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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    Apistos With Sparkling Gourami?

    Yeah for some reason I have a weird fear of large fish, but I figure filling a biggish (relatively) tank with smaller fish would be more fun anyway!   Thanks for the response. I may go ahead and order them!
  2. E

    Apistos With Sparkling Gourami?

    Hi all - I did a search, but I didn't find anything about the compatibility of these fish specifically.   Anyone have experience keeping any apistos (most interested in borelli or hongsloi, but I'm open) with sparkling gourami? Or advice against this? They seem to both be consistently described...
  3. E

    Smeary Glass On Tank

    I have this same "film" on my tank, which I got secondhand. I believe it is slight etching of the glass perhaps from hard water, as it has resisted all attempts to clean it. I've tried very fine steel wool, razor blades, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, polishing scrubbers, toothpaste, vinegar...
  4. E

    Quick Q About Filter Baffling

    Long story short - Rena Filstar XP3 filter, 54 gallon corner tank, rasboras, neons, cories so far (adding some gourami and glo tetras tonight). The filter outflow was blowing the poor rasboras and neons around the tank. I put a prefilter sponge on it (on the outflow). Fish are happy as can be...
  5. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    I really do want to do peacock gudgeons, but this store rarely has them. I suppose I don't HAVE to stock all my fish from one store, but I now feel a sense of loyalty since the guy puts up with me coming in there 2-3 times a week to just look. His fault for building his store 3 miles from my...
  6. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    So my tank is officially completely cycled. It's eating through 3ppm of ammonia in 24 hours consistently for 4 days now. I'm going to stock this weekend.   The plan: 3 or 4 honey gourami (1 male and the rest female or should i do all females) 15 pygmy OR 10ish panda cories, depending on what LFS...
  7. E

    Baffle For Filter

    I'm telling you, Paint is the new Photoshop. And I have some real talent there.   I'm so glad my method worked for you! I actually ordered a new filter when the water bottle baffle wouldn't work, but then I thought of the sponge and ended up being able to send back the other filter. Thank you...
  8. E

    Baffle For Filter

    Sure thing. I will take one this evening when I get home and post. Until then, you get the benefit of my expertise in Paint. The sponge is actually one of those white filter bags you typically would pour carbon/substrate inside, so it's "floppy" and droops into the water on the ends when it...
  9. E

    Whoa Rooted Moneywort

    I have not been plant-keeping for very long, but some of my first plants I ever got were bunches of moneywort. They annoyed me with their tendency to just let loose and float around, so I spent a lot of time hoping they would die so I wouldn't have a constantly wet arm from shoving them back...
  10. E

    Baffle For Filter

    I have one of those 5.5 gallon kits from Petsmart, and the filter flow was still freaking out my newest betta even after I did the water bottle baffle. I ended up cutting a section of aquarium foam so it is about 1 inch longer than the baffle and sliding it inside through the water bottle piece...
  11. E

    Cycling With Plants And Seeding And Bottled Bacteria

    I thought there was a whole deal with the Walstad method surrounding the fact that plants prefer nitrite to nitrate as a source of nitrogen? Did I make that up?
  12. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    Some great suggestions! So, what if I did: 3-4 honey gourami 10 galaxy rasbora 10 cherry barbs 5 panda cories 5 kuhli loaches 2 peacock gudgeons - or open to suggestions 
  13. E

    Cycling With Plants And Seeding And Bottled Bacteria

    Okay I just ran another set of tests with the test kit I keep at work. I also found out that my wife did add ammonia yesterday, so the 3ppm reading I got last night was from freshly added ammonia.   Last night, the tests: ammonia 3ppm, 0 nitrite, nitrate 20ppm.   Just now: ammonia 1ppm, 0...
  14. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    Ooh how neat! Can I have them with cories or will they just compete for the same space/food?
  15. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    I could definitely increase the rasboras to 15-20. As for the cories, I've never kept them before. I have a sand substrate, but a lot of it is planted or has driftwood, plus I have a corner tank that is tall and has less bottom surface area. Will increasing the cory numbers be ok with more...
  16. E

    Stocking Ideas For 54 Gallon - With Honey Gouramis

    So, I have been tossing around ideas of stocking my 54 gallon tank. I had part of the decision handed to me when a friend said he had a few honey gouramis that needed a new home. (Is the plural of gourami gouramis or gourami?)   He keeps them with endlers and...some kind of rasbora whose name...
  17. E

    Cycling With Plants And Seeding And Bottled Bacteria

    I have another ammonia test kit I could take home and try out.   ...I will also ask my wife if she added any ammonia or at the wrong time...I did have her do the ammonia once when I forgot to do it in the morning, and it is entirely possible that she either A) forgot to add it at that time and...
  18. E

