nutrition plus already...
  12. G

    Java Fern Help

    I'm only on about 1.1wpg at the mo.
  13. G

    How Do Drop Checkers Work?

    And that is altered by co2 seeping (for want of a better word) from the tank water to the reference solution?
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    Java Fern Help

    The flash was only on for the third one, I think it is more a case of cheapish camera. I was refering to the browning of the leaves.
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    Java Fern Help

    Any idea what is causing this?
  16. G

    How Do Drop Checkers Work?

    Right cheers, think I'm getting there. So I should use the 4dkh liquid then, yet it states in the instructions to use tank water. Why is this?
  17. G

    How Do Drop Checkers Work?

    Right I think I'm getting this, in a sense all the drop checkers are "set" at 6.6 ph and you adjust the KH to get the target CO2, is this right? Secondly what effect does the KH of my own tank have, it's quite high near 13?
  18. G

    How Do Drop Checkers Work?

    I'm not sure I follow about changing the KH of the solution... If you change the solution to 5dkh how can the co2 go up to 37ppm? Surely changing the solution won't have an effect on the co2 ppm?
  19. G

    How Do Drop Checkers Work?

    I don't really understand how these work. Can somebody explain? Once you add the reagent and turn it upside down it's not in contact with the water so how does it work? And secondly are they any good?
  20. G

    Kh And Co2 Questions

  21. G

    Kh And Co2 Questions

    Or maybe its because my kits are quite old, how long do they last?
  22. G

    Kh And Co2 Questions

    Right I'm struggling to understand the relationship between KH/CO2/and PH. I'm at 6.8 ph and thought I'd do some testing this morning. My KH came out at 13 which would make my CO2 somewhere between 47-70ppm. Bit too high so if I lower my bubble rate, is this going to make the KH go down thus...
  23. G

    Why Are My Stems Blackening?

    just bumping
  24. G

    Why Are My Stems Blackening?

    I've got a load of hygrophilia and ludwiga stems in my tank at the minute and some of them are going black, starting at the stems and then spreading to the leaves. CO2 is steady at 30ppm, 1.1 wpg, ferts are trpoica plant nutrtion +. Any ideas?
  25. G

    Plant Nutrition Plus Question

    I'm just starting to use Tropica plant nutrition + and I've got a dosing question. My tank is 240L and running about 1.1wpg with pressurised CO2. Now I've heard that too much plant nutrition plus can cause excess algae so I'm keen not to overdose and it says adjust dosage to plant uptake...
  26. G

    Cleaning Ceramic Diffuser's

    Might be a thick question, but thick bleach or normal bleach? Would it make any differance?
  27. G

    120cm Nature Aquarium

    Looks good, where is the orange skull going to fit in? ;) PS Are you back at work on Montag?
  28. G

    More Photos From The Festival

    Sorry to have missed it..... Your work colleagues didn't though, they already have the pictures, you're slabbed Farmer! :good:
  29. G

    Which Diffuser?

    Anybody else?? The tank is 240L.
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    Converting Litres To Us Gallons

  31. G

    Which Diffuser?

    Which of these diffusers should I plump for, efficiency is my main concern, although appearance is also a consideration. Are they both much of a muchness? Diffuser 1 or Diffuser 2 Cheers.
  32. G

    Converting Litres To Us Gallons

    I can't seem to remember how to convert my tank from litres to US Gallons. Anybody able to kick start my memory?
  33. G

    42" Lighting Tubes

    Is this essentially the same light as this ? Just want to order from the same place if possible.
  34. G

    Planted Tank Quiz

    I'll have you for that Farmer, when I've got my third back in November you're mine!
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    42" Lighting Tubes

    What the zoo med ultra sun one's? Yeah they only seem to do 900mm one's. Might drop him a line.
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    42" Lighting Tubes

    These aren't specifically for fish tanks then? And they can be used no problems?
  37. G

    Planted Tank Quiz

    Only 9, better get swotting up.
  38. G

    42" Lighting Tubes

    Bumpity bump. Somebody else must buy 42" tubes??
  39. G

    42" Lighting Tubes

    I'm struggling to find anywhere that stocks 42" tubes. Can anybody suggest a reliable supplier?
  40. G

    Fire Extinguisher Co2

    Hmmm yes, it's 6 months away and it seems to be doing that already.