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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    My new 55 gallon tank!

    Be Patient my friend.... it may take a while for the people with the knowledge that you require to read your post & reply to it. I know in the UK there are new tank additives that give your set up a kick start, But i'm not sure what brand names are availible in the US.
  2. C

    Close-up of one of my Gold Rams

    What a STUNNING Golden Ram :wub:
  3. C

    hi how do you get gh and kh down?

    Using boiled water will reduce the kh so i have been told. ( not tried it ) you could also try mixing some RO water say 30 % , which you can purchase pre treated from most good LFS. I personally use SERA Morena to reduce GH... but it will Tan the water as it uses a peat extract. Morena is...
  4. C

    More than one ram?

    Well spotted Alia.... didn't make myself very clear did i. Got sidetracked a bit just dealing with the Ram issue. :crazy: The point that i was trying to make is that two Rams left alone with each other in any size tank will result in the less dominant of the two being bullied if they are both...
  5. C

    More than one ram?

    Mmm Tough one without any pictures of the fish involved, but my guess is that you probably did have two fish of the same sex & the more dominant was staking the whole tank as his teritory. I have had over twenty rams in a 180 litre tank & although squabbles over teritory were common there was...
  6. C

    Gold Rams

    I have'nt heard of any problems getting hold of female Golden Rams.... But as i said it can be hard to sex very young fish. I personally would buy a group of say 6 young Rams & as they mature they will either pair off naturally or you can try to sex them once they have matured & pass on the fish...
  7. C

    Gold Rams

    Sexing Golden Rams is Fairly Difficult in young fish. However it is not impossible..... The Males tend to be larger than the Females & often have the 2nd or 3rd spine elongated on the dorsal fin. The Females tend to be smaller than the Males , also the female is more rounded in the belly & when...
  8. C

    breeding rams???

    I have found that the best way to begin to breed rams is to buy a group of young induviduals say 6 fishes, try to get a ratio of 2 females to 1 male & as they grow & mature they will pair off naturally. If you just buy 1 male & 1 female there is no gaurantee that they will breed. Hope this is...
  9. C

    Ram pic's

    Just thought i'd post some pic's of my Rams.. ENJOY!... :wub: Chenz. :D
  10. the_female.jpg


  11. C

    Ram pic's

    Just thought i'd post some pic's of my Rams.. ENJOY!... :wub: Chenz. :D
  12. Avatar_29.04.03.jpg


  13. C

    Ram pic's

    Just thought i'd post some pic's of my Rams.. ENJOY!... :wub: Chenz. :D
  14. forum_edit.jpg


  15. C

    Ram pic's

    Just thought i'd post some pic's of my Rams.. ENJOY!... :wub: Chenz. :D
  16. the_pair.jpg


  17. C

    My Latest Addition

    Another pic'y for you.... Here you can see the difference between the RED TURK' & the BLUE SNAKE SKIN Discus. Hope you like! Chenz. :D
  18. Snake_Skin_Discus_004.jpg


  19. C

    My Latest Addition

    Hiya everyone... My my so many questions.... ok Tis a RED TURQUOISE DISCUS ( Red Turk' ) they are usually commonly avail' from most tropical stockists. I have 2 red turks & 1 Blue Snake Skin... I think they can get to about "tea plate size" ... these that i have are babies about tea cup...
  20. C

    My Latest Addition

    Well here it is... a pic' of one of my new fishes :wub: ENJOY! :D
  21. Red_Turk_Discus_004.jpg


  22. C

    My Latest Addition

    Well here it is... a pic' of one of my new fishes :wub: ENJOY! :D
  23. Red_Turk_Discus_004.jpg


  24. C

    what goes around turns around!

    William.... click on ( Home ) on A C 's post & then click on gallery once you get there.. :D
  25. C

    how many rams

    I wouldnt go for more than a couple of pairs at a time in the same tank as they may fight over territory 3 pairs at most me thinks. Although..... firstly you need them to pair up in the firstplace... my advice is buy a group of young individuals with the female to male ratio of 2 female's per...
  26. C


    Thanx Ben & Bri'... Got the beggers eating a product called Discusin... has everything a discus needs.. so problem resolved... PHEW! :S
  27. C

    my fishy pics

    Hi Fraz'... :D Thats a stunning looking tank you have there!!!! I think that piece of bogwood you have as a centre piece is gonna be the envy of all :nod: Very nice pictures indeed! Chenz.
  28. C


    Anyone??? :unsure:
  29. C

    I'm here too

    hi Frazzle i'm fine ta! :D Well i must say.... I'm DISCUSted !!!! fancy playing with words like that!! :lol: Specially you LES ... I would DISCard your fish joke book if i were you. :lol: :lol: Chenz
  30. C

    I'm here too

    :lol: perhaps we should have a DISCUSsion on it! :lol:
  31. C

    what goes around turns around!

    of course i dont mind ( much ) :lol: yeah work your magic on my pic's ( dont worry i have spares ) :lol: Thanx M8.
  32. C

    I'm here too

    Yeah!! me happy chappie... feels just like a home from home :lol: :lol: Tis so nice to see you all here. Chenz :D
  33. C

    what goes around turns around!

    Hi A C.... thanx for the pointer & Thanx for sorting the album... looks better! :D :D :D Chenz.
  34. C

    oh dear

    fancey seeing you in here!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: GREAT!!!!! BACK TO THE FUN!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Chenz.
  35. C

    I'm here too

    Hello folks... yup tis true... i'm here too! couldnt miss out on the fun :lol: :lol: So hi to all those of ya who know me & hi to those that dont. Chenz. :D
  36. C


    Please has anyone any feeding suggestions for discus. i recently set up one of my tanks for discus & have purchased 3 small discus. I have had them for 3 days & they only seem to eat bloodworm & ignore all other food that i try be it flaked / tablet food. Is it mearly a case of battle of wills...
  37. C

    A couple of Angel pics

    Lovely pic's & fish Eddie... :D Black Angels... there's just something about them!!! :wub: My two Black Heart Angels are comming on a treat too. :D Looks as if we have twin tanks :lol: :lol: :lol: Chenz.
  38. C

    New Rams

    Breeding Pair Hope these pic's help show the difference easily betwwen M & F Chenz.
  39. Breeding_Rams_26.03.03_005.jpg


  40. C

    New Rams

    Pair Male in front