    Cycling With Plants And Seeding And Bottled Bacteria

    I promise I have read the sticky and read every post I can find about cycling with and without plants. I *think* I am doing what I should be doing and I *think* I have a grasp on this, but I wanted to confirm.   I'm doing a fishless, planted cycle in a 54 gallon tank. I took 1/3 of the media...
  19. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    I got the plants from 3 different sources. I'll link them! - hands down my favorite place to get plants from. Find the "Aquarium Store" link on the right side of the page. They don't have the hugest variety of plants, but the plants I did get from them arrived in...
  20. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    Thanks!!!   Got the ruffled swords yesterday and did a rescape. Changed the focal point. I like it a lot better now, but still not quite right. I've vowed to let it sit for at least 3 weeks to see what grows well or if anything isn't getting the right light, etc.    I'm also now thinking since I...
  21. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    Thanks! It was so much fun making it that I'd probably do it for free 
  22. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    I made the background actually. It was by far the easiest part of this whole project, lol. A little syrofoam, a little Drylok, a little (okay a lot) aquarium silicone.    I guess I have a while to decide on what fish to put in. I'm going to do a fishless cycle. I have 2 ten gallons and a 5...
  23. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    Here we go. The bubbles make it hard to get a good shot. I was trying to plant anticipating how things will grow in. I've been staring at it for 15 minutes, and I feel like it's too random. I'll post a better picture after I get the swords in, and maybe they'll make it look less awkward. I have...
  24. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    The swords didn't come today, but the tank is filling up right now! I have everything else planted. I'll just drain it and plant the swords on Friday - have the day off for my birthday :)    I have 3 male bettas right now (separate tanks of course!), and I have had a sorority in the past, but it...
  25. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    I'm obsessed with terracotta pots for some reason. I actually have a few that I carefully removed just the top ring, and I might use them as "planters" for some of the ruffled swords - I'm also obsessed with putting things in pots.   KrazyKuhli - thanks for sharing your tank. I love the red...
  26. E

    Help With Corner Tank

    Okay so I have my 54 gallon corner bowfront tank. I'm about sold on a betta sorority for this tank plus some cories and maybe 1 other school of something like rasboras. I do already have a breeder who has 15 female baby bettas being raised with rasboras that I will probably just take all in one...
  27. E

    Ugh Smell

    Yeah I'm not going to add melafix. I'm trying to find what's causing it.   I have the Omega One micro pellets, so they are .5 mm. Most things I've read recommend feeding 1-2 regular sized pellets twice a day, so I've been doubling that since the pellets are half size. Too much? I can certainly...
  28. E

    Ugh Smell

    I have a cycled 10 gallon tank with 1 betta and 2 mystery snails. I have your run of the mill store bought (clown puke) gravel as the substrate, 3 little live plants. I'm running a "Lee's Triple Flow" corner air-driven filter. Water parameters stay at: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10-20 nitrate, pH is...
  29. E

    Help Me Stock My 54 Gallon Corner

    I didn't think it would work either, but a handy google search assured me that other people have done it successfully. Maybe because a gudgeon is just a totally different shape than a betta? And we all know google knows all.    I'm going to totally obsess about this. The breeder I was thinking...
  30. E

    Help Me Stock My 54 Gallon Corner

    I just can't decide what I want to do. I have an empty 54 gallon that I will be starting to cycle, hopefully this weekend. Fishless cycle. The tank is pretty tall, 23 inches. I will have a ton of caves, and it will be moderately planted. I don't know how to stock it. I kind of love glofish, so...
  31. E

    Dying Plants (Help)

    I'm not an expert either, but I'm pretty sure the first plant is water sprite. A really great plant to have in your tank.   For the sword, I had a similar issue. I plucked off the worst of the browning leaves and it perked up on its own. The dead pieces do decompose in the water and foul it, but...
  32. E

    My Plant Lineup

    Good to hear my plant list should work! I've really agonized over this, getting the right balance of idiot-proof plants and ones that actually look good too.   I was going to get a T5 light, but I was convinced by this to go LED.
  33. E

    My Plant Lineup

    So I have been going back and forth on plants for my 54 gallon corner tank because I can't keep anything but anubias alive in it. Now I have learned a little more about lighting, ferts, when to use liquid carbon vs when not to, etc. I'm going to take a stab at re-planting it. This will be...
  34. E

    Small Bubbles/particles In Water?

    When I do a water change, I get a LOT of tiny bubbles all over the place. They cluster on plant leaves, decorations, the sides of the tank. They're usually gone overnight. If that's what it is, they will just go away on their own.
  35. E

    Filter Pushing Betta Around

    If anyone's interested, Lee's Triple Flow corner air-driven filter is actually really good in a 10G betta tank  I got the small size. The medium would probably work too.
  36. E

    Possible Silly Questions

    Good luck - can you return them to the store do you think?   There is a good section of these forums dedicated specifically to fighters if you want to take a look at it. Look for the "betta splendens" area. A lot of good information there on feeding, etc. If you could post a picture of your...
  37. E

    Possible Silly Questions

    I don't think there's any way to predict that. I definitely don't know everything, and I'm sure there is always a chance you won't have any problems. But I personally don't think it's very likely they will stay peaceful. They will probably leave the mollies alone. Unfortunately, it's just in the...
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    Possible Silly Questions

    I was just giving an example. Either way, I'm not sure anyone would advise keeping those fish together in one tank.
  39. E

    Possible Silly Questions

    Yes, unfortunately it is overstocked. 22 litres is just under 6 U.S. gallons, I believe. Mollies really should be kept in at least 10 gallons/37 litres. You *could* divide that tank and keep 2 fighters in it, but I wouldn't add anything else with those except maybe a little nerite snail.  ...
  40. E

    Possible Silly Questions

    You *should* be able to keep mollies with 1 fighter - either male or female - depending on the fighter's temperament. However, it's pretty much almost never advisable to keep a male and female together. Most male fighters will fight each other to the death. If you want multiple fighters, they...