Tiny Worm-Like Things In My Tank

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Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2013
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Noticed today that I had some worms squiggling around my tank as well as a large bunch of them idling near the surface. No idea what they are or if they are safe, but if they disturbed they will always go back up the surface and stay there. Never had something like this before so I wanted to know if it's safe or I need to start working to get rid of them. 
I took a photo up close and it looks like they have tiny heads with some tiny fangs? Long, white bodies. 
Here's the photo
They almost look like mosquito larvae.. 
Is it any chance they look like this?
If it is, i'm surprised your fish haven't eaten them! haha
Yep. That's it.
Well, I have no fish right now. The tank is still cycling. Can I leave them in or should I fish them out? 
I'm surprised they can withstand the ammonia levels in your tank!
Another reason why we don't need those animals on this earth, haha
Personal opinion.. 
I would get them out, don't want one of those leaving the tank and snacking on me in the middle of the night!
(but thats up to you, can't see a reason why it would hurt anything)
Personally I'd scoop them out with a fine mesh net, most fish will love some mosquito larvae, so in the absence of any fish, take them out.
Ensure you have some water movement from your filter as generally mosquitos lay eggs in still or stagnant water.
They wont do any harm to your water or cycle at all btw.
Yeah, it's really surprising considering the tank has laround 3ppm of ammonia, if not 4ppm... 
You'll be surprised what can survive a cycling tank, I have had common snails and assassin snails and most annoyingly damselfly nymphs all going through fishless cycles start to finish with 3ppm ammonia and sky high nitrite etc :rolleyes:
Mosquito larvae like standing water. I would think that some of the places I've seen them could possibly have high ammonia content.
I would scoop them and freeze them in a cup. Then throw them in with fish. Fish love bloodworms!
CSnyder00 said:
I would scoop them and freeze them in a cup. Then throw them in with fish. Fish love bloodworms!
excellent idea :nod:
though its not bloodworms, mozzie larvae....
True. But mosquito/flying insect larvae. It's all good to the fish.

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