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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. I

    Fine Threads From Fish's Mouth

    Thanks Wilder, I did a 25% water change today, will that be enough to change to the esha? there has been no melafix since thursday. Is Esha going to be better than melafix and Pimafix? Forgot to say that the fish do get peas- shelled, blanched and squished about once a week or so. Do I need to...
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    Fine Threads From Fish's Mouth

    Hi and thanks Wilder, The test kit is the API liquid one, They are fed Tetra flakes, Tetramin tabs and the occaisional hikari wafer circular thing, frozen bloodworm every so often. They are fed 2ce a day and not fed on a wednesday. I do 25% water change every week with a gravel vac over half...
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    Fine Threads From Fish's Mouth

    Hi, The normal bits: 60l planted tank, not tested tonight, but two days ago ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, nitrate trace and pH is normally 7.8 Set up for just over a year. Current occupants 2 male guppies, 3 dwarf neon rainbows, 5 glowlight tetras, 1 Panda cory, 1 dwarf cory and 1 pitbull plec. At the...
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    Keeping Fry In A Net?

    Hi all, I thought i'd update and say that I found a new fry in the q/t tank yesterday and put it in the net with the others, but I found 2 more today, so as an experiment I shall leave them in the q/t tank. If anyone thinks they'd be better off with the others in the net, please let me know, as...
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    Keeping Fry In A Net?

    Thanks for the replies. The net is 17cm x 13cm and about 15cm deep so I was hoping they could stay in there a while yet, I am not imagining until they are fully grown, just able to hold their own. I found another fry in the q/t tank today and the temperature is only 22 degrees so I would...
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    Keeping Fry In A Net?

    Hi all, I was wondering if fry can be brought up in one of those breeding nets in the main tank? I have (well my daughter has) a 60l planted tank with 2 male guppies, 4 dwarf neon rainbows (3 female 1 male) 6 glowlight tetras, 2 dwarf cories, one panda cory and one pitbul plec. I have 8 fry...
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    Poorly Guppy

    The gravel is dorset rounded pea gravel if I remember correctly, I'd say a medium size, but yes it is quite rounded. I have put the guppy into the qt tank, but I'm not feeling too hopeful. he did however have a poo, but decided to hide as soon as I spotted him doing it! The tank has a bare...
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    Poorly Guppy

    Hi Wilder, thanks for your reply. He looks thinner than the other guppies, but I wouldn't say thin, but to be honest they just look fat! He has a fair size fan tail in comparison to the other guppies we have and the gravel was on the bottom edge of his tail fin. His belly isn't sunken in and I...
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    Poorly Guppy

    Hi, we have a 60l planted tank which we are slowly stocking (been up and running since May this year), currently there are 4 guppies, 2 panda cories and 2 pitbull plecs. a few days ago one of the guppies (Ewan) appeared to be stuck on the bottom of the tank, his tail appeared to have a piece of...
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    Do Plecos Nip Others?

    Hi, We have recently added 2 pitbull plecs to my daughters tank. They have been in for 2 weeks. Current tank mates are 4 male guppies and 2 Panda cories. We started with 2 guppies and the 2 pandas and had suspected that a guppy had nipped one of the pandas before possibly all gong for the...
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    Panda Cory Flicking Against Things

    Thanks for that Keen on Fish, I am aiming to have 5/6 Pandas in the end. We are taking the stocking fairly slow though, and adding to the Pandas will come last, as although my first ones were sold to me after reading that they were easy fish and suitable for new tanks and beginners and thats...
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    Panda Cory Flicking Against Things

    Hi, If anyone can shed light on my original post I'd still be grateful, but I have stopped worrying about the Panda now, as I have watched him alot today and not seen him flick against anything. He is still a lively little chap (or chapess) and has continued to feed like a trooper. I shall...
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    Panda Cory Flicking Against Things

    Hi, Can anyone tell me if Panda Cories occasionally flick against things, or if it is more likely to be an early sign of Ich? I have a 60l tank with 3 guppies and 2 Panda Cories. the tank has been set up for 3 months now and it has been around 7 weeks or so since it finished cycling. Water...
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    Pitbull Plecs

    Thanks again, Jonathangerous, the loaches thing was more a percieved requirement for flowing water, and from what I read, extra aeration certainly helps, but many people seem to say a larger, longer tank than mine and a flow from one end to the other to keep them completely happy, but of course...
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    Pitbull Plecs

    Thanks for that. The Hillstream loaches are now a no no. I was originally drawn to them in fascination with seeing their bodies on the glass, and when I first showed Izzy she liked them too, then I read up a bit about them and thought they sounded that they would need more care than we could...
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    Pitbull Plecs

    Hi all, I was just after a bit of advice.... Currently we have 2 Guppies and 2 Panda Cories, we are aiming for 5/6 of each of these in a 60 litre tank. After seeing Hill Stream Loaches, and reading about them we decided that they were not suitable for us so started looking around at some of the...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, Still keeping an eye on the Nitrites.... So far so good. Ammonia and Nitrite still 0 pH still 7.8 and Nitrates still 10 This is day 4 of 0/0s. If I get to a week of 0/0 readings will this mean I've finished the cycle? I'm feeling quite hopeful, but still concerned I'll suddenly get Nitrite...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi WaterDrop, I'd say I've had the tank with water in for 7 weeks. the 2 guppies and 2 cories were added after almost 2 weeks, then it was about 3 days before I realised the chlorine mess up, so I guess the tank couldn't cycle until the water conditioner was put in. It has been almost 4 weeks...
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks for that Waterdrop. I've tested the tank 2ce today and still ammonia 0ppm and Nitrite 0ppm both times. Is there normally a delay between ammonia going to 0 and Nitrite showing? if so what kind of delay? or is that like asking how longs a piece of string? I did go looking at another lfs...
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    Panda Worries

