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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JxsPxxle

    Betta fins look weird

    Is he showing aggression to the other fish? They may be stressing him out as some bettas are not suitable to be kept with platys or other fish.
  2. JxsPxxle

    Does anyone have any knowledge on non-aquatic invertebrates?

    I’m the UK there aren’t many interesting bugs.
  3. JxsPxxle

    Paludarium ideas

    If you use mangroves.
  4. JxsPxxle

    Does anyone have any knowledge on non-aquatic invertebrates?

    I’m thinking a praying mantis still.... but also a frog tank sounds great. I could create a fair amount of fruit fly colonies and use them as food for everything, even my fish. Same in my house, my sister and my parents are completely against spiders, and scorpions. I’m going to purchase some...
  5. JxsPxxle

    Does anyone have any knowledge on non-aquatic invertebrates?

    I thought of these, but with me going off to college and university in the upcoming years it wouldn’t be wise to make a commitment to a gecko or a reptile of any kind. Maybe a dart frog tank could work. I could grow plants indoors, but last time my insects were eating them too fast for me to...
  6. JxsPxxle

    Bored already with fish. Is that normal?

    I wouldn’t advise neocaridina species but ghost shrimp may be good.
  7. JxsPxxle

    Bored already with fish. Is that normal?

    Oh good, just ask him to change the tank around and get some new plants to make it more interesting maybe? You could add some shrimp, or a snail.
  8. JxsPxxle

    Does anyone have any knowledge on non-aquatic invertebrates?

    I have decided that I’m going to get a species of invertebrate. The plan is to create my own wingless fruit fly culture/s and purchase a praying mantis to begin with. However, many more bugs have took my interest such as: vinegaroons, spiders, scorpions, millipedes and beetles. I used to have...
  9. JxsPxxle

    Bored already with fish. Is that normal?

    I feed my hobby by getting more tanks and more plants. I never get bored of it, but if you are try rearranging your tank, or adding some new things to change it up a little bit. But if you find yourself not giving the fish proper care the best thing to do is move them on to someone who is...
  10. JxsPxxle

    Paludarium ideas

    It could work. I’ve seen something similar on youtube, a huge paludarium complete with birds, fish and frogs!
  11. JxsPxxle

    Fish died within 24 hrs but not in a different tank??

    We need to know your water parameters. First of all, these fish are not suitable for a tank this size and tiger barbs need larger groups, so do tetras. This is however, not the main issue. It is likely that adding lots of fish to a small tank like this have caused ammonia spikes as I doubt your...
  12. JxsPxxle

    Paludarium ideas

    You could try vampire crabs in a paludarium. They are so amazing and there are so many creatures which can co-exist in them. Here are some critter ideas for the land section: Crabs, Ants, Mantis, Millipede, Isopods, Frogs, Newts, Salamanders and maybe some species of reptile. Just make sure all...
  13. JxsPxxle

    My tanks

    Looking good
  14. JxsPxxle

    PLEASE HELP! Multiple mistakes made, but I’m learning.

    Can I just add the gallon per inch of fish is completely out dated and should not be used! When following this rule it would mean you could have a 10 inch fish in a 10 gallon tank which is just ridiculous!
  15. JxsPxxle

    Wilting, why?

    Well, a plant will wilt when it does not have enough water. But there are other reasons such as too much heat, not enough heat, too much water and not enough light.
  16. JxsPxxle

    160 litre / 42 gallon tank ideas

    Tetradon Leiurus could be a good idea. It is a puffer which will grow to 6 inches and can live solo, or in a pair in your tank.
  17. JxsPxxle

    My beautiful aquarium management

    It may seem this way for now, but they could suddenly turn on the goldies. This tank is far too small for the sharks and you need to get them back to the place you bought them from, or to someone with a tank of 1000 gallons at least.
  18. JxsPxxle

    Ammonia is not going down

    You should try gravel cleaning your tank everyday. Keep up the water changes, but do 75% every day and gravel clean your tank thoroughly as kicking up a lot of waste from the substrate can cause a spike in ammonia.
  19. JxsPxxle

    Which snails is good for betta tank

    I have a red spotted nerite snail in with my betta fish and it does great! It looks nice and there is no worry of a population explosion as they only reproduce in salt water.
  20. JxsPxxle

