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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. tomtomtom1230

    Thoughts On Why Lfs Employees Are So Bad?

    I take this quite personally since I work at a brand new chain-store-to-be in the UK based in the West Midlands. Why don't people who are passionate about animal welfare work at pet stores? They do. I do, at least and I like to think I can give some Stella advice. If I don't know something I...
  2. tomtomtom1230

    Siamese Algae Eater (Are They True?)

    Flying foxes tend to have black blotches on their undercarriage fins (and likewise with their dorsal) if I'm correct which leads me to believe that this is a Siamese Algae Eater.
  3. tomtomtom1230

    Update On The Tanganyikans!

    Haha thanks, it was only taken with my iphone 4S but I guess once you know how the camera works, it's all gravy!   I have had a sausage sarnie this morning with a very sweet, black coffee which has seen me well so far!   Hopefully, when the tank clears up a bit (I've just done a shed load of...
  4. tomtomtom1230

    Oops Too Many Bloodworms!

    I believe Bloodworms are Midge larvae?
  5. tomtomtom1230

    Update On The Tanganyikans!

    Image can be clicked on to enlarge.   Soooooo, I bought 4 N. Multifasciatus for my 125l tank and they are the most industrious fish I know of. Alongside ruining my careful aquascape (which I admittedly was prepared for), they've buried my Vallis and tried to bury each others' shells! Now I've...
  6. tomtomtom1230

    Please Help.. Not Sure What Is Wrong

    It might not be ich per se. Doesn't Velvet's disease give a sparkly appearance?
  7. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    They aren't the twist-to-tighten end caps are they? I know some ballasts have a screw fitted tighteners. I can't help you with the silicon I'm afraid!
  8. tomtomtom1230

    Look What Followed Me Home!

    I imagine they could/would take it raw. I'd be tempted to soak it in dechlorinated water for a couple hours beforehand, rather than cooking it, though I'm unsure.
  9. tomtomtom1230

    Stocking For New Tank

    Hillstream loach are a really nice fish to keep with some interesting routines and mannerisms once established in a tank   EDIT: I'm unsure, but are Hillstream loach and butterfly plecs related at all?
  10. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    Haha aw man, if you were about 75 miles closer, the store I work at has a big selection of condensation trays right up to 56"! Although I suspect you could just cut a sheet of corrugated acrylic or untreated plastic to size. Something that's not going to go funny if it was to get hot from the...
  11. tomtomtom1230

    Why Do You Like Fishkeeping?

    Yeah I know those feelings! And then they pretend it never happened or turn to look at the offending object as if it is the object's fault!
  12. tomtomtom1230


    Buy a new tank. Honey Gourami stay small right? I think it's a great idea to set up a new tank :P I believe they're not a fan of 'fresh' tanks though.
  13. tomtomtom1230

    Special Offer If Anyone Is Interested

    Yeah and like harvard referencing, a clear date and time or deadline for the offer will have to be listed. I know the posts are individually date stamped but I think the clearer the better to help avoid confusion and inevitable disappointment.
  14. tomtomtom1230

    Was At The Fish Shop Yesterday......

    I get this treatment a lot where I work and in that instance I'd have to refuse the sale due to the care requirements not being met for the animal. I regularly hold workshops for the kids and parents anyway and get them to grips with the basics of the nitrogen cycle and how it'll benefit their...
  15. tomtomtom1230

    Special Offer If Anyone Is Interested

    Mmm, this is true. It worked out OK in my head :P
  16. tomtomtom1230

    Special Offer If Anyone Is Interested

    Perhaps we should start a thread that we can inform people of offers we've seen in various places? Is there already one? True dat.
  17. tomtomtom1230

    Which Tank?

    I voted AquaOne, purely on the basis of lighting and spare parts if something should go wrong. AquaOne are everywhere whereas Blue Plant is few and far between.
  18. tomtomtom1230

    Omg. This Is The Kind Of Information Out There.

    I try, you guys are gonna have to start paying me :P
  19. tomtomtom1230

    Omg. This Is The Kind Of Information Out There.

    I'm the guy on there that's ranting and raving at every body :P I even got a sneaky plug for fish in ;)
  20. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    Yeah. It may differ slightly. My supplier tells me that everything from the cold tap (hot tap is different since it needs to be heated and go through several boilers and stuff) should be 18 degrees general hardness @ pH 7.8 but it's not. It's 21 degrees of gH @ a pH of 8.1-8.2! Hence why I'm so...
  21. tomtomtom1230

    Lifespan Of Fish And Community Tank

    I've never had a guppy (never kept platies but I imagine the time scale is similar) that lasted more than 7 years but as I understand it, that's an exceptional age. My granddad has a plec that's 30 something years old and my Dad has a red cap Oranda (similar to the Black Moor) that's nearly 20...
  22. tomtomtom1230

    Look What Followed Me Home!

