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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    Very good idea there Byron . It could be that without help my heater could not do it on its own . The idea is to increase temp with a water change, yes. Great idea which I'll employ in future, thanks. Lucky I didn't have a burn out !
  2. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    I agree,but my thinking was that a few hours to get up to temp would be OK ( and has proved to be so ) as the fish are out of their comfort zone. Short term is ok then lower back down to say 25c. If you spent 2 weeks getting to 30c AND then leaving them there for up to 2 weeks will give them a...
  3. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    When I researched it a few sites said that but I'm not entering an argument over it as it worked for me, but that's not the issue. I totally agree with you over raising temp slowly , which did take many hours for me, which after thinking about it will be dependant on the heater wattage I...
  4. Guppy10

    Brine shrimp issues

    I think you've nailed it as there is a layer of shell on the bottom. How much salt per ltr or did I get it right with 1 desert spoon per ltr.
  5. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    Yes I'm sure and they flick as well, the lyre tail sword is now looking mint. I'll take you guys word but honestly all the google searches said 80. Btw Iv now turned the temp up now you guys have given me confidence to do such a thing, after all there happy at 82. Still my lazy spare preset...
  6. Guppy10

    Water changes

    Can't think of one unless your daft enough to do one straight after adding chemical treatment. Why do you ask this?
  7. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    I hear what your saying BUT, all the reports I have ever read say , at 80f the parasite cannot live, and yes you do have to let them hatch as such and swim free to kill the blighters. I wasn't going into technicalities, just putting a lazy way as the first time I did it I was continually...
  8. Guppy10

    Ich treatment my lazy way

    Hi guys, I got tons of aquarium stuff with a cheeky late bid of £10, wow I have used some and have loads of spares. Anyhow I got some new fish which got ich and it spread . I hate lifting the tank hood and continually tweaking the temp up to 80f ish and then down again until it's right ...
  9. Guppy10

    Snail emergency??

    Agreed there. Also snails pace is not true, seems 1 minute it's on the bottom then you look again and find it 2 foot up the tank
  10. Guppy10

    Brine shrimp issues

    I'll try that Got a new batch hatching so I hope it's not too late for them ? There was a big cloud of them 2 hrs ago, but now not many to be seen
  11. Guppy10

    Snail emergency??

    Oops, overlap there. Glad all is well
  12. Guppy10

    Snail emergency??

    Your right juicebox52 , spicy food gave it wind lol. Hope so
  13. Guppy10

    Snail emergency??

    Hi, maybe don't worry at this stage. Snails can seem to ingest air and float away in search of food. Iv just had a floating snail myself until it relieved itself then cleared off to hide. Hope it's the case for you.
  14. Guppy10

    Changing tanks

    I'm assuming the new tank is going where the old tank came from,,,,, if this is so, how can you move a filled 145ltr into the place of a empty 90ltr without a intermediate tank ??
  15. Guppy10

    Changing tanks

    Hi, I need to this also and my plan is to put the water in a container, keeping the filter running ( 70ltre storage box or laundry tub ) throw in the heater from old tank. Remove wood and weeds then catch the fish and transfer over. Do the move over to new tank by transferring back over some...
  16. Guppy10

    Water quality check , can anyone read this?

    To me, you have no nitrates, no nitrites, no chlorine, I may be quessing but is this tap water ?? Ph ok. What's the ammonia ? You need a test on that as well if tank water, if it is, then you should at least have a reading for nitrate. More info on the water would help.
  17. Guppy10

    Tropical plants

    Iv looked on eBay and its described as elodea densa if that's any help.
  18. Guppy10

    Brine shrimp issues

    I have no problem hatching these at 1 desert spoon/ litre of salt and then start to feed them spiralina powder. In a few days a lot are pink and a lot bigger. A light and bubbler are on constant. I turn bubbler off and allow to settle then siphon off half the water. There are many shrimp left...
  19. Guppy10 your thoughts here...

    No no to all the above, personally I think it's overblown. Viruses occur all the time and I think uk has 1 case only.
  20. Guppy10

    Tropical plants

    Thanks for the replies, it has a heater in it running at 23c- 24c but if it's not needed as essential I will turn it of. Btw, the tank has a small strip light and is close to a window so will get morning sunlight then only indirect later. Also a small bubble lift foams filter with a course...
  21. Guppy10

    Tropical plants

    Hi, I have just made a tank just for trop plant life ( maybe in future a quarantine or for breeding ) , my question is , does the elodea, floating plants actually need heat or will room temp be ok ?
  22. Guppy10

    Me and my Fry

    Congrats !!! I ain't had any yet tho the Danio looks fit to burst .
  23. Guppy10

    My Paintings

    Cool, iv not the imagination for creative stuff so well done. More pics if you have any please.
  24. Guppy10

    Guppies Vs Pictus Catfish Water Concerns

    Yep, dinner time. I had a pictus years ago and they grow big fast. A big goldfish it could not swallow so it sucked its eyeball out, no kidding. Some other fish just disappeared before I witnessed this. Don't worry the goldfish lived a long life in a pond afterwards and was a prolific breeder to...
  25. Guppy10

    Cleaning plastic plants

    Diluted bleach but a good make, left them soaking still.
  26. Guppy10

    Novice plants info needed

    Iv got a white led, and a blue / white led in the hood. Intensity I would call medium. Thanks, I will look into those plants.
  27. Guppy10

    Novice plants info needed

    Hi all, iv got some elodea as a start but wondering what else would be good for me as a newbie to plants ? Iv no idea so any info is welcome n I will order ASAP as the fake plants don't suit anymore. Water is good but going through buy some ferts as in previous post.
  28. Guppy10

    Cleaning plastic plants

    No easy fix then. I tried bleach but it didn't do much so scrubbing is better but such a pain to do.
  29. Guppy10

    Cleaning plastic plants

    Hi all, as much as I loath fake plants and am going organic , fingers crossed, what is the best way to clean them up as they are abit grubby. Iv tried scrubbing which is ok for the robust but the more ferny are now soaking so how do I remove algae from these ?
  30. Guppy10

    Water lettuce is going yellow

    I will open the cover flaps to allow more airflow n see what happens and try to get ferts on my next visit. Many Thanks.
  31. Guppy10

    Water lettuce is going yellow

    Oh, how often to dose tank with ferts ?
  32. Guppy10

    Water lettuce is going yellow

    Thanks guys, seems I need ferts then. Iv just been and bought some elodea ( if I remember correctly ) , would the fert be beneficial for that too ? Will this not harm my water parameters ? Im trying for a more natural approach these days. Thanks all.
  33. Guppy10

    Water lettuce is going yellow

    Hi all, iv got 3 types of floating plants but only the water lettuce seems to be struggling. They divide into smaller plants but don't seem to grow ! The Sprite and spangles seem to be fine tho not growing much if at all in a few weeks. I have a white led tube and blue and white above the...
  34. Guppy10

    Question about Ich

    Put a bubbler in and increase oxygen,, that will help
  35. Guppy10

    Question about Ich

    I'll tell you the fish will enjoy a bit more heat .... Mine were great... No catching n stressing n no chemicals !! It's easy to get rid of with heat but some like chemicals which I don't condone AND your whole tank will be rid of the pesky things but you can only kill them at certain stages of...
  36. Guppy10

    Hole in stomach of neon tetra

    I can't think why it had a hole in stomach, but, it was a neon after all and are weak n inbred if yr unlucky so as yr other fish are ok I wouldn't worry about it. Yes you can post parameters but I'm assuming all is well. How long have you had them etc. No information to go on here. Tank size i...
  37. Guppy10


    Why not turn the temp up ? Rather than use chemical ? Let the ich run its cycle n die off in due course. I don't understand your reasoning ? The fish will probably love it and bear in mind the whole tank will be free of this, but removing fish will stress them and undoughtedly leave ich in the...
  38. Guppy10

    Question about Ich

    Yes, well said Byron. Don't treat just heat !
  39. Guppy10

    Confusing Test Results

    Hi, if it was my tank I would just keep it running. I don't think water changes are needed at your low nitrate levels ( so bacteria are growing ) , wait for ammonia to drop down to 0 before adding any more ammonia and nitrate should go up and up. When am and nitrite is 0 and nitrate is up its...