    My beautiful aquarium management

    There are several issues with this tank. The Iridescent sharks can and will grow up to 4 feet if kept in the correct environment. They need a huge tank and I would strongly advise you return them as keeping them in a tank this small will stunt their growth, and they will show aggression towards...
  21. JxsPxxle

    Stocking 65l aquarium

    Your water is quite soft/ medium. Dwarf gouramis will be fine in this water, but they are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in pH and GH. Make sure you acclimate your fish well to your water (I suggest drip acclimating if possible). Use this link if you are unsure-
  22. JxsPxxle

    Stocking 65l aquarium

    First of all we need to know your water parameters, if it is running fine then we just need to know your GH (general hardness).
  23. JxsPxxle

    New Aquagarden Mini Pond Kit from Aquascape!

    I have a huge garden, and I would love to get a pond but I just cannot see myself going out every day to break the ice in the winter! It gets pretty cold here and it is hard enough seeing to chickens every morning!
  24. JxsPxxle

    Where is everyone from?

    Oh haha did not expect that.
  25. JxsPxxle

    Pygmy Corydoras tail issue.

    I would recommend you get another 6 to make a group of 10.
  26. JxsPxxle

    Where is everyone from?

    Just curious to know where people are from. I, myself are from Teesside in the UK but I know we have some people from Thailand and the USA right? (I didn’t know where to put this)
  27. JxsPxxle

    Pygmy Corydoras tail issue.

    Just do regular water changes, test your water once every couple of weeks and gravel clean your tank at least once a week and the tail should grow back by itself without any chemicals. May I ask, how many corys do you have?
  28. JxsPxxle

    Ramshorn snails

    I don’t think they would bother with your plants, unless there are dying or decaying leaves then these ill be eaten. Rams will EXPLODE in population though so make sure you keep on top of how many there are.
  29. JxsPxxle

    Feeding my Dwarf Puffer

    I concur with @Colin_T , these puffers are actually the only species which have no issues with their teeth growing to much. Although snails are their main food source in the wild, they are technically not necessary for dwarf puffers. However, it is recommended and they do enjoy them by the looks...
  30. JxsPxxle

    Nerite Snails

    Setting up a small, fully saltwater tank will prove a difficult task and is very expensive.
  31. JxsPxxle

    Opinions on Flowerhorn cichlids

    Oh, maybe I will rethink.
  32. JxsPxxle

    Help with my Corydora catfish!

    Now that this problem has been addressed, you have a stocking issue. Corys should be in group of 6-8 at a minimum but 10 is ideal. A group is three is not really enough, but you could fit 6-8 dwarf corydoras in your tank if it is a breeder.
  33. JxsPxxle

    Hello, I'm Zen.

    You could purchase a large piece of acrylic. Then you could cut it with a PLASTIC saw not a metal one if you wanted to cut it in half, or if you want holes in the middle you could use a diamond hole cutter. I didn’t have one of these but luckily one of my dads mates is a joiner so he hooked me...
  34. JxsPxxle

    Nerite Snails

    Nerite snails can thrive in both freshwater, and saltwater but will only reproduce in saltwater.
  35. JxsPxxle

    Opinions on Flowerhorn cichlids

    I haven’t purchased a tank yet so i’m open to options, i’m thinking a 40 gallon breeder as this is what I had before.
  36. JxsPxxle

    Opinions on Flowerhorn cichlids

    I went to my lfs today and I saw a 10 inch Flowerhorn cichlid. It was so interactive and it seemed like a great fish to keep. I am aware they need to be in a tank alone and decor needs to be kept to a minimum, but does anyone have any experience with these fish? After seeing it today I really...
  37. JxsPxxle

    Do shrimp kill snails?

    Having lots of empty snail shells lying around your tank can lead to ammonia spikes so I suggest you remove them if you can.
  38. JxsPxxle

    What fish would be compatible with my molly & catfish?

    First of all we need to know your water parameters. Mollys are live bearers which should be kept in hard water. Some fish are not as tolerant as corys and have specific water quality needs. As mentioned already, corys need to be in a larger group, of 6-8 at a minimum, but preferably 10. So...
  39. JxsPxxle

    Male & Female BN Pleco

    When I was much younger and I didn’t know what I was doing with fish, I had a male and a female BN (without even knowing) which went on to breed multiple times. My tank was overflowing with BN babies, personally I think they are very easy to breed. I never noticed them fighting, but they are...
  40. JxsPxxle

    RIP, Popeye

    Rest in peace :(