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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    Beginner aquarium plants

    I have root tabs and am only going to stick to plants such as amazon sword or easy moss etc etc, do you think root tabs will be suffice “?
  2. Willbacon23

    Beginner aquarium plants

    Thanks so much for the help there! If I get Anubias/ java fern should I just get a piece of string to attach it to the driftwood?
  3. Willbacon23

    Beginner aquarium plants

    Hey guys, I’m interesting in getting new plants a for my 20 gallon long and currently only have moss balls and java moss. I’ve ordered liquid fertiliser as feel it will be essential and can’t be a bad thing to have but don’t want any plants requiring large co2 tanks etc. Does anyone have any...
  4. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    It seems like they’ve got a betta mentality with one another judging by the other posts. I haven’t even had a betta tank yet tbh! Being new at this it is addictive wanting to try everything
  5. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    Would you recommend rams? I’ve alwaus wanted them but seem like such stress
  6. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    I also really like them, I’m in a weird position where I’ve got such a passive tank they’re probably the “alphas” of the tank which is quite funny, they do roam around as if it’s there’s
  7. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    You must really be a fan of the corys! I’ve always wanted blue rams seem amazing temp puts me off tho :( I have bronze corys as well what Dyu think of them
  8. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    If you’d like a strong coloured school have you considered ember tetras?
  9. Willbacon23

    Schooling fish recommendations for 55 gallon tank.

    For the rams I’m presuming high temperatures otherwise would have recommended glowlight danios. Pork chop rasboras for me look so cool and could be an idea for you?
  10. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Some of you have been fishkeeping for way longer than me so any slight adjustments or complete diff recommendations for fish even just to think about would be really appreciated Ofc :)
  11. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Ne i was thinking of neon tetras with the honey gourami and some kuhli loaches
  12. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Yeah I’d have around 8,9 personal preference if was to get them
  13. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Never had tetras so could be a good shout that.
  14. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Would kuhli loaches or hill stream loaches work? Always been fascinated by them
  15. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    I think it’s 150GH
  16. Willbacon23

    Good tank mates for a honey gourami

    Hey guys this is a bit of a weird one. My friend has recently given me his honey gourami to look after as he’s no longer able to for various reasons. The only place I can fit it currently is a 25 gallon which I’ve had as a quarantine tank. It’s unfortunately had to change my original plans for...
  17. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Really nice fish there !
  18. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Thanks for that advice I ll look out for that! I’ve acc surprisingly had the opposite problem where I’ve been shocked how big the little fellas have got so quickly without me over feeding them really (maybe a bit at the start when was new!) there’s one that’s alwaus been smaller than the others...
  19. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    I’ve never seen an ambiacus do you have a photo?
  20. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Yeah makes total sense that! At the minute I only have Pygmy corys and bronze corys with 2 being albinos in the group. I’ve seen myself immediately drawn to corys and feel like I’m gonna struggle to have tanks without them now! Especially the all black Venezuelan corys look incredible or the...
  21. Willbacon23

    Fish Ideas!

    Hey guys, just posting this as I’m bored and feels it could be beneficial for some. Does anyone have any underrated fish they have in their aquariums at the minute . For me it’s glowlight danio. With a dark substrate their colours look crazy and don’t even need a heater! Feel like if people go...
  22. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Yeah I feel like they can’t rly tell the difference
  23. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Probably the weirdest thing of all is how well my glowlight danio get on with the Pygmy cories to the point they basically play together! Who’d have thought eyy
  24. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    I do agree it’s just quite interesting to think why this happens. Though my Pygmy cories love the bronze corys and feel safe with them you can kinda tell the bronze corys stick/ play a lot more with the albino corys
  25. Willbacon23

    Corydoras discussion

    Hey guys this is more of a discussion which is often debated and disagreed on. What do people think in regards to grouping corydoras. Can you group one black Venezuelan Cory with 4 bronze corys for example. The main reason I say this is due to the fact my local fishkeeper keeps a salt and pepper...
  26. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    I have Pygmy, bronze and albino corys. Would thoroughly recommend, not for a 10 tho much more active than you think
  27. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    That’s the only thing I could think of that could work maybe :)
  28. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    You’d need to keep 5 platys and in a 10 gallon that’s just not feasible
  29. Willbacon23

    Water purifier

    Lids help as well I must say!
  30. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    I know the upgrade hasn’t been mentioned yet but just saying it is another option! 20$ will be the cost and you will eventually need to buy a quarantine tank irregardless. You clearly seem engaged with the idea of a community tank so I’d recommend doing so, I have and it’s really enjoyable to...
  31. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    I get your point you clearly really like this dwarf gourami but it’s your first tank and you’d kinda like something else in there. In reality, could you fit other fish in there? Yes, Ofc. However, I’d strongly strongly recommend against any other fish, shrimp at the max but do your research. In...
  32. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    Could shrimp maybe work? I’ve seen if they have enough shelter with java moss etc that could be an option for this person
  33. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    What do you mean I have it spot on but ignore anything I say?
  34. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    Please do not listen to whoever told you this. Firstly adding more schooling fish to a tank in pairs is never the answer. The local fish store is trying to get you most likely to purchase more products for their own gain. Tetras must be kept in groups. Though they may get on with the platies...
  35. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    However I was saying 8 for the activity levels and well-being of the Pygmy Cory. A 10G is quite small so I’d struggle to find perfect tankmates with the fishA tenngallon wiyh 8 more fish would require high maintenance
  36. Willbacon23

    Why is my Dwarf Gourami chasing my Columbian tetra??

    Gouramis take up a lot of the space in your 10 G in my opinion. Having said that they’re beautiful and seem like good fun. I’d keep Pygmy cories (maybe 8)? I feel like you’d need bottom dwellers only in this tank
  37. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Perfect thanks I’m too worried about a complete carpet anyway :)
  38. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    DO you think 10 grams of java moss is enough for a 20 gallon, already fairly planted jus wanted to try it but can’t gauge how much of that it is etc
  39. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    Thanks yeah I will do that :). On a slightly weirder note one of my cories randomly started going to the surface about 10 times in a minute and looked like he was eating bubbles? I slightly adjusted my spray bar and he’s fine now and none of the other cories were doing that, maybe just lacking...
  40. Willbacon23

    20 gallon tank ideas for my brothers first tank

    English is great mate :)