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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    It is moderately hard-hard water. A little low for mollies but not drastically! I did not know pygmys were soft water. You learn something new every day. Would the clown pleco or the bristlenose be a better option then? I know they are suitable for moderately hard water.
  2. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    I did extensive research about this and spoke with several professionals in my area since this is my first real “rare” fish. I was reassured by google and the specialists that Davinci (my butterfly fish) will be just fine in a community tank. When I feed him, I keep my mollies on one side so he...
  3. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    I added fish right after I finished my cycle (after a water change)! The 4 mollies are my original stock, I just added two more fish and two snails to my stock today.
  4. carligraceee

    40g Tank Update!! Stocking, cycle, etc

    Hey guys! It has been about two and half weeks since my cycle finished and I have added my new stock today! The entire stock is as follows: Molly x3 Platy x1 African Butterfly Fish x1 Rainbow Shark x1 Japanese Trapdoor Snail x1 Inca Snail x1 Orange Volcano Snail x1 We will probably add a...
  5. carligraceee

    TIGER BARBS DYING--at my wit's end, please help!!!

    I actually got this info from my local AquaImports store. However, I do agree bigger is better and would never put a catfish in anything smaller than a 29g.
  6. carligraceee

    TIGER BARBS DYING--at my wit's end, please help!!!

    Everyone else is correct. Tiger Barbs are not suitable for a ten gallon... like, at all. Upgrade to a 30+ gallon tank and they should be fine. I doubt that your tank is cycled considering there is ammonia present. Some fish are more sensitive then others when it comes to ammonia. I know Tiger...
  7. carligraceee

    Will this stocking work for a 450 gallon tank ?

    My best advice is to never put small fish with cichlids... might not end too well. Maybe think of getting more cichlids in place of the schooling/shoaling fish you mentioned?
  8. carligraceee

    Stocking suggestions?

    Mollies are community fish! They can be alone... but they can also be in small groups of 3 or 4!
  9. carligraceee


    I second @charlotte1211. Mollies are actually quite docile and kind to other fish. They will not aggravate any fish unless they are pregnant. Schooling and shoaling fish tend to stress out slower moving fish.
  10. carligraceee

    Stocking suggestions?

    You have plenty of aquarium filtration capacity as of now with your current stock. Adding a school of gouramis (yes, they prefer to be in groups of 5+) would put you over your filtration capacity and you would be recommended to add a sponge filter or another kind of filter. The same issue with...
  11. carligraceee

    Need help with tank : (

    Yeah sometimes misinformation happens and its never fun. Just read the thread and go from there. It is very detailed and very inexpensive to do (my ammonia was like 3$).
  12. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Oh totally! This is so informative. I really enjoyed reading this. I am in love with the plecos... I have been for about a year. Thats why I told myself when I have a big enough tank, I will get a pleco. I now have enough space and would love one. I think I have landed on the Albino...
  13. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    I have my tank dimensions at roughly 30.4 inches tall, 12.5 inches wide, and 26 inches long. I have moderately hard water!
  14. carligraceee

    Need help with tank : (

    I hate when this happens. I wish people at pet stores would educate new fish keepers better. I haven't read the rest of the threads but I will tell you how I cycled my tank. I bought liquid ammonia at my local grocery store, it was called ammonia hydroxide. We have an amazing thread written...
  15. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Thank you for your help! It was actually quite fun!
  16. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Okay perfect. I rinsed it a little today in tank water but not much. Everything seems to be going smoothly so far.
  17. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    I am so stoked! I added three mollies and one platy to start. I will be adding a school of red phantom tetras later as well as an albino bristlenose pleco!
  18. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    I tested last night again and everything is done!!! Day 28 Parameters: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 5ppm pH: 7.4 Temp: 82F Today, I added the fish after doing a 35% water change. It is off to a great start and they are LOVING the space. I am waiting a few weeks before I go to the...
  19. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 28 Parameters: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 2ppm Nitrates: 20ppm pH: 6.4 Temp: 84F Wow, some different numbers for pH. Why do I have a high nitrite reading and no ammonia? What do I do now? Should I test later in the day since it hasn't been a full 24 hours?
  20. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Okay thank you guys. So, now I have to choose between an albino and regular bristlenose pleco. I think the reg. one is a bit more expensive but they both get to the same size. I am leaning to the the albino pleco because he is so unique, but can the reg. bristlenose and albino one live in the...
  21. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Hello everyone! I am on the last stretch of cycling and am starting to look for stocking. I already found my schooling fish.. now I would like to know everyone's opinions on plecos! What pleco is best for cleaning up biofilm and even fish poop (if possible, I know its rare for fish to actually...
  22. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Oh wow, I didn't know all that! If I get a bigger tank in the far future (90% sure I will, probs a 120g) then I will do that as well. Day 27 Parameters: (Two cap fulls of ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: 0ppm!!!! Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 5ppm pH: 7.0 Temp: 84F Yay! I am going to add another...
  23. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Okay, no I don't think I have an airstone. I DO, however, have an air pump.
  24. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    I am like 97% sure I have a bubbler
  25. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 26 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: .25ppm Nitrites: 2ppm Nitrates: 30ppm pH: 7.4 Temp: 84F Yikes! Def not today! Will wait again for 0 and 0 readings and do this all over again !
  26. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Haha you guys are cool- Day 25 Parameters: (Two cap fulls of ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 5ppm pH: 7.6 Temp: 84F I hope I am in the last stretch! I will test again tomorrow around 2pm mountain time...
  27. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Thats my worse fear.. I don't want to accidentally rush something (misunderstand directions) and hurt any fish. This is the first tank I will have done correctly! I will test again tomorrow and update the thread.
  28. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 24 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: .5ppm Nitrites: .25ppm Nitrates: 13ppm pH: 7.2 Temp: 84F Not today! I'll test again tomorrow- I am looking for a 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites reading after 24 hours of adding a full dose (which you put in after your first 0 and 0 reading)...
  29. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Okay perfect. I'll test today then. Thanks so much! I think we are in the final stretch!
  30. carligraceee

    What's up with my fish? Swim bladder?

    Oh yikes. This could be two things. Swim Bladder: - Swim bladder usually results in a fully active fish, but their swimming is almost as if they are full of air. - This is caused by overfeeding. How often do you feed your fish and how much (and with what)? - You can feed them peeled and boiled...
  31. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 23 Parameters: (2/3 of one cap full of ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 5ppm pH: 7.2 Temp: 84F Yay! I get to add my 1/3 of original dose now! Do I test daily now? I know I test daily after Dose #4 but I don't know about this maintenance feeding.
  32. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 21 Parameters: (I missed one test day because I was at a softball tournament out of state) (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 5ppm pH: 7.4 Temp: 84F I am going to be safe and wait for another zero ammonia test day!
  33. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 17 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: .25ppm Nitrites: 1ppm Nitrates: 10ppm pH: 7.4 Temp: 84F
  34. carligraceee

    37g Cycling Journal: Advice Welcome!

    Day 15 Parameters: (No ammonia hydroxide added) Ammonia: .1ppm Nitrates: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm pH: 7.0 Temp: 84F
  35. carligraceee

    Poorly betta

    Living in the US really does put things into perspective. We have a lot of privledge when compared to even other first world countries. Anyways, has the OP noted any pine-coned scales? I really think its dropsy based on their description.
  36. carligraceee

    Female Guppy acting strange

    Yes. A good ratio if you wish to have a multi-sex aquarium is 3:1 (fem. to male). However, I always recommend more females. A unisex aquarium of single females works best. A unisex aquarium of single males can work but they tend to be far more aggressive...
  37. carligraceee

    Female Guppy acting strange

    I could be wrong, but Endlers can breed with almost all livebearers I am 95% sure. She could be pregnant with a crossbred endler-guppy!
  38. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Haha! I am also thinking about Kuhli Loaches! There are so many options! 1. Rubber Lip Pleco 2. Bristlenose Pleco 3. Kuhli Loaches
  39. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Oh yikes. I think that makes up my mind. So, are Panda Cories or Rubber Lip Plecos better cleaners?
  40. carligraceee

    Another question: what do you do with your dead fish?

    Well I used to flush them. Now I will be burying them in my back yard since I don't wish to hurt any native species. I hope I haven't already!