Close-up of one of my Gold Rams

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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George Farmer

ad aqua
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Stamford, Lincs, UK
Here's one of four gold rams (microgeophagus ramerezi I think). :D


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That is a lovely fish! I nominate it for fish of the month :D . What water conditions do they require, are they suitable for the beginner?
joan said:
That is a lovely fish! I nominate it for fish of the month :D . What water conditions do they require, are they suitable for the beginner?
I have two blue rams and I think they're fairly hardy.
Name: Papiliochromis ramirezi
Origin: Colombia, Venezuela
size=5cm pH=6.8 GH=7 Temp=27 degrees centigrade
The Blue ram is indeed one of the most peaceful and beautiful cichlids of all. They are dwarf cichlids . . . of many enchanting colours but . . . most . . . lack these amazing colours. Even a gold strain of the ram has been developed. . . males are more colourful than the females. . . As far as water is concerned - it has to be perfect or close to it. These fish have a bad reputation to die, they only live for 2 years or if you're lucky, maybe 3 years. They must have clean and crystal clear water with an acidic pH and it also must be soft. Rams are very, very delicate so only the advanced aquarists are experienced enough to look after them well. Note that rams don't take to medications well and prefer to be in a species tank with driftwood and amazon sword plants. Contributed by Carlos

more on this page: Blue Rams

Emphasis on their being delicate and perhaps not the best choice for an absolute beginner. HTH.
Picture of Blue Rams

BTW, gf225, that is a great looking fish and an excellent photo!
I think it's about 8 months old. I bought four 4 months ago as a juveniles about 1.5". Now just under 3". I used to keep 'em in my tap water, pH 7.5, kH 7, gH 14 but now use 100% RO. Needless to say all my fish seem happier, one really noticeable change was in my 8 Rummynose Tetras. They're heads are a really deep, vibrant red now. Look out for a photo of them soon!! :)

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