Another question: what do you do with your dead fish?

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May 19, 2021
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Porthleven, Cornwall
I was a member of a rat facebook group on which several other members would freeze their dead pets and take them out once in a while to reminisce. What do you do with your dead fish?
You don't want to flush fish because any diseases they have can survive the sewer and potentially infect native fishes.

I used to bury mine in the garden, and freeze the ones in the shop before putting them in the rubbish on collection day.

In the quarantine facility, the quarantine guys would take the bodies and incinerate them.
I was a member of a rat facebook group on which several other members would freeze their dead pets and take them out once in a while to reminisce. What do you do with your dead fish?
Well I used to flush them. Now I will be burying them in my back yard since I don't wish to hurt any native species. I hope I haven't already!
I've always put my dead pets (rats, chickens etc.) in the bin, but it always seems rather heartless. I can't bury them or the dogs would have them up in a jiffy!
I wrap them in paper towels and then put them in a plastic bag. They then go into the outside trash can.
I bury them. Flushing them or throwing them in the garbage just feels disrespectful to me. I guess it depends on how close you are to the fish though. Do you know it by name or is it just a part of a group and you can’t tell them apart? If the latter then I can see not feeling as bad flushing or tossing in the trash. Especially if you have lots and lots of fish. You might run out of places to bury them after a while.

On a side note, I used to keep chickens and one of my favorites “Nilla” got botulism and died and I had to throw her in the trash instead of bury her because botulism is spread in the soil so if I had buried her it would be setting more of my chickens up to contract the disease. It was so terrible having to throw her away like garbage. 😥
I was a member of a rat facebook group on which several other members would freeze their dead pets and take them out once in a while to reminisce. What do you do with your dead fish?
I’ve never dealt with dead fish before so I don’t really know. I think I would bury them like I had done with a previous reptile. I usually put a couple rocks to make a grave kind of feel to celebrate what they used to be like! I also saw someone who preserved them in a little glass jar which I thought was really cool.
I’ve never dealt with dead fish before so I don’t really know. I think I would bury them like I had done with a previous reptile. I usually put a couple rocks to make a grave kind of feel to celebrate what they used to be like! I also saw someone who preserved them in a little glass jar which I thought was really cool.
that would probably rot
and is rather disgusting LOL

i bury em in the vegetable garden
free ferts.
make a little grave and give them flowers once in a while
I've done most of the above in the past.

When I was young I'd bury them, then as I grew up I flushed some, and then when I knew better I buried them again. Full circle really.

Of course, there was a time when I lived next to a neighbour that hated me and was convinced I was growing drugs in my bedroom because the tank lights were always on. When I lived there I used to throw any dead fish (and any mice my snakes wouldn't eat) on to the flat dormer roof of her bedroom.

As of right now though, I do the same thing with dead fish as I do with any plant cuttings I can't make use of or give away to friends... In to the compost.

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