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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. tahneen


    my berber skink died saturday of a respitory infection
  2. tahneen

    My 240 Litre

    oh kool it really does look like a chinese perch tho which would cost ya about 350
  3. tahneen

    Piranha Free To Good Home

    well natteri usually do not have such a rounded face so I am quite sure its a pacu
  4. tahneen

    My 240 Litre

    hey is that a chinese perch in your avitar?
  5. tahneen

    Piranha Free To Good Home

    I dont know if this has been mentioned yet but I am pretty sure thats a pacu which will get 2 feet long and if startled will break your glass
  6. tahneen


    could I keep a few discus in with an oscar, bichirs and clown loaches or would the oscar beat on them and bichir try to fit his big mouth around one?
  7. tahneen

    Ripley The Corn

    I LOVE him I wish I could have snakes but the momma wont let me so the closest thing I have is my rope fish but if you feel a little pitty for me you could send me your camera, that might fill a bit of the hole in my heart :-( :hey:
  8. tahneen

    New Camera! Same Fish!

    I love them especially the orange one I may have to get some!!! what is the orange one called? sunburst?
  9. tahneen

    Where Can I Get Cuttlefish?

    ask in the sw section and you should google it also google can answer any question
  10. tahneen

    Now Fully Stocked 412g

    it got stolen? who in the right mind steals a fish? well I might steal a rtg but Id leave him something in return like a gift basket
  11. tahneen

    Now Fully Stocked 412g

    I must have missed something but where's your aro? :unsure:
  12. tahneen

    120 Gallon Tank

    I can buy a brand new 180 here for that price
  13. tahneen

    African Theme Setup

    for my stocking I think I'm going with 3 ropefish 2 climbing perch 2 abf 5 congo tetras and if I can some buffalo heads
  14. tahneen

    African Theme Setup

    for a cichlid I would say the coolest ones are buffaloheads and spiny eels arn't that hard to get, you could probly ask your lfs to bring some in
  15. tahneen

    Wound On Pictus Please Help

    hi all well the wound has almost healed only after a few days and hes back in the main tank which is good and I am very pleased of his quick recovery
  16. tahneen

    African Theme Setup

    well since I may be setting up a african tank I am thinking we have the options of elephant nose fish ropefish bichirs climbing perch synos spiny eels congo tetras kribs buffaloheads glass catfish tilapia african butterfly fish lyre tail killiefish african knifefish baby whale
  17. tahneen

    African Theme Setup

    no prob man Ill be keeping track of it to learn something about something lol
  18. tahneen

    African Theme Setup

    sweet man, I'm getting a 62g over the holidays! and was think of an african biotope too well probobly the best place to find out things about african fish and their habitat is mongabay I was on there yesterday and found lists on fish in any river you can imagine thats in africa you could try a...
  19. tahneen

    Help Needed To Chose Some Fish

    was that neccasary?
  20. tahneen

    My First Tropical Fish Tank

    nice tank as for the driftwood you should soak it in boiling water for a few hours
  21. tahneen


    to tell you the truth I am loving this thread and I have seen a post on a craiglist that upset me at their own ignorence so for that I will post a link have fun, it was a shocker to me
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  24. tahneen

    Wound On Pictus Please Help

    ok so the stats are ph 7.5 amm 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 the wound is clearly a bite wound as the skin looks torn off and yes I can see some pink also I will try and get pics up please help I really love this cat
  25. tahneen

    Wound On Pictus Please Help

    I have a pictus cat and I noticed this morning that he hads a wound on his right side that is about 5mm wide and I am pretty sure it is from my yellow lab which I am getting rid of soon but he does eem normal and active but he freaks out when ever another fish goes near so what should I do?
  26. tahneen

    Egypt Holiday

    am I the only one confused about the nile croc in the bathtub?
  27. tahneen

    Swordtails Grazing

    I recently got some swordtails and they seem to be grazing on the algae off of my fake plants they all go up as a group and pick at the plant for a while until they get tired of the current from the internal filter and go somewhere else so is this normal ?
  28. tahneen

    Convict X

    the callico con is awsome looking well if that can happen than its worth a try
  29. tahneen

    Bad Picture Update

    do you think he would pay 400 dollars or more for a fish just to keep it in a tiny tank no he wouldn't I would have to say that this guy knows his stuff as he is a breeder of very nice rays if I am correct
  30. tahneen

    Convict X

    Hi I was wondering if a normal can and a pink con will make some cool pattern as I have a really nice female con and the lfs has some pink cons in so I was thinking of breeding them to see what patterns I would get or would I just end up with a batch of half pinks half normal?
  31. tahneen

    A Good Climber

    what about grape vines they come back in spring and you get fresh grapes
  32. tahneen

    My Community And Betta Tanks

    no I have not had any problems but when I was setting the tank up and had a few tetras and whatever I was given the yellow lab as a gift so he's been the king of the tank since but sadly I am getting rid of him the convict and pictus so I can get more tetras and yoyos
  33. tahneen

    My Community And Betta Tanks

    the tank is 125 ltr and it is home to a yellow lab, convict, 5 swordtails, 2 red eye tetras, 1 black neon , 1 pictus cat, 3 otos, 1 yoyo loach, 1 opaline gourmie the second tank is a 5.5 betta tank in the office sorry about the bad quality
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