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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Derekshatch

    Dwarf gourami disease DGD what can you do!!!

    Some fish are hardy and can survive in poor water quality but gourmis can not and that is why he has the disease. For example my platys were in a tank that had an ammonia spike that was bad and none of my fish died.
  2. Derekshatch

    Dwarf gourami disease DGD what can you do!!!

    They probably got that disease from poor water quality. That is why everyone is asking what your parameters are!!!
  3. Derekshatch

    Dwarf gourami disease DGD what can you do!!!

    I did not know that grouramis get that disease I have had 3 and none of them have had any problems. I have a powder blue they are amazing.
  4. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    Do you think that I could put two females in the seperate tank because I want to have alot of shrimp?
  5. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    I have one female that has green looking ones and a female that has clear eggs which one should I seperate./which one has a greater chance of being fertilized and laying eggs.
  6. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    I think that I am going to put the female shrimp in a seperate tank so that the babys survive. Does the ghost shrimp in the picture have fertilized eggs?
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  8. Derekshatch

    Tailless guppies

    Could another fish have bit the tail off of the fry because that happened in my pond with my platies but there tailes are growing back and are healthy. I shouldent have put them in the pond when they were realley small.
  9. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    I only have one nerite snail so I dont think that the eggs on the glass is one.
  10. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    I am just going to let nature take its course there is alot of moss my tanks and one has survived before so more will probably survive. Thank you for the info tho.
  11. Derekshatch

    New fish!!!!(picture)

    I always wanted those type of gouramis but I havent seen them at my LFS so I just stick my with my blue gourami. Your gouramis are so amazing I love the colors.
  12. Derekshatch

    Is this Guppy fat or pregnant? How long till birth?

    I have seperated mine in a breeder net but I am realley good at it so as soon as I put her in there minutes later she pops them out. It is all about timing because if you put her in there too early it could kill her. Bit I got like 50 when I bred my platys so I would suggest not using one...
  13. Derekshatch

    Aggressive zebra danio's

    Mine were very nippy at first but they calmed down after a couple of months and when some of them pick on one Zb danio too much that one hides until it recovers but I have had no problems just let them settle in I have 6 and they do amazing and even breed every day.
  14. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    Is this an egg from my ghost shrimp? One female has white eggs under her and the other has green. Why are they different?
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  16. Derekshatch

    Can ghost shrimp breed in freshwater

    I think that I see a baby ghost shrimp but I thought that they were like amano shrimp and needed brackish to lay eggs. But my female ghost shrimp has eggs will they hatch in freshwater?
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  19. Derekshatch

    Baby danio!!!

    The bottom picture is a baby danio that survived and it is so beautifull I love breeding them.
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  22. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    The male doesent get as big as the females and he is the only one that dident have fungus so im just going to try it.
  23. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    What about just having the male in the 10
  24. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    Ya they are in a 10 gallon for the moment but should I remove a female and put it into my outside pond so that they are not as confined.
  25. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    Can fish die from fungus? Any other tips beside salt.
  26. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    On my aquarium salt is says one tbs per 5 gal. Should I add 2 tbs or stick to what the directions say.
  27. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    I have only livebearers will the high dose kill hotnwort or java moss or will it grow back?
  28. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    Should I treat the whole tank even though not all of them have fungus. Or should I seperate the ones that dont have it.
  29. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    Does ich x help get rid of it. And should I seperate the ones that dont have it. Contagious?
  30. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    They are fighting alot because I put them in recently could they do that much damage to each other.
  31. Derekshatch

    Is this ick

    Is ick that big it is on one of the other females two.
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  33. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    No I think that females dont give birth to many males because I saw a video of a guy catching some and he got like 2 males and 100 females. Also I have caught like 6 females and only 1 male.
  34. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Ya the san antonio river has mollies I have seen vids of them. I might try crossbreeding but I want to see how the fry look first.
  35. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Least killifish but I havent caught any yet because I just found out that they live here but I am going to try and find some.
  36. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Because of the corona virus I cant go to the river near my house anymore untill it goes away. But there are alot of species of gambusia and there are also amazon mollies were I live and also killisfish live here. But I dont have a gopro but next time I go I will send pictures of the wildilfe and...
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  38. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Ya they are a non game fish so as long as they are not threatened or endangered which they arent there is not laws on keeping them. But they are already starting to eat flakes off the top. I might have to remove the big female because she is picking on the smaller ones. Also you are able to keep...
  39. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Im sure you can buy some from a site online they are giant green or blue sail fin mollies. Ya they stock trout in texas I love to catch them in the winter.
  40. Derekshatch

    I caught wild sailfin mollies

    Sorry guys I cant ship any fish my parents wont let me, but I will post pictures if they give birth or you can just come to the south to catch them yourself.