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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  3. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    okay i think im gonna pass on the cherry barbs even though theyre so pretty. and yeah i want happy fish so i may pass on the molly, i always heard mollies do just fine alone but idk i dont want any unhappy fish. And my tank is going to have a lot of plants and a few stones. i have the hardscape...
  4. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    thanks but i just dont have the room for rosy barbs :( and mollies and swordtails arent schooling species. idk if i want a 3 schools or 2 schools with a couple gourami... decisions... and i watched videos but it seems cherry barbs dont school tightly at all, am i wrong?
  5. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    now its between glow light tetras or cherry barbs :/ too manny choices,  does anyone have experiance with cherry barbs? what if i do   7 rasboras 7 glowlight tetras 7 cherry barbs 4 platy/swordtail 1 molly 4 male guppies 4 shrimp? is that pushing it? 
  6. lefty07603

    Floating Plants

    yeah the roots are very long and fine too! great for hiding! a bonus with water sprite is that if you dont like it floating you can also plant it and it looks nice!
  7. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    oh i was unaware! what species are completely safe and school nicely? thank you for informing me :) and being mostely on the bottom half of the tank would be a bonus
  8. lefty07603

    How Much Longer Until My Guppy Drops? Pic :)

    i have two both around the same stage. took like15 mins just to get a decent picture :/
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  10. lefty07603

    Floating Plants

    :) here is an alright pic, this person could use a nice cleaning though
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  12. lefty07603

    Having Fun With Pet Shop Guppy Colours

    right now i have two pregnant hakf black guppies with a cobra male! the father has since passed:( but i will see what comes out of the brood! 
  13. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    oops i meant gowlight tetras! like the one attached! although i like the serpae tetras... hmmmm choices choices, and ohhh a big gourami would be nippy? what could be my centerpiece?     i have no idea which tetra. im still tied between the 3 kinds i mentioned before
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  15. lefty07603

    Floating Plants

    if you cant find frogbit then water sprite is a good alternative! it looks like this!
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  17. lefty07603

    Can Bamboo Shrimp And Amano Shrimp Be Housed Together?

    thank you guys! what if i added a few cherry shrimps as well?
  18. lefty07603

    Can Bamboo Shrimp And Amano Shrimp Be Housed Together?

    i have a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering if i could put 2 bamboo shrimps with 2 amano shrimps. thanks!
  19. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    okay thanks guys! so im thinking 7-8 harlequin rasbora 7-8 glow light rasbora 4 swordtails 2 platy 2 mollies 4 male guppies 1 gold or opaline gourami 4 amano or bamboo shrimp   is this good? i think my final two are glowlights and harlequins! glow lights arent genetically modified right? i knkw...
  20. lefty07603

    Water Lily Question And Planted Tank Question

    okay thank you! ill get some flourish! and anyone else have experience with water lilies?
  21. lefty07603

    Water Lily Question And Planted Tank Question

    hey all i am planting a 55 gallon right now and i have a couple questions! first, is i have two aponogeton plants and 4 onion plants, they are grwing great! one plant is growing a stalk with a bud on the end and it grow half an inch an hour but i use root tabs, but instead of implanting them...
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  23. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    okay ill see if any of my LFS's have any rummynose. ill see which of the three catch my eye :-) and i was gonna have 3-6 bamboo or amano shrimp. would the cories interfear with them? but ive also never had bottom scavengers... maybe i should have cories or some sort of <5 inch loaches instead of...
  24. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    okay so ive don some research and rasboras stay  in the upper two-thirds of the tank! perfect! and now i want a school that will stay in the bottom two-thirds, i was thinking rummy nose, serpae, or glowlight tetras! what do you guys think!? and any other ideas?
  25. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    okay thank you guys! so ill definitely get some species of rasboras:) i would say a school of 7? and thanks for your input on the danios. they looked like they school tight but i guess they have to if theyre in an undersized tank that theyre sharig with 15 other fish. do tetras school very...
  26. lefty07603

    Which Make Tighter Schools? Rasboras Or Tetras?

    hello, i am setting up a 55 gallon and i was curious on which made tighter schools! i want a school of 7 zebra danios and i always wanted a school of harlequin rasboras but at the LFS there were some tetras that caught my eye. its tough because i want a few guppies, a couple swordtails, a couple...
  27. lefty07603

    Should I Add More Hardscape?

    sorry heres a better picture and this is my first time posting this tank lay out:) i do plan on adding more plants though! i def want at least one water lily. i want to add either dwarf hairgrass or micro swords for the front, anubius to attach to the rock pile on the right, a stem plant or two...
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  29. lefty07603

    Should I Add More Hardscape?

    this is my 55 gallon tank! i will be adding more fish and plants soon including a water lily! my question is should i add more stone to it? thnks, and any ideas welcome:)
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  31. lefty07603

    Will This Diy Breeder Box Work?

    i know there is a diy section but this also has to do with live bearers, i made this so the 3 pregnant guppies babies can go without getting eaten for a while. do you guys think it will work? i tried with molly fry but they never got out. but this was without any other fish in there, so they had...
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  33. lefty07603

    Another Molly Question (Plus Guppies!)

    i got a molly last night and when i woke up this morning my 55 gallon had 15+ more mollies in it than it did 9 hours prior. my 4 guppies had a meal out of a few but i moved the 15-18 fry into my empty 10 gallon. i can care for them well and the 10 gallon has a lot of algea that they can also...
  34. lefty07603

    Is This Guppy Pregnant? Got A Photo :)

    she does look very bloated, its not a very dark gravid spot but i would say she is def pregnant:) the fry are very small and almost all fish feed on them, so once she gives birth some will be snacks and some will be good hiders. i personally seperate them but not evryone has an extra tank. after...
  35. lefty07603

    125L Community Tank Evolution

    looks great! i think the amount of fish looks perfect! 
  36. lefty07603

    Setting Up A New 55 Gallon Tank, Stocking Help?

    well i love danios and i saw that they are so domesticated now due to the ease of breeding them that they can do well in many water types. i like the look of cichlids but arent they aggressive? and is my water too hard for any type of catfish? also, if i have to have shrimp instead of catfish...
  37. lefty07603

    Setting Up A New 55 Gallon Tank, Stocking Help?

    what if i were to omit the rainbowswould that be better? so heres a new list haha 8 zebra danios 8 harlequin rasboras 6 of a small cory species to be later determined 2-4 guppies 2-3 platy or swordtail 1 or2 mollies 1 gourami   hows this sound? is this overstocked? and i read into it and mollies...
  38. lefty07603

    Setting Up A New 55 Gallon Tank, Stocking Help?

     theyre boesemani rainbow fish!  and the corys gets about 3 to 3.5 inches. i was only going to put in a couple guppies from my smaller tank into the 55 gallon. heres a refined list 8 zebra danios 8 harlequin rasboras 6 emerald corys 3 boesemani rainbiw fish (on the fence if i shouod keep them...
  39. lefty07603

    My 10 Gallon Tank

    im setting up my 55 gallon as well and im using sand in that tank! the 10 gallon is my first tank but i have had for a year! any particulare plant ideas? like stem plants such as pennywort or a leafy plant or two?
  40. lefty07603

    Small Active Fish.

    swordtails do fine singlular and in small groups. be careful with sexing lime what phantom said. sometimes males may not have the tail extension cuz someties platys and swordtails interbread and some weird hybrids are floating around. look at the anal fin, if its rounded then it is a girl but if...