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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    105litre stocking (28 us gallons)

    Hi! I think that adding 2 corys would be okay, because you have quite a large floor area. I'm not sure about the neon tetra though, maybe someone else will give more advice. :)

    Fluval timer suggestions

    Oh, I see now, the photo opened, nice tank! :)

    Fluval timer suggestions

    Hi, I don't use one myself but here is one that is from a good company. Interpret LED Auto Timer What do you have in you tank? :)

    Getting new Tetras or Harlequin Rasboras soon!!

    Hi, that sounds great! I really like harlequin rasboras, they are so beautiful :)

    How would you stock this?

    Hi, It looks so nice! You could make it into a cichlid tank - they are bright and beautiful, however they can be territorial. Here are some more ideas: 20g stocking ideas 15-20g stocking ideas Hope this helps :)

    Poorly pearl gourami, any suggestions welcome

    Hi. That's good. If you didn't feed frozen food then I would say it could be because of that, but it is clearly not. I'm not sure, sorry. You could show the video at your LFS and/or buy some treatment. Hopefully your fish gets better. :)

    Fundulopanchax Gardneri

    Hi, Nice tank! The fish are also beautiful. :)

    Poorly pearl gourami, any suggestions welcome

    Hi, I'm not an expert, just a beginner but this is from what I learnt so far. I don't see any visible bumps/growths outside, so I doubt it would be Dropsy, Fin/Tail/Mouth Rot, Fungus, External Parasites, Slime disease, or Ulcers. If I had to guess then I would say it may have swim bladder...

    Dried Krill from Asian love it.

    Thanks, I didn't know this....maybe I will try it out! :)

    My twins 10 gal planted tank.

    Hi, That looks so nice! I like the java fern, it really adds a nice green to the tank. :)

    Tank update!

    Hi, I'm not sure but your tank looks great! Monte carlo plant care More monte carlo care I'm not sure, but there may be something that will help you in these links :)

    Advice on my new tank

    Hi! Welcome to the forum. :hi: I am also just a beginner so I can't really give you any "expert" advice, just the advice I have also been given. As long as the male betta isn't aggressive, I think he will be fine with the rasboras and corydoras, I know you did some research, but in case he...

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Thank you, the website is so helpful! :) From the website... Temperature: Its natural waters lie in a humid, subtropical region where air temperatures rarely drop below 60°F/15.5°C and may be much higher in summer. For general care 16 – 24 °C is therefore recommended but it can withstand...

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    I'm not planning to look for anything... I trust the people on this forum and I believe that you are right of course! I looked at the links myself :fish: I'm not going to get the bumblebee catfish, its too big, much bigger than the platies and shrimp. I talked to another experienced fish keeper...

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I have 5 plants - a coco cave (hideout with anubias), Java fern, Java Moss, Vallisneria, and another plant that I can't remember the name of... Yes, I will probably wait some more time just to be sure, I'll be doing regular water tests. :)

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Hi, water hardness is way too high...its 180ppm (mg/L), platies need 120........ My KH is 120ppm, which is fine (I think). My pH is 7.0 - 7.5. Nitrite (NO2) - is 0 Nitrate(N03) - Was 40/80....not sure why it is that high? Is it bad.... I've had the aquarium running for only 3 days but...

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    The fish keeper at the aquatic center told me it was okay...I also asked him, because out of my research the temperature didn't match the other fish'd temperature... I'm going to another aquatic store today and will talk to some other people......Thanks for the info :)

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Yes, I have, hours and hours of research and talking to people :) I will do a few water tests before putting them in though, and will monitor the water all the time.

    Good day

    Hi! Welcome to the forum! :hi:

    How many discus in 250 litre tank?

    Hi, I also always hear different things about these kind of questions... I've never had discus fish, but from what I've read I think 5 or 6 is a good number. I think it really matters of their many cm are they? :)

    How to introduce new fish to new aquarium?

    Hi, I have a new aquarium and I'm planning to get various fish. (Aquarium is cycled, and planted already). Eg; some platies, a bumble bee catfish, albino ancistrus and butterfly pleco. Some people say to gradually put them in the tank.... Eg; the platies first, wait a week, then put in the...

