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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    2.6Ft....time To Scape

    loving the look! Looks like a forest. Really Nice. And I enjoy scaping, well the few times that I've actually done it anyway. I just don't have the knack that you do
  2. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    oh ok, thanks guys. Will take a trip to pets at hone later :)
  3. F

    Planted 29G Biocube

    wow they sound like amazing! Must look into them if and when I upgrade or get a different tank! And yes, please do let me know how it goes
  4. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    Yeah I had a feeling that would come up about the yoyo loaches... :( I;m working on finding a home for the as we speak unfortunately :( They grow really quick don't they? And the pleco has a pretty big bit of wood at the back and he spends most of his time upside down on that lol. And when the...
  5. F

    Fal3's 60L

    Umm... it wont let me upload bigger photos!!!! Anyone tell me how? Really confusing! It wont even let me copy and paste links to photobucket or anything!
  6. F

    Planted 29G Biocube

    Yah I understand what you mean. The satisfaction when the plants actually start to fill the tank and grow quite a lot eh? OOOHHHH dwarf crayfish, never even seen those before in all honesty.. let me go look them up :)
  7. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    Thanks for the reply Daize! Firstly, can I just say your tanks are amazing! Anyway.... I'll try and find a life-glo which Byron recommended at a half decent price, but If I cant then ill go with the Sylvania daylight tubes. Since as you say, the arcadia bulbs are designed to go together and I...
  8. F

    Fish Are Amazing Animals

    oh my gosh! This fish deserves an award or something! What a little warrior. Is she shy at all? Wouldn't surprise me if sue becomes the most boisterous one in the tank judging by how dshes adapted so far!
  9. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    oohhh I learnt so much from that post! Really didn't think the colour hue would make any difference at all! And I'll upgrade to the life glo when I go to buy the rest of the stuff. I need to get gravel with finer grains because the gravel I have nownis about 5mm id say. So to summarise, I need...
  10. F

    Unable To Log In On Mobile Device

    Good to hear it works for you snork, strange how it only works for some :)
  11. F

    Unable To Log In On Mobile Device

    Oh. That's a shame. Weird as well. Guess its just another one of those 'its just me' moments ;)
  12. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    was supposed to put a link to the bulb but it didn't work.i have a Hagen aqua glow 15w. I don't think the kelvin is above 5000k. Think its 4000. If it is 4000k what do I do?
  13. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    your right in saying its a t8. I believe I have this: Also, you say all I need in terms of ferts is the profito? Are there any other brands you can recommend? And as for duration, how many hours are ideal for plants such as anubias, dwarf chain swords ect.
  14. F


    amen ch4rlie. I tried to vacuum my gravel, had the hose thingy pointing down towards the bucket. Well, I thought I did. Turned out I didn't actually bring the bucket with me and I soaked my laptop :(
  15. F

    Help - Tank Dormant For 8 Years!

    okie dokie! let us know how it goes :)
  16. F

    Unable To Log In On Mobile Device

    oh. The desktop thing worked for me. Strange. Did the desktop work for you snork? Or ch4rlie?
  17. F

    Albino Cory Cat Ill ?

    firstly, how does the growth look? Is it just a lump? Or is it fuzzy? And also, just so you know Cory cats are a schooling species and like to be on larger groups. I understand It might be hard to fit it in a tank that size, because I have a 60l as well.
  18. F


    Oh gosh. That's like something I'd do ;)
  19. F

    2 Mollies Dead 1 Missing (Presumed Dead)

    oh that should be ok then :). And I'm not sure where abouts you are in the UK, but I've heard good things about maidenhead aquatics, they knight be of some use to you :)
  20. F

    2 Mollies Dead 1 Missing (Presumed Dead)

    good decision to move the fish to other aquarium. Well, as long as there isn't anything they could eat in the other tank that is ;)
  21. F

    2.6Ft....time To Scape

    That. Is. Amazing. How do you do that? You make all of your tanks look so... Green! And natural.. I'm not jealous.... At all :)
  22. F

    Fish Are Amazing Animals

    WHAT? That betta is a little trooper :) no idea how it managed to survive for a month in there... I cant even imagine that to be honest
  23. F

    Planted 29G Biocube

    looking real nice there mate! Amazing how quickly it cleared up huh? Love how it looks simple, yet really good. Hard to get that balance right but I think you have :)
  24. F

    Home After Being Overseas For 8 Years

    Hi there jasmas! I'm gonna agree with you when you say this is the best forum! Hope you enjoy your stay here :)
  25. F

    Help - Tank Dormant For 8 Years!

    for me, I would just clean everything you can, as well as you can! Just put a load of back into it and it should he okay. And just pray your mum didn't used the soap like mine probably would :)
  26. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    Wow! Thanks for such a detailed reply. Ok first, The light is on for most of the day, now its on from about 10am-11pm. However when i had the plants previously it was on for longer. Around 7.30am-11pm.Its a tube. It has the two prong things at each end and it slots in to place. Sorry, really bad...
  27. F

    Beginner Plant Questions...

    hello people! Not sure if this should hr in the plant section, but its a beginners question so yeah... Basically, in the past I have tried to keep easy grow plants like Amazon swords, anubias, java moss etc. But they all died. Every single one of them. I had the bottled ferts, carbon and had...
  28. F

    2 Mollies Dead 1 Missing (Presumed Dead)

    Awww. This really is a tough time for you. I'm truly sorry about your losses. But was there anything unusual on any of the deceased guppies? Or did the plec eat all of them? Although as you say, the glue is looking very likely to be the cause.
  29. F

    15 Gallon Upgrade

    thanks bud!
  30. F

    Anyone Used This Site? Http://

    yes actually, I believe my uncle did about 2 years ago- but things change and they could really have gone downhill. Im99% sure that was the website my uncle used. At the time the fish came perfectly healthy. Obviously had a bit of olour loss from the transportation. But no diseases or losses...
  31. F

    Pregnant Molly. Help?

    I'm gonna agree with snork on this one. I do not feel that its in the best interest. I understand completely where your coming from, but do you have any friends or relatives who would take the gry off you?
  32. F

    15 Gallon Upgrade

    oohh yes I see that growth! Mine would have taken like a year just to get that far! Mind if I steal some ideas from your setup? The positioning etc?
  33. F

    Unable To Log In On Mobile Device

    I'm afraid I've also had the same problem I thought it was just my phone playing up but it isn't apparently. I'm not sure if you have this on your phone, but when you go the internet settings, is there an option to display the mobile or desktop site? If there is then select desktop version...
  34. F

    15 Gallon Upgrade

    Looking really, really nice mate! I love how it looks so.. Natural. Like everything just fits in with each other. Really nice looking tank you got there :)
  35. F

    2 Mollies Dead 1 Missing (Presumed Dead)

    Ah. Yeah if the plecos are big enough then you're right, they probably did make the others a snack :(. How much bigger are they than the others?
  36. F

    Fal3's 60L

    oh sorry about that. I tried to upload it at its normal size, so I made it smaller and obviously made it too small. I'll see if I can fix it. Sorry :(
  37. F

    Hi Guys, New Here!

    Thanks again guys for all the welcomes!
  38. F

    May 2015 - Tank Of The Month Winner

    ah. Well we all do it at some point though right? I'm sure it still looks great!
  39. F

    May 2015 - Tank Of The Month Winner

    What an absolutely amazing aquarium! You should be really proud of it! Wish mine could look like that!
  40. F

    One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

    yes I think it is definitely a possibility that it is because they got stressed from being moved. However I feel like these symptoms would have come up sooner than this. Secondly, please do take into consideration a cataract. If its only one fish that has it then it could well be a genetic...