Is This Guppy Pregnant? Got A Photo :)

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Jan 7, 2013
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Hi, i bought one female guppy just over a month ago and since then it has gotten rather rounded. I'm guessing she is pregnant but i thought i'd post a picture so you guys could confirm it or other wise

If she is pregnant i have no idea what to do!! Especially because i don't have room for any extra fishes!
Any advice would be great!
Thanks, Imogen 
Also, how far would you say she is off giving birth (if she is pregnant) Just to work out when to put her in the breeder box :)
she does look very bloated, its not a very dark gravid spot but i would say she is def pregnant:) the fry are very small and almost all fish feed on them, so once she gives birth some will be snacks and some will be good hiders. i personally seperate them but not evryone has an extra tank. after they grow (which after a month they will be much bigger, stronger, hardier) most local fish stores will take them in either for free or even store credit:) any other questions? hope it helped!        ps. she is very colorful for a female!
Thanks, that was great! As for separating, if i wanted to put her in a breeders box when should i do it? 
Why put her in a breeding box if you don't want the fry? It'll just stress her out.
Just out of curiosity, how big is your tank and what else is in there?
It's a 120 litre planted tank. 10 neon tetra, 2 honey gourami,  1 guppy and 6 Panda Cory. I've just bought a 180 litre tank which I'm doing a fishless cycle at the moment, so i will put any future male fry in that tank and any female can stay in the 120 tank or go to a friends tank. 
Sorry about the late reply! 
p.s in the end she either only had one fry or she had a few but only one has survived. It's in a breeders box at the moment, very feisty little fellow! 

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