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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

      They ran out, shipment was coming Thursday so i'm going back to get more, but thanks for the tip
  2. carmstrong

    Putting Toys In Tank.

    Here's an idea to appease your nephew,    Take a picture of the "Car" online and print it, take it to a local print shop and have them laminate it (or print and laminate) leaving space around to keep the seal and the paper from getting wet. Have them use the thickest laminate they have, then you...
  3. carmstrong

    My New Boy :)

    He's a handsome fellow!    Congrats on the little guy :)    Keep us posted on his adventures
  4. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    This is all great info about the Cory's I ended up buying 4 Black Neon Tetras today, they are super cute! Will get 3 more :) Lots to think about, I'll hold off on the Cory's. I'm going to a huge fish store in a couple days so maybe I'll find something exciting there.
  5. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Ya. The Angels will be graduated into a larger tank once I have the space. The plan when I buy my home this year is to build a new tank. Sizing will be determined by the size of the home but I'm thinking anywhere from 55-125gal My tank I have, even tho it is long, is fortunately 18.5" in...
  6. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

          Yea, i'm happy they are doing well! Such beautiful animals, i'm excited to see their little personalities.   Hopefully the rest of the Cardinals will be ok, i hear they are finicky little things.   You guys think that some Peppered Cory's would be good tank mates for the Angels? I hear yes...
  7. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Hey guys/gals.. I actually raised the temp on the tank a couple days ago to just under 80 degrees (77-78) and since then they have been motoring all around the tank. I lost 1 Cardinal yesterday for an unknown reason so I'm taking him back to Petsmart to get another. I lost three in total since...
  8. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    This is all great advice, thank you. Unfortunately the 55gal won't come into play until May when I move. As for adding Angels in larger shoals, I just realized that after purchasing the two angels I have. Hopefully hey will be fine until I can move them into their permanent home. Since I...
  9. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Thanks Hobby, yes I know the tank is a bit too small for them however they will be there for a short period until I get my 55gal :)
  10. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    I tested my tap water and got the following results: Gh - 180 Kh - 80 Ph - 7.5 So my hardness is pretty high right out of the tap. Thank for the info on the Hex disease and ways to soften my tank. I was looking into getting live plants but my lighting isn't the best and I didn't want to do...
  11. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Hey Akasha, I checked my readings this morning and this is what I got. API Strip Kit: Gh - 120-180 Kh - 120-180 Ph - 7-7.5 API Liquid Test kit: High PH - 7.8-8.0 Low PH - 7.6 Unfortunately I don't have a liquid Gh, Kh test kit to get proper readings. The substrate im using is pool sand...
  12. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

      Yea, thought about getting 5 Peppered Cory's as well, have to pck and choose based on my stocking capability   Thanks for the tip :)
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  14. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Here is the FTS     I tried taking off the black background, perhaps it was creating shadows and spooking them or they think there are other fish in the tank due to the reflection.
  15. carmstrong

    Hospital Tank Setup How To's?

    Curious about this topic.. How would I keep a hospital tank cycled if I wanted to keep it running while not in use? Should I just have a little guppy or something swimming around in it and remove the guppy when you need it for a sick fish?
  16. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    Not sure what they were, but they are gone now! I took out those Rocks with pore-ish holes. They much have been laying dormant from those. I took everything out of the tank, and soaked in bleach let it sit in the hot water for a couple days and then put it all back in the tank. Thankfully...
  17. carmstrong

    Cardinal Tetras & Angelfish

    Hey Fish keepers, Hope everyone has had a great holiday! Question, I have a 36gal long freshwater aquarium currently housing 8 Cardinal Tetras and 2 Baby Angelfish. This tank has been running since August 2015. I have never housed Angelfish before so I'm not sure how their behaviour is...
  18. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    Ok, there are more now over the last 6 hours..      These are grossing me out!!    Here's another video..
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  20. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    The only thing I can think of that has been added in the last couple weeks are these new rocks, which i think have been there for longer than a month and i have them in two other tanks. The white worms and "bugs" have shown up on Monday of this week.      i dont know why that photo is upside...
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  22. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    They almost look like these Seed Bugs     Here's another video   They would randomly swim and crawl around the sand.  Vary in all different sizes as well
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  24. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    Hey Byron, thanks for the input.    The worms do move, creeped me right out, haha So far my fish haven't eaten them yet, but we will see   As for the brown bug, i'm not sure its a snail.. I actually don't have any snails in my tank for it to come from.. and there are aLOT of them haha   Wish I...
  25. carmstrong

    Bugs In My Aquarium..

    Good Afternoon Fish Keepers,    I have a question for you.    I have noticed a couple different bugs in my aquarium over the last couple days.    First I seen these white worm types   Not sure if those are Planaria   Secondly, this morning i noticed these little brown bugs. Round in size...
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  28. carmstrong

    My Journey To Fish Keeping...

    I think my one Cichlid is holding...     She wont sit still long enough for me to get a good shot.. 
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  30. carmstrong

    My Bnpleco's Are Breeding.

    Aww! How cute!!   Pics please, your video states its for private viewing only.    Congratulations on your Grand-Fishies!    
  31. carmstrong

    Gourami And His Domain

    Hey ChrispTho, how's it goin?   In regards to your Gourami, all I can give you is my experience with them.    I currently have two male Gourami's in a 15gal tank amongst other fish (6 Raspboras, 1 Red Wag Platy, 1 Snail & 1 Bamboo Shrimp)   They have both been in this tank for a little over a...
  32. carmstrong

    Skittish Cichlid

    Unfortunately the little guy passed today,    I think he starved to death as I hadn't seen him eat in the 10 days that he was in my possession.  It looked like there was something wrong with his mouth preventing him from eating or he was sick enough that he didn't want to eat.    Thankfully...
  33. carmstrong

    Tiny Worm-Like Things In My Tank

    I'm surprised they can withstand the ammonia levels in your tank! Another reason why we don't need those animals on this earth, haha   Personal opinion..    I would get them out, don't want one of those leaving the tank and snacking on me in the middle of the night! (but thats up to you, can't...
  34. carmstrong

    Tiny Worm-Like Things In My Tank

    They almost look like mosquito larvae..    Is it any chance they look like this?     If it is, i'm surprised your fish haven't eaten them! haha
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  36. carmstrong

    Fluoride In Water Question.

    We have been adding Flouride to our water within Canada for many years (30+ as long as I've been alive and are aware of it) Just looked it up, we've had it in our water since 1945..   I have been running my fish tanks with the same water for 1.5 years.  (I don't run carbon in two of them)   I...
  37. carmstrong

    Skittish Cichlid

    I wondered that too.. would watch him with the lights out and still stayed under the rock..    Maybe thats just the way he is?   Is that gonna cause problems once they get older?
  38. carmstrong

    Skittish Cichlid

    Good Morning Fish Keepers :)   I have a question in regards to my Mbuna Africa Cichlid.    When I purchased him a week ago (today) with 6 others, he was very skittish and would hide in the corners of the tank or around rocks.    At first, I figured this was being they were placed within a new...
  39. carmstrong

    My Journey To Fish Keeping...

    Yes, but I love it! haha