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Thank you. At the moment I only have one plant - a mini coco cave... I'm going to the shop today to get some Java Moss, Dwarf Baby Tears, Amazon Sword Java fern and maybe Anubias. However that may be a bit too many plants, but that is what I am choosing from :)

    Please tell me if you think I should not get a particular kind of shrimp/fish. :) I plan to get...

    Please tell me if you think I should not get a particular kind of shrimp/fish. :) I plan to get around 2 cory catfish, around 3 or 4 neon tetras and 4 or 5 platys. I've read that they may be a bit crowded in a 10 gal tank...but other people say that they will do just fine. What do you think...

    I'm hoping to add 1 or 2 cherry shrimp and 1 or 2 ghost shrimps, maybe a bumblebee shrimp but I...

    I'm hoping to add 1 or 2 cherry shrimp and 1 or 2 ghost shrimps, maybe a bumblebee shrimp but I need to do more research on them - eg. what temperature they need. I've read up on all these fish snails and shrimp and I think they are all fine together, but I would just like to check with someone...

    Hi. Not sure if this is the right place to ask a question but I think you are pretty...

    Hi. Not sure if this is the right place to ask a question but I think you are pretty knowledgeable about shrimps so... I got a tank just under 10gal with a heater. I've started to cycle it, and after I do I want to begin to add fish, snails and shrimp. The fish I'm probably having in my tank...

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Oh wow, that's great, thanks! I have both live plants, and the tetra safe start bacteria liquid, I just set up my tank and even though it took some time, (its almost midnight), it looks so nice! I'll be adding some more plants tomorrow and then some fish after tomorrow - I'm thinking of getting...

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Hi! I have just gotten a new 40l (9 gal) fish tank. i am a bit confused about this whole cycling thing.....some say to just pour in dechlorinated water and special 'good bacteria' mix, test the water, run the tank for 24hours, and its fine to put the fish in.... However the post on this forum...

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    Hi! Not sure if anyone is still interested but today I got a tank! So so happy! It is a 40l tank (almost 9 gal) with a heater and filter. I was wondering if anyone could help me to take me through the steps on how to cycle and clean the aquarium properly, I will start a new thread if people want...

    Could my green terror be pregant

    Hi, Yes, maybe, but they could just be getting used to their habitat.(maybe not if you got them a while ago).

    white fuzzies on my plants

    I think she attached a picture. :)

    white fuzzies on my plants

    Hi, I would say it's a fungus from overfeeding but since you have cut back on food I don't know... You could try to do a bit more water changes and check for at least a small current in your tank... To be honest i'm not sure what else to do. :)

    Cherry shrimp and nerite snails wanted

    Hi, I myself do not have any but here are some links. (UK) Nerite Snails (Ebay) Cherry shrimp (ebay) Cherry Shrimp (Pets4homes) I think most sellers will let you buy however many you want. :)

    Has anyone treated Cyanobacteria with salicylic acid?

    Hi, I've never tried it... There are many other methods that you can use. This link may help. Treatments :)

    My tap water comes out at 8.4-8.8 pH

    Hi, I'm not an expert so I don't know.... I'm not exactly sure, but I think that it can cause a lot of stress and even death sometimes... If you're using tap water, make sure to use water conditioner (you probably do already). I've never tried this but apparently if you add driftwood to your...

    New Member and Guppy Concerns

    Hi! Welcome to the forum! :hi: If they would have been behaving like this from the beginning, I would say that they are just getting used to their surroundings, however at the start everything was fine. This is also very strange because guppies are schooling fish (I think) and the behaviour...

    Hygger Submersible Digital Aquarium Heater

    That's good, this is very helpful for those who are looking for a heater, thanks! :)

    Best affordable soil?

    Hi! I'm not a pro at plants and soils, but I'll insert some links, I hope this helps... Best substrates for planted tanks Best planted tanks substrates :fish: :)

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    :lol: Yes, I think you are right...