    Hooray!!! Yellow result for Ammonia!!! 0ppm at last. Nitrites still 0 Yesterday did Nirates too which was still 10ppm and ph was still 7.8 Now I have relief over the ammonia, I guess I need to keep an extra close watch on the nitrites now! Thanks again, Lisa.
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks Chrissi, I've taken a look at the ottos, they are quite cute. It was the being able to see everything going on in the loaches body as they clung to the glass that drew my initial interest. Ottos are a contender, but I have also found Pitbull Plecs which are small and may be suitable too...
  22. I

    Panda Worries

    Hi, just thought I'd do an update on tank and fishes. I've settled into a daily 40% waterchange and gravel vac, and the stats have remained the same for the last week and a half which are: pH 7.8 Nitrate 10ppm Nitrite 0ppm Ammonia was just under 0.25 and has gone down, but not quite lovely...
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks waterdrop, although it may seem like longer, I haven't yet had the fishes 2 weeks. although the tank has been set up with plants and bog wood etc for almost 4. I did the first water change about a week after getting the fish, can't remember the exact reasons I put an extra water change...
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    Panda Worries

    Well, got 0.25 or maybe a bit under for ammonia, and 0ppm for Nitrites, so did another 20% change. 20% is a good amount for me for the size of the bucket etc, but if it really should be more then let me know, but this is the 3rd 20% today. got to get the tea, but help is still appreciated...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, Got up and did another reading this morning, still 0.25 ammonia 0 Nitrite, so squeezed in a 20% water change, somehow managed to test at lunch time and got the same so did another 20% change. This mornings one I literally just changed the water, the lunch time one I shoved my fingers in the...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I didn't get to check the water yesterday after the water change, more than a normal hectic monday evening! but did do one however tonight. Unfortunately I got an ammonia reading of what I think was 0.25 definately wasn't 0, Nitrite was still 0, Nitrate looked to be...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, So far so good. Did another 20% water change this afternoon, and did have a really good look inside the filter. When I looked the other day I thought I could see just black through the slits in the plastic box, well hubby prised open the box to make sure, and there is no white stuff at all...
  28. I

    Panda Worries

    Thanks for the replies. I did think it may have been too much to hope for, for the original pandas to survive, but I would still like to think the is hope for the other 2, I guess only time will tell. As for Spot's fin, there is no colouration around the missing bit of fin, it is just...
  29. I

    Panda Worries

    Hi, thanks again for your help. The fish have all been really happy today especially the panda corys, who've been swimming around this afternoon and hovering up what they can find, Spot especially has been having great feasts on the bog wood's algae. No one's touched the slice of cucumber I...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, Sad news I'm afraid, Plop was fished out after being found belly up in one of his favourite haunts around 7pm. I have had a look at him and there is redness behind his armpits as it were. The other two seem ok so far. Do panda corys like sitting up high on things? Plop did it alot and...
  31. I

    Panda Worries

    Thanks very much for the offer Curiostity, and I'll have a look at the media donation link. If there is no one nearby I may well take you up on the offer and give it a go. Another thought, is it worth taking out a very small amount of the zeolite at a time so maybe the spongy stuff gets more of...
  32. I

    Panda Worries

    Thanks again Miss Wiggles, I shall not add any meds as yet and just keep an then on all the fish for anything untoward. I may go and get some to keep in the house though. As for the filter, I take it the 'normal' sponge part of the filter won't be able to handle the ammonia as the zeolite...
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks, If the spot was white spot, would it have left a hole in the fin when it dropped off? I'm now a bit confused as to who is who in the tank, and the hole looks like it may be on plop, the longest resident. I find looking through the glass at ends/middle at an angle can change the size of...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, spot could have been the size of a largish grain of sand, certainly not the fine sort. I would have said it was kinda fluffy but quite well defined edges to a squashed circle shape, not cauliflower type spot. In an earlier post in this thread I put a link to a fish with a similar sort of...
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks curiosity, I was worried this may be the case. Have you any recommendations for which treatment to go for. I know that some may be better for corys than others due to their skin, but I'm a bit confused which! many thanks, Lisa. ps I also presume I should treat after doing the water change?
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, Just to update, Still 3 pandas. They have all moved, not exactly having a party, but they have all moved around from time to time and all without any help from me! The spot on the panda's fin (it may not have been spot, it could be plop) has gone. If it is the panda I think it is then in...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, this is not my fish, borrowed the pic off a google search as it is the closest so far to what Spot has, but is is right ion the edge of the fin. Not sure if this link will work, but thought it would be worth a shot. It is just the...
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    Panda Worries

    Right, the humans dogs and cat are all fed, children in bed, and the results are in! taken at 7.45 ish pH has risen to 8, maybe slightly under but not by much (prev btwn 7.2 an7.6) Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 10ppm I have read a bit about the zeolite, I guess I could prise open the...
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    Panda Worries

    Hi, not managed to do tests yet, not panicing just yet as it was only 11am when I did them this morning. I shall try and do them after tea. I've just had the filter apart, and the carbon part is..... yep zeolite. In the instructions it says 'Active carbon - zeolite container that enables...
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    Panda Worries

    Thanks so much Miss Wiggle. I must just take dogs and children out as we're nearly ready and dogs are all expectant! I didn't take ph this morning, but I'll do all of them when I get home just ammonia and nitrite both 0. I'll also double check the internals of the filter when I get home...