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    Spotted African Leaf Fish Advice

    Are these best kept in groups? Or is one on its own ok?
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    Ro, Hma

    Could you run the DI on its own? Would it produce a lot of waste?
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    Ro, Hma

    Twotankamin, I have never heard of a DI Unit. How does it work? Does it take as long as RO? How many gals per day? Does it produce as much waste? Is it easy to use? Thanks Squidward
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    Ro, Hma

    My understanding is that the kH of the water is what buffers it and affects the ph. So if you use RO and lower the volume of water containing the carbonates, the ph will surely change?
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    Mopani Vs Bogwood

    Just because a rock doesn't fizz doesn't mean it won't have any affect on your ph. It could be leaching into the water very slowly. Also, 8 hours isn't really a significant amount of time for the ph to change. In fact, the ph wouldn't change much until you do a water change and add some water...
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    Water Changes After Adding New Fish

    If your filter is fully cycled, I would just carry on with your water changes as normal.
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    Either a tackle shop or Ebay.
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    Sand Or Gravel And How Many Fish?

    I used to have sand with my Malawi Cichlids. It's better in that it doesn't let the dirt fall in the gaps and is therefore easier to hoover clean. The problem I found is that it sometimes ended up in my filter. And also, I had to be very careful when using the magnetic algae cleaners. If even 1...
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    Fake Plants

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the encouragement to keep on trying with my live plants. I don't know. Am just a bit fed up with it. Looks a bit poxy at the moment. I have read about using carbon tablets. Are they any good? Are they a suitable substitute to CO2 injection? Thanks Squidward
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    Tried Something New...instant Cycle

    Yup, once you add the "bacteria in a bottle" you need to add fish a day or so later to provide the source of ammonia to keep the bacteria in the filter going. If you don't, you will be back at square one and may as well not have bothered.
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    Ro, Hma

    Yup, I think for every liter of RO you produce, about 6-7 liters will be waste. I suppose you could have the RO water going straight to the tank, but I am not sure how it would work. The RO filter works really slowly. They are usually rated at about 50 gals/day. And that's at optimum water...
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    Ro, Hma

    No, you plumb the RO filter directly into the mains. The process is quite intensive, and you only get a small percentage out of what goes into the filter, the rest is expelled as waste. The pure water is pumped from the RO filter into a water butt/plastic container. You then add either...
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    Fake Plants

    Thanks, I will look out for these.
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    Where Should I Get My Discus From?

    Most Discus keepers "age" the water in a plastic container first. After 24 hours of being in the container with an airstone and heater, it should be stable enough to be put in the Discus tank. Well it depends on what you want to achieve. It sounds like you want a nice show tank. So you could...
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    Ro, Hma

    A HMA filter will take out some of the organics, heavy metals and chlorine and choramine out of your water. But it will not affect the hardness or ph as it doesn't take out the dissolved carbonates. A RO unit will take out everything that a HMA does, as well as filtering out the dissolved...
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    Fake Plants

    Hi All, Well when I set up my tank a few months ago, I wanted a low tech setup with "bomb proof" easy plants. No CO2 or nutrient substrate but just some easy to grow hardy plants. Well a few months later I am not happy with the way it looks. The plants are tatty, poor growth and full of...
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    Discus Food

    I have fed Salmon to my fish (offcuts from Mrs S cooking). They all went mad for it, especially my Angels.
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    Yellow Labs

    Yup, yellow labs are Malawi Cichlids. They would be ok in an Mbuna set up. Have a look at photos of these in books or on the net and see what you like. Although it is often said that they are peacefull, this is all relative. Mbuna are aggressive. I had yellow labs with some of the more...
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    Where Should I Get My Discus From?

    There are numerous good suppliers. I wouldn't get them from a lfs, but rather a specialist breeder. The 2 options that come to mind depending on your water conditions are: If you intend using your tap water, then I would go for German bred Discus from Mark Evanden/Deveotedly Discus. These...
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    Sulawesi Tylo Snails

    Hi, How quickly do these breed? Are they likely to take over your tank?
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    Your Ultimate Fish

    Me too. I would love a Discus tank, but am afraid of the ££ and the thought of making mistakes.
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    Top Dwellers?

    I have Hatchet fish in my tank, and there is a small gap where the filter pipes enter the tank. Never had a problem. Also you could try some Halfbeaks.
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    Mousetail Knife Fish?

    Neale, Is one able to keep small groups (say of 3) of African Brown Knives together? Or are they like BGK and best kept individually?
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    My New Hoplo Catfish

    Hoplos are great catfish. I had 2 that were out and about all the time. One died for reasons unknown. Now the surviving one hides all the time and I hardly ever see it.
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    Please Help

    Oh, sorry, must have missed that. Good luck with your new set up.
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    Importers Or Suppliers

    Mal Rimmer on Aquarists Classified might be able to help you.
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    Dwarf Puffer

    Hi Neale, Thanks for confirming. I also thought that dp were fresh. I am not certain that they were labeled correctly, so I decided to leave them.
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    Please Help

    You also don't say what you have been feeding the Bichir. You say you have had it for a month. But if you haven't been feeding it the appropriate food (bloodworms, shrimp etc), it's probably starving, and in desperation attacking your other fish.
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    Is There Such A Thing As Too Big

    I wouldn't hesitate......the 6ft. Can you imagine the stocking options you would have.... :drool:
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    Catfish Id?

    I had 2 Pims in my 4ft tank. They were ok, but at times were very active, especially at feeding time. And some of my more docile fish didn't like them. So I got rid of them in the end. Glass Cats are very nice. I have a group of 5 in my community and they are doing very well.
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    Catfish And Shrimp

    I think the Bumblee Cats get to 5/6 inches depending on species. The shrimps will definately be at risk as the Cats grow.
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    Dwarf Puffer

    Hi All, My LFS has some dwarf puffers labeled Carinotetraodon travancoricus. (Please excuse spelling if I took it down wrong). At the LFS, they are kept in brackish water. But I thought they were fresh? Can anyone confirm what the correct water conditions for these puffers are. Thanks Squidward
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    Is This An Oto Or A Cae?

    Definately a CAE
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    What Oddball Can Go In A 4Ft Tank?

    How about a few Reed fish?
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    Pearl Gourami Gasping For Air

    Perfectly normal. Nothing to worry about, as has been explained above.
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    Changing Rock In Freshwater Tank

    I don't think you need to empty the tank completely. Switch off the electrics. (Just in case the water level falls too much when you take the old rocks out). Take the old rocks out. And then put the new in.
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    Anything Ive Forgot

    I would definately try and get some of the filter media from the other tank. It will really speed things up.
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    Vals Always Die On Me

    I have also found that Vallis doesn't like water flow. I have 2 plants, one near the filter outlet, and another on the opposite side of the tank. The one near the filter outlet is looking really ragged and tatty. The 2nd one looks much healthier.
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    Best Uk Public Aquarium?

    I have been to the London & Bournemouth Aquariums. London Aquarium was a good few years ago. Not sure if they still have them, but there were Rays that you are allowed to touch and stroke. There were also some decent sized sharks. B'mouth Aquarium was ok. Not as good as London though.