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  1. Boxer_Gaz

    Sand As Substrate

    I posted a new thread last night in the new tank section asking a few questions. What do people think of this stocking list. It's a 32" x 12" x 16" 100 litre tank... 8 x Serpae Tetra 2 x Apistogramma (Pair) 1 x Golden Gouramis 1 x Pleco Not sure which Pleco yet, possibly Bristlenose, Queen...
  2. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks for the replies. I will post photos to show progress as I go along. I will look into the external filter route but might struggle for space and finances. Will check it out though. I was thinking about a queen arabesque or butterfly pleco, of maybe one of each. How does my stocking...
  3. Boxer_Gaz

    Sand As Substrate

    I think XD is a smiley on some computers and phones? And thanks for all the positive replies folks. Gaz
  4. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Anyone? :)
  5. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Another question I've got... I'm gonna fill my tank tomorrow and turn filter and heater on, to speed up the cycle will squeezing a dirty filter sponge from my fish pond help? I'm assuming this will be full of ammonia and help with fishless cycle? Thanks Gaz
  6. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Some of you will have seen me on here for the last few days with loads of stocking and tank size questions. I've not had an aquarium for a good few years and been dying to get one since I was forced to get rid of my last one. I've just moved in with my girlfriend and planning to get a 5x2x2...
  7. Boxer_Gaz

    Sand As Substrate

    Awesome thanks a lot :)
  8. Boxer_Gaz

    Sand As Substrate

    Is there any problem with having sand as substrate with Apistogramma, Tetras and Plecos? Thanks Gaz
  9. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    Thanks Minnt, I too recall that the Odessa barbs are much calmer than the tiger barbs. I will check out what you suggest though also. Cheers Gaz
  10. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    Thanks for the great replays folks *replies
  11. Boxer_Gaz

    Tankmates For Apisto Trio

    Okay thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
  12. Boxer_Gaz

    Tankmates For Apisto Trio

    I think she would like to breed them at some point yes. Would a little pleco and a few tetras be okay? Me and her shared a 3 foot tank when we were kids and have both loved tropical fish ever since :) Gaz
  13. Boxer_Gaz

    Tankmates For Apisto Trio

    My sister has got an empty 90 Litre tank and now ive mentioned getting another tank she wants to start hers again. She wants an Apisto Trio for sure, probably cacatuoide. 1 male and 2 female. What else could she have with 3 Apistograma in this size tank? Thanks Gaz
  14. Boxer_Gaz


    Okay thanks. Will re-consider.
  15. Boxer_Gaz


    Why how big do they get? The profiles I've read say 6"-7"?
  16. Boxer_Gaz


    Is there any reason why you couldn't have an L075 Leopard Pleco and an L260 Queen Arabesque together in a 3 foot tank? These are by far my favourites. Thanks Gaz
  17. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    Thanks Jason. How would this look then... 10 x Odessa Barb 3 x Dwarf Gourami 2 x Keyhole Cichlid (pair) 1 x Queen Arabesque Pleco
  18. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    Thanks for reply minnt. I will be honest I had just read about the higher temps for GBR and swapped them for a pair of keyholes. I have also dropped the shark due to possibly getting aggressive and territorial towards the Pleco and Cichlids as he matures. Would you add or take anything away...
  19. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    Thanks Gary. I wish I had now! Haha. I've thought about the list quite a lot. I think most of them can hold their own with each other. Non particularly aggressive. Just concerned it may be overstocked?
  20. Boxer_Gaz

    Strange Tank Size

    I've posted a couple of times and had a few ideas about stocking and tank sizes etc. Not had fish for a food few years. I was going to go all out and get a 6 footer with clown loach and big cichlids. However I think I should ease back into it gently and start with something smaller. I have...
  21. Boxer_Gaz

    Tank Size

    Thanks for the great responses. Cant wait to start setting a tank up after all these years :) Gaz
  22. Boxer_Gaz

    Tank Size

    Thanks for the quick reply. I really do want a blue acara. Wanted one for years. Any reason why to knock the parrot on the head? I don't mind dropping the parrot, it was just to add a little colour. Would 4 keyholes schoal or pair up? Thanks Gaz
  23. Boxer_Gaz

    Tank Size

    Can someone please give me a rough idea of what size tank would be required for this stocking? 6 x Cherry Barb 1 x Keyhole Cichlid 1 x Blue Acara 1 x Red Parrot 1 x Albino Shark 1 x BN Pleco And also could this selection of tankmates work? Thanks Gaz
  24. Boxer_Gaz

    Hello And Few Questions...

    6 x 2 x 2 is what I had in mind. What sort of numbers of other fish could I keep in a tank this size with say 6 clown loach? As said above I like Dwarf Cihlids and New World Cichlids, also like my plecos so would like a couple of the rarer ones. Thanks Gaz
  25. Boxer_Gaz

    Hello And Few Questions...

    Hello, I am 23 and from Staffordshire. Not had a tank for a good few years, but had them all my life before that, biggest was a 120L which housed a pair of keyhole cichlids, a pair of GB rams and a few small tetras and a couple of plecos. I am hoping to get a tank later this year and will go...