white fuzzies on my plants

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New Member
May 23, 2020
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evergreen, colorado
Hey so, have a newish tank(3weeks)... No ammonia or nitrate, very very little nitrite. Cycling with a few fish. This week I noticed that some white fuzzy stuff is now growing on all my artificial plants and my 3 live plants. i'm not sure what to make of this and should I be treating it with anything or leaving it be. Is it algae or something else? I've cut feedings 1.5weeks ago to 1x a day


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I would say it's a fungus from overfeeding but since you have cut back on food I don't know...
You could try to do a bit more water changes and check for at least a small current in your tank...
To be honest i'm not sure what else to do.
From the photo I would suggest it is black brush algae. It has a grey tone, which this algae frequently does, though it can also be black, dark brown, and red (it is botanically a red algae). This is very minimal so nothing is likely needed now but you don't want it spreading on plants. It is caused by light and nutrients. If the plants are doing well, you could try reducing the photoperiod by an hour. Or perhaps more, depending what it is now. Having the tanklight on a timer so it is consistent each day helps (fish and plants and discouraging algae).

Re the cycling, did you really mean nitrite is little, or nitrate? If nitrite is above zero, do a 60-70% water change each day until ity reads zero consistently. You have fish in this tank and this is dangerous.
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