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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C


    I am having the same temp issues as you. I unplugged my heater a week ago, and the tank still steadily climbs as far as 90! My outside air thermometer reads on average 91-92, with the inside reading only a degree lower. We have no wind to bring the temps down. I am carrying out water changes...
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    New house with pond

    Hi All! :) We have recently bought a new house, and pretty much successfully transported a 55 UKG tropical tank, suffering only two losses (my Surinam Cory got himself trapped in the temporary setup, and a Bentosi White Tip died after being moved from the temp setup back to the larger tank). I...
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    Order of filter media in an EHEIM 2213

    The Sera Siporax is an equivalent of Eheims Ehfimech. In which case: Bottom - sera siporax (mechanical) then - course blue pad then - efhisubstrat (biological) Top - fine white pad or filter wool. The tubes do fine on the bottom, this is where Eheim advise they are placed. Eheim also advise...
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    Okay For A Filter?

    I wouldn't know if there was anything in that cotton that might leech into the water - also, I wonder how long it would last when wet. Personally, I wouldn't risk it. There are a few low cost alernatives to brand name filter media, I have even used cheap floss to replace Eheim fine filter...
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    tank temp - mixing boiled and cold water

    The issue about copper leeching into the water is more applicable when we are talking about using hot water that is stored in a copper cylinder. If you have a combination boiler installed (heats water as it is drawn in from the mains) or use a stainless steel water cylinder (such as a Megaflow...
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    Khulis and Shrimps

    I have Amano shrimp in my tank with Kuhlis, Yoyos and Clowns..and though I lost three shrimp to start with (almost as soon as I got them, though bodies were found so not eaten) I have three remaining, which are quite large now. They are happy enough, and are bold enough to challenge any of...
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    Someone explain a python

    Just ask! :) I bought mine off the shelf!
  8. C


    Will this become another "how many clowns to a gallon and how fast do I need to rehome them" arguement? :rolleyes: ;)
  9. C

    why dont my neons shoal?

    Because they are comfortable :) Shoaling is an instinctive protective behaviour, not a display behaviour as such. Do you find when you are maintaining the tank, ie moving decor around or carrying out a water change that they school? This is when they are more likely feeling threatened.
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    South American Puffer with white spots

    There are many theories when it comes to dealing with Ich, but there is a common denominator. Ich to a fish is like a common cold to a human and there are many remedies, but the key is safe dosing (scaleless inhabitants such as loaches, catfish, frogs are sensitive to many meds, as are some...
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    Someone explain a python

    I bought mine from Maidenhead Aquatics in Hillingdon :)
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    female bettas

    I have successfully kept honey gouramis and bettas in the same tank.
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    new fish

    They look like Platys to me - didn't it say on the side of the tank in the fish shop? :)
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    Rearranged Tank

    Well - from what I can see from the pic and the link - Rosy Tetra, Guppies and a Balloon Platy. Nice tank! :) When that Amazon Sword takes off, it will hide that heater nicely!
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    Growing The Boy

    Thank you, all! I am proud of how he is turning out :) It is easy to see he is a Sailfin now he gets his fin out, lol! When I first got him, he was very shy and nervous and didn't really display. He is still a little shy, but he is also a bit of a poser when it suits, and has learned that if...
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    German Ram

    He is a lovely looking Ram, goldie! :)
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    A few random pics

    LOL! :D Great pics, but I especially like this one!
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    Growing The Boy

    A few months ago I posted a pic of this Plec asking for ID. My instincts told me he was a Sailfin, but he was 17 months old at the time I adopted him, and still only a couple of inches in length. I got him in February, and since then (with a little indulgence) he has doubled in size. I do...
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    Changing to blackwater

    I doubt your local water is much different to mine, Wolf, and I went cold turkey on blackwater with no problems at all. I love the look of it, it is much more natural IMO. :)
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    Modified filter media

    If you are fancying Eheim media, then it is Ehfi-substrat (sintered glass) and not Ehfi-mech that offers the biological filtration. Click on the link for "water care" From the site: EHFISUBSTRAT To create biologically sound water as found in nature, you need EHFISUBSTRAT. Biological...
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    Fellow MTS sufferers

    Catfish 2 Peppered Cory 1 Albino Cory 1 Haraldschultzi Cory 2 Surinam Cory 2 Bronze Cory 3 Upside Down Cats 1 Sailfin Plec Loaches 6 Clowns 3 Kuhlis 2 Yoyos Other Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids 6 Bentosi White Tip Tetra 9 Cardinals 3 Bala Shark 8 Harlequin Rasboras 2 Silver Tip Tetra...
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    Barbs as Ditherfish

    Just out of interest, I wonder why barbs are recommended? Generally speaking, depending on the fish they are to share the tank with, what about Rasboras? They are not aggressive, they school nicely, and are not overly skittish...just a thought.
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    Do you think it will work? spray foam?