    $10? That equates to about £6.80ish right? In any case that's not bad at all for a clown plec.
  23. tomtomtom1230

    Stocking For New Tank

      I think you'll be surprised. 1000l/hr is great for a tank of that size. Especially if you're going for a river/stream set up (which could be a compete work of art, I've seen some really nice mountain stream setups). A strong current is essential for most (not all, there are quite a few...
  24. tomtomtom1230

    Look What Followed Me Home!

    I think some pictures are in order of the plec in his new home xD
  25. tomtomtom1230


    You and me both :P
  26. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    You could always go to your water suppliers website. They should have a rap sheet or a typical analysis sheet of your tap water although buying a test kit is your best bet. Whilst you're at the store/surfing Amazon for some liquid test kit bargins, get a kit for hardness (gH and kH). That's the...
  27. tomtomtom1230


    American reality TV or not, I'd still love an 18ft tank.
  28. tomtomtom1230

    Look What Followed Me Home!

    Indeed. Did it set you back much? What tank is he/she going in? :D
  29. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    Some Sumatra wood would look cool instead of bogwood. The sumatra wood would make it look mangrove-y and cast some cool shadows as well as providing cover for the fish. It'd have to be  a big piece, mind. You could put the Sumatra wood in so the base or join of the wood is at the top and having...
  30. tomtomtom1230

    Wanting Rams

    You could even just get more harlequins which is what I'd do. Black harlequins and Coppers, thin line harlequins would all look cool and make your Rams pop even more in terms of colour. But without the tigers, you've got loads of choice.
  31. tomtomtom1230

    Ecology Project

    Sunlight and ambient air temperatures aside, it's a closed system so for sure you could try that. you could even try it without water. Grow some algae in a high humidity container, be it a box, a bottle, whatever. a little soil, some basic plant life (the algae or cress for example, not...
  32. tomtomtom1230

    I Got A Free Fish Tank

    Yeah, if you've think you've rinsed it enough, rinse it again.
  33. tomtomtom1230

    The Hobbit

      Great film, although they overdid it on certain themes...             ive seen the adverts and if im honest i dont like the hobbits, they kinda annoy me lol exactly, 3d has ruined films ever so slightly, it can be impressive but in general it ruins the film for me.     You guys need to watch...
  34. tomtomtom1230

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    Hell no, you don't :P
  35. tomtomtom1230

    My Project Tank

    Completely agree. A really interesting but elongated piece of wood would look pukka in that with various surface clinging plants on it all the way up, some moss. Yeah well nice Definitely go with a soily/sandy substrate unless that's pushing the boundaries of your budget a bit. Get some nice...
  36. tomtomtom1230

    Has My Platy Got Dropsyt

      Yes it can do harm. Fish meds are basically mild doses of poison, dosed at a level where it kills the problem, but not the fish. If your fish feels grotty, and then you give it a mild dose of poison as well, it's going to feel worse. If you are giving it the right poison, it starts to feel...
  37. tomtomtom1230

    Has My Platy Got Dropsyt

      In any case, adding an anti parasitic or anti bacterial treatment to the water can't do any harm, surely? I know if it was me I'd try a bit of everything until I found something that works; not everything at once mind you, over the course of a matter of weeks if possible.
  38. tomtomtom1230

    What Kind Of Plec Is This And How Big Will He Grow

    Haha, yeah I was thinking that. Otherwise, go to somewhere like or photobucket, upload the pictures and copy the 'thumbnail' URL into a reply window on here.    This.   It has the potential (A colleague of mine has a monster common plec lol, it's just shy of 40cm) to get 30cm or...
  39. tomtomtom1230

    What Is This Fish

    I'm thinking Tanganyikan cichlid. I've done a lot of research into them recently (setting up a tank for multies). It's body shape and pectoral fins are perfect for a shallower water (possibly shell dwelling) cichlid. It might not be a Tang but it's definitely part of the cichlid family. I'll eat...
  40. tomtomtom1230

    Tanganyikan Cichlids!

    Bump!   Am I Ok to use seashells in an aquarium provided I can guarantee that they're totally free of contaminants?