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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    External filters for 240litre tank

    Just your normal community tank and it will be planted, but I wouldn’t say heavily plants
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    External filters for 240litre tank

    Hi, So I have brought a second hand 240 litre tank that came with a eheim pro 2 250T. I believe the specs for this are: for aquariums from 120-250 litres and 950l/h. Is this filter going to handle this size tank? Im thinking its not? Any help is appreciated
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    Stocking ideas

    Yeah I do like the WCMM but my tank is too hot for them I believe
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    Stocking ideas

    Roughly: 78cm Length 35cm depth 42cm high
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    Stocking ideas

    Hi, I just wanted some future stocking ideas for my tank, what would you guys do with it? So I have a 120 L tank which is about 31 us gallons i think. With very hard water (350 ppm), a 1200l/h filter and floating plants. I currently have 3 male guppies, 3 male platies, 8 cherry barbs...
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    Empire Gudgeon

    Okay thank you for the help guys, wasn’t 100% sure if they were suitable. Thank you for the feedback
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    Empire Gudgeon

    Hi, so I have a 120 L tank which I think is about 31 US gallons I was wondering if Empire Gudgeons would be suitable. If so are they better alone or in groups as I don’t think I have the space for a group. I have very hard water (350 ppm) I currently have 3 male guppies, 3 male platies, 9...
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    30 gallon stocking

    Yeah I don’t really have the room for a school of rainbows either
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    30 gallon stocking

    I don’t necessarily want cichlids. Just a nice centre piece for hard water if I have the space
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    30 gallon stocking

    What about a cockatoo dwarf cichlid ? Or do they need soft water
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    30 gallon stocking

    Just looked, i believe they need soft water
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    30 gallon stocking

    Would cichlids be okay with my current stock ?
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    30 gallon stocking

    Hi, so I have a 120 L tank about 31 us gallons i believe I have very hard water (350 ppm) I currently have 3 male guppies, 3 male platies, 9 cherry barbs (seriously fish says they can go up to that hardness) and 6 peppered cories (didn’t know they where soft water fish at the time of purchasing...
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    Male or female platy

    Ah okay thank you, it is quite a bit smaller than the others
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    Male or female platy

    Hi, I just brought some platies. I asked for all males, however since bringing them home I have a feeling one is female. Can anyone help? (It’s gills also looks really red is this a cause for concern) Thank you
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  17. F

    Stocking suggestions

    Okay thank you
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    Stocking suggestions

    Yeah that will probably be better Thank you
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    Stocking suggestions

    I would love to add platies however I don’t want the fry and also I dont want 3 males fighting
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    Stocking suggestions

    Yh I am happy with a single Pearl gourami. And do you mean add 5 more cherry barbs or 5 golden barbs ?
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    Stocking suggestions

    Hi, so I have a 120 L tank about 31 us gallons i believe. I have very hard water (350 ppm) I currently have 3 male guppies, 5 cherry barbs (seriously fish says they can go up to that hardness) and 3 peppered cories (didn’t know they where soft water fish at the time of purchasing but I’ve had...
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    High ammonia

    No my water source doesn’t contain ammonia because before I upgraded my 64 litre didn’t have problems with ammonia. Yeah I treat all new water that goes it into the tank. Never had a problem until I upgraded the tank
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    High ammonia

    No I don’t have any, do you have any recommendations of floating ones that are easy to care for as I have never had live plants
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    High ammonia

    My nitrates levels from the tap are just about under 20ppm so I struggle to keep it low but for the ammonia I will continue water changes and yeah I also treat the water before putting it in
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    High ammonia

    Yeah I have stopped feeding and 3 guppies, 5 cherry barbs and 3 cories PH don’t know at the moment Water hardness 300ppm
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    High ammonia

    Hi I have just recently upgraded my tank from a 64 l to a 120l. This tank has been up about 4 days now and I’m using the same filter and same sand from the old tank. have been checking the water parameters and ammonia is 0.25-0.5, nitrites is 0 and nitrates is 40. Any idea how I can get the...
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    Okay thank you
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    3 cories, 3 guppies and 5 cherry barbs
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    The cories I was unaware about when I brought them but I did research on the cherry barbs and seriously fishy which i see is recommend on here a lot says cherry barbs can live in water between 36-357ppm
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    I currently have a 120l aquarium currently stocked with male guppies, peppered corys and cherry barbs. I have hard water at around 300ppm and was looking at the possibility of getting plecos. Maybe clown plecos or gold spot dwarf plecos as I know these stay small. Would one of these be okay ...
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    Neon dwarf rainbowfish

    Okay thank you, My water is above 200pm so that’s fine, that’s why I’m looking at rainbows. I was also thinking 2 male 4 females. If not neon dwarfs I’m thinking of blue eye fork tails
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    Neon dwarf rainbowfish

    Hi, I am looking at upgrading my current tank to a 120l 78cm long tank and will have a 600l/h filter From my current tank 6 cherry barbs, 3 male guppies and 3 peppered corys will be going in. However I am looking at adding about 6 neon dwarf rainbow fish and a few more corys to up their...
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    Filter turn over rate

    I currently have a 64 litre tank with a 600l/h all pound solutions filter. I am looking at upgrading my tank to a 120l and the filter company states that the filter is suitable up to 110l, however if I put my 600l/h filter into the 120l tank it will have a turn over rate of x5. Do you think my...
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    That what I thought
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    Hi, I have a 64 litre (60x32x37 cm) Hard water tank with: 1 male guppy, 3 peppered Corys and 6 cherry barbs does this stocking sound okay. Could I get more of the fish I already have. I don’t want any different species, i just don’t know if I have room to add more of what I’ve got. Thank you
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    Corydoras and API melafix ?

    As stated above I don’t know them as of right now as I’ve ran out of test kit. I have ordered some. However when I last did them the values weren’t of any concern.
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    Corydoras and API melafix ?

    I will do some more changes, at the minute I do 25% weekly so I’ll do a few more a week to keep the water clean. Also I don’t know my exact parameters as of right now as I’ve ran out of the test kit and just ordered a new one. However the last time i checked like 2 weeks ago it wasn’t of any...
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    Corydoras and API melafix ?

    Hi, I have noticed one of the peppered Corys has some sort of wound on its tail. I am not sure if it has cut it on something in the tank or has been bitten. Either way, I left it a few days to see if it got better by it self but hasn’t. Is API Melafix, that treats damaged fins, okay for peppered...
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    Cherry barbs or flame tetra

    Okay great! Thank you so much
  40. F

    Cherry barbs or flame tetra

    Oh that’s weird. Because on the back of my the tank it says 64 litre and those dimensions. I use litres as I from the U.K. and I never know if I should use US gallons or imperial when talking about fish. Thank you for the help