    That spray foam sets pretty hard, and has less compliance than styrofoam - it is also quite difficult to control its distribution. The idea of using styrofoam beneath the tank is to allow for any discrepancies in the surface level (including the floor) and to allow the water to find its own...
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    honey sunset gouramis?

    Here is a pic of my honey sunset :) Though the orange in her fins does not look as dark in the photo as it is in RL. I have had her for a year now, and she is about an inch long.
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    clown loach

    Also, often the dominant CL will fade out his colours.
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    new concept in aquariums

    I saw these on Ebay, with a Buy It Now price (no auction) of about £2,500. Personally, I am not keen on the look of them, and I agree that the two horizontals would need to be longer, otherwise larger fish could only find space swimming vertically. They also look potentially awkward to...
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    Aquatrax version 1

    Here is my opinion, sorry if the negativity disappoints. I don't use it anymore, though it was interesting to start with. I guess if there had been a little more depth to the program, and less reliance on my own research and input, it could have been a great piece of software...but by the time...
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    Thanks, tlc! :) I have learned tonight they seem to be hot property on Ebay - so extras could well find a home! :D So long as they don't damage my filter, lol!
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    Thinking of re-aquascaping my tank

    I have done this often, and left the fish in the tank. So long as it is a re-decor and clean up (leaving substrate in place) and you leave the lights off and move methodically and slowly, they will be fine :) Re-planting and moving decor is probably less stressful than netting the fish out...
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    Is the water too clean?

    If the readings for Nitrate from your tap are zero, then the frequent water changes you are carrying out will dilute any Nitrate build up in your tank. Nothing to worry about, and in fact it is to be envied if you do not keep live plants! :) Once you have given the final dose, I would carry...
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    The eel could reach 3 ft, and the recommended stocking for goldfish is 20 gallons for the first, 10 for each additional, but you seem to be aware of this already. What you need to determine is what has caused the Nitrite reading. You say the tank is five months old, is the filtration coping...
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    New Heater

    At 1 watt per litre, your existing heater should be sufficient :) You might want to consider having a backup though, placed at the opposite end of the tank. Often, with long tanks, a heater at one end could leave cooler spots. I have a 40 watt heat pad and 150 watt and a 50 watt heater on a...
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    Need advice ASAP

    Hi Frank! If you are injecting CO2, you must have a planted tank? Why not check over in the planted forum for ideas on coping with algae - a search will turn up plenty of reading material! :)
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    algea problems

    Thank you too, Loachlover! :) So a word to the wise, lol! :D If you think you might be bordering on overstocking...or wonder whether your maintenance routine might not be upto housing some of the more sensitive fish, and you have an algae problem - buy Wisteria! :D Seriously, throw some...
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    algea problems

    Thank you, RDD, yes that is my tank :) The Wisteria has gone nuts though, so I face a fair bit of pruning and disposing of, lol! :D re the inch per gallon rule, I have read (and believe to be fair in most cases) that a lot of Tetra (for instance) can be kept at 2" per gallon due to low waste...
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    I am so wierd

    Neons and Cories are not hardy, in fact they are quite sensitive to water conditions. If your Pictus is not picking off the Neons when they are alive, almost any fish will pick off them once they are dead (or dying). I am sorry to hear about your losses, though, good luck with the rest!
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    algea problems

    The only algae I have had has been soft, green, on your glass kind of stuff. I bought them to help with this, and do not have a problem with it now :)
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    algea problems

    IIRC, Otos like green and not brown algae. Mine happily munch on anything from algae tabs to fresh veg/fruit (lettuce, cucumber, grapes, etc) I have even seen them eat flakes :) The tank needs to be mature, though, for at least six months in my reckoning. They have never harmed my plants...
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    Identify my fish

    It looks like a Moonlight to me...
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    I have also been tempted to consider these snails (having sand substrate) but worry that they (at a young stage) might get sucked into my filter...thoughts anyone?