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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K


    Thanks for your advice I have a 500 litre tank with 4 15 year old clown loaches who are very contented. How do you think the 2 yo-yo loaches would go in there? Otherwise should I buy a few more yo-yo and add them to the pair living on their own ? Will 3 more yo-yos get attacked by the older2?
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    Angel fish apparently peaceful kill each other Gouramis as above
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    What’s in your tank?
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    I think it’s about 150 litre my 2 yo-yos are about inch and a half I keep reading so much crap about this or that fish shouldn’t be aggressive . I’ve had tanks for 15 years. Most Fish are agressive
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    Hello fellow fish keepers I recently bought 3 yo-yo loaches to tackle a snail problem in my tank. Snails have probably gone down by 2/3 which I’m happy with. I had a few cardinal tetras left after a storm left us powerless for 3 days. The addition of the yo-yo loaches decimated the remaining...
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    Clown loaches unhappy

    How many loaches do you have?
  8. K

    Clown loaches unhappy

    Ye I have heaps of cover. I would like to see them occasionally. I had gouramis in my tank and I had to remove them because they would crowd my loaches like they were herding them. The loaches developed these spots on their underside which worried me. They seemed stressed I removed the gouramis...
  9. K

    Clown loaches unhappy

    Around 600 litres
  10. K

    Clown loaches unhappy

    I have 4 clown loaches . They are 14 years of age. They are in a very large tank. I have tried putting other fish in the tank but they appear intimidated. Right now they are off their food. This has happened before . They seem to follow an alpha female everywhere and crowd into a large tube and...
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    Fire and fish tanks

    I’m just curious about what people do when they have to evacuate during a bush fire. I doubt taking fish with me is viable. Does power get cut off during these times? If I do leave do I switch off tanks ? Leave them without operating filters?
  12. K

    Clown loaches breeding?

    What is greying out?
  13. K

    Clown loaches breeding?

    Thanks Byron I’m discerning male and female by size and colouration. The males are brighter and bigger , the female stripping is less vibrant. .....that’s what I thought anyway. These fish have always been together which is why I’m puzzled. Right now there are 2 in each tube
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  15. K

    Clown loaches breeding?

    hi everyone Over the past month I’ve seen a total personality change in my 4 loaches ( water parameters are fine). I have 2 houses ( round cut off pipe things) that they love. I have 3 males and a female. They would be around 12 maybe 14 years old. They don’t seem to be eating but r still fat...
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    Angel fish

    I have 2 angel fish in a 215 litre tank. They get along quite well other than the odd poke . Just wondering what kind of companions would be suitable. They appear quite happy on their own
  17. K

    Dwarf chain loach

    I have a 215 litre tank which has no fish but snails as well. I can transfer the Angel fish to it . Should I buy 4 to 5 loaches for each tank?
  18. K

    Dwarf chain loach

    hi fish lovers I have a snail problem. I'm thinking of buying 3 chain loaches. Are they compatible with 2 Angel fish and 12 cardinal tetras I have in my Aqua style 620 tank? That's a 90 litre tank Thankyou
  19. K

    Cloudy tank

    Hi all I have been rinsing my filter pads twice a week . Tank is clear
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    Cloudy tank

    I fill tank to near full with power off. I turn on and I watch the water sink a couple of inches below the line . I then continue to fill until it reaches the line
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    Cloudy tank

    I think I might see if there is a blockage tomorrow
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    Cloudy tank

    Why would the water flow be uneven? I mean that's pretty pathetic
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    Cloudy tank

    This is what I have been told. Tank was installed with a page of instructions. Fill tank until u see the water go up to the black line on the side of the tank
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    Cloudy tank

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    Cloudy tank

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  30. K

    Cloudy tank

    Thank you I will follow your advice. I have included photos of the filter pads. I'm cleaning the tank in the morning. You will notice one is saturated the other isn't. I'm not sure if this is part of the problem
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    Most Intelligent Species In the Hobby

    I can only talk about my own fish but I had a few flame tetras which eventually passed away. The last one was quite entertaining and was the smallest fish in the tank but he was in charge. He also used to enjoy the hose in the tank and would almost play in front of it when the water came out...
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    Cloudy tank

    I also have this wiz bang useless contraption which is an extra filter.
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    Cloudy tank

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    Cloudy tank

    It's about 9pm in Australia and I've taken this photo of the tank. You can probably see it is reasonably clear. This is the maddening part. It goes cloudy can last for days then it clears. It is however mostly cloudy. This morning I could not see the fish in it. I've taken a photo of the filter...
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    Cloudy tank

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  39. K

    Cloudy tank

    I do a water change once a week . Filer pads are changed regularly. Admittedly I don't gravel clean as much as I could cos there's rocks in the aquarium. Substrate is covered with rocks, gravel and earth. I paid a truckload for this tank and have had nothing but trouble. It's an akva stabil. Has...