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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. CezzaXV

    Transferring Fish From One Established Tank To Another

    I would still acclimatise them properly, just to be on the safe side. There is a lot more to water parameters than those we're used to testing for.
  2. CezzaXV

    Quick Cycling Question

    Are you shaking the bottles well and leaving it five minutes before reading the test results? I'd have expected you to see something by now, either ammonia or nitrates.
  3. CezzaXV

    Water Changes! How Do You Do It?

    If you look at the link in my sig you can see the semi-automatic water changer I made. I'm not gonna lie - it takes forever in my new 155L tank (I like to do ~50% changes) but it takes almost no effort on my part.
  4. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    A few babies have died but I think I've got three left. They're 11 days old now so I've beaten my previous record of 10 days and I'm very happy. They're getting bigger now. I have taken some photos but I haven't got them off my camera yet lol!
  5. CezzaXV

    Hardy Aquarium Plants

    Java fern and anubias always do really well in my tank. Never had any problems with dead leaves.
  6. CezzaXV

    Gouramis - More Than One?

    My current stocking is 6 cardinal tetra, 6 trili cories, 1 dwarf gourami and my one remaining guppy which I'm looking to get rid of, plus assorted inverts. Been to my LFS and looked at the honey gouramis which is definitely what I want, and if my research is correct should only grow to 55mm...
  7. CezzaXV

    Gouramis - More Than One?

    What would be a suitable tank size? I've got a 155L. Story to hijack your thread FF :P
  8. CezzaXV

    Gouramis - More Than One?

    I'm thinking about getting a honey gourami to go in my tank with my existing dwarf gourami. Bumping this thread for more answers. :P
  9. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Little guys getting bigger. Don't have to search so hard for them now. May try and get some photos soon.
  10. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Babies are still living. It's difficult to get pictures because they're difficult to find now they're in a proper tank and I don't have any proper lighting for it. I think I have four babies from the first batch and one from the second batch, though it could be more as I can only really spot...
  11. CezzaXV

    Distinguishing Fish Type

    Even biologists aren't sure! What is now sold as the Celestial Pearl Danio was once called the Galaxy Rasbora!
  12. CezzaXV

    I Wish To Make Something, Advice Needed

    I was only planning on hiding the heater cable, not necessarily the heater. Might as well hide it since it's so close to the filter piping. I really like the idea of painting the pipework actually - it would be just as good. Only trouble is that the tank would have to be without a filter for 24...
  13. CezzaXV

    Adding Female(s) Dwarf Gourami To My Tank

    Interesting! Some of my LFS have some truly gorgeous gouramies in stock. I'd love to have a few different types.
  14. CezzaXV

    I Wish To Make Something, Advice Needed

    Hi everyone, I recently got a second hand Fluval 305, with upgraded Eheim piping. I much prefer having the straight piping than grooved, but the trouble is that it is green and stands out a lot against my black background. My tank is very tall, so there is no chance of hiding the piping behind...
  15. CezzaXV

    Used Fluval 205

    Equipment make/model/size: Fluval 205 filter Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Upgraded Delivery or Collection: Either - Delivery will be £10 on top Sales price: £40 Postage & Packaging: Delivery £10 Location: Devon Photograph: I am selling my used Fluval 205 filter. This has been in...
  16. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    I'm breeding trilineatus. Well, I say I'M breeding them, they seem to be breeding themselves at the moment! I notice tonight they're spawning AGAIN! Not quite sure what to do with this lot of eggs as I don't have enough equipment to have two separate lots of eggs on the go! I've netted my dwarf...
  17. CezzaXV

    Finally Found What Im Looking For....

    Where did you get that bit of wood from? I've been looking for something along those lines but haven't found anything suitable yet.
  18. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    None have hatched yet. They're at the 3 day mark now. Generally mine have always hatched at 4 days, occasionally 5, so I've got high hopes for tomorrow.
  19. CezzaXV

    Mts In The The Trash?

    I always just crush my snails as I find them. My fish gobble them up then!
  20. CezzaXV

    Albino Catfish Care?

    I agree. Albino catfish could describe one of any number of fish species. I suspect I know what you mean but im not gonna give any advice until I'm sure.
  21. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Got the milk bottle in my little 15L tank at the moment with the airstone running. I've not got the little filter running atm because surely the bacs will start dying off without anything producing ammonia? Should I have it running Also, after they're born would there be any merit in me popping...
  22. CezzaXV

    Adding Female(s) Dwarf Gourami To My Tank

    My LFS sells "Peacock" and "Cobalt" dwarf gouramies - I believe that all the peacocks are males and cobalts are females. Obviously they're quite distinctive.
  23. CezzaXV

    Adding Female(s) Dwarf Gourami To My Tank

    Hey everyone, I recently got a 155L tank as an upgrade to my 60L tank. Amongst other fish I have a dwarf gourami male, and I am now interested in adding a female now I have the tank space. However, information isn't so easy to find. Will my dwarf gourami be okay if I add a female to the tank...
  24. CezzaXV

    Quick Q Regarding Electrics

    Indeed, I am very impressed by it. I've got it set to 24.0. Occasionally it slips to 24.5, sometimes 23.5, but this is acceptable to me and it's a massive improvement on my old heater where I had it set at 22 to heat the tank to 24.5. On my old heater I would have to really need to change the...
  25. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    I've not yet set the tank up as the quickest time mine have ever hatched was about 4 days, but then I keep my tank at 24.5C. I've got tights and I think I have a sponge kicking about somewhere, so either way the filter will be baby safe. I will take some media from the filter in my main tank...
  26. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Wow, I'm rather lucky then (even luckier). I've not decided what I'd even do if I did get a cory to adulthood. A sentimental part of me would want to keep it but another part would want rid of it to prevent inbreeding. Of course, it was easier to say I'll keep it when I had just the one fry...
  27. CezzaXV

    Quick Q Regarding Electrics

    Must say I'm very impressed with this Fluval E series heater. You can set the temperature so precisely and it actually heats to the temperature you set it to. I've found that I've had to go back through my notes and decide what temperature I actually want my tank at, rather than settling for a...
  28. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Indeed they were - I've just removed 12 white eggs. Feels a terrible shame but I never thought I'd see the day where I could remove 12 infertile eggs and still have more than half my eggs left. Fingers crossed for the rest of them.
  29. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Thanks guys. I'm up to 25 now and I'm calling it a night. I can't stay up any longer to be searching the tank for eggs. I've released my dwarf gourami as I couldn't leave him sitting in my net all night. Really hoping to get hold of an ice cream tub soon as a temporary floating tank for him for...
  30. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    I'm up to 24 eggs now. My previous record was 7! Come on, universe. If I can't get one cory to adulthood from 24 eggs, there's no hope! Fourth time lucky?
  31. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Thanks, it's nice to have words of encouragement. This business can get a bit disheartening at times when you fail. Everyone I speak to seems to have their own ideas on what you should and should not feed fry. Do you not worry about the brine shrimp eggs rotting in the tank? It's difficult to...
  32. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    I've got nine eggs now (so far!) - a record breaking spawn for me! It would have been even more if not for those getting eaten before I got home I'm so happy that they're spawning again though, it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm so glad I'm going to get another chance so soon...
  33. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    Update: Got one egg that I managed to get to before my dwarf gourami did! Although they don't look like they're still spawning, obviously they are because I would have noticed that egg. Don't wanna disturb them too much right now but gonna keep an eye on it and remove my plants to check for eggs