Tankmates For Apisto Trio


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2012
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My sister has got an empty 90 Litre tank and now ive mentioned getting another tank she wants to start hers again.

She wants an Apisto Trio for sure, probably cacatuoide. 1 male and 2 female.

What else could she have with 3 Apistograma in this size tank?


Is she planning to breed the apistos? If so you could go with some fast cories or some neons once the tank is established. Nice to see you have family members in the hobby. My sister wont even look at my discus tank because she said fish should not get that big. :lol:
I think she would like to breed them at some point yes.

Would a little pleco and a few tetras be okay?

Me and her shared a 3 foot tank when we were kids and have both loved tropical fish ever since :)

I think she would like to breed them at some point yes.

Would a little pleco and a few tetras be okay?

Me and her shared a 3 foot tank when we were kids and have both loved tropical fish ever since :)

I would be careful with the pleco as the are notorious with eating eggs. I always pull the plecos in my tank when my fish are breeding but i dont think there will be any problems with it as long as your apistos are vigilant.
Okay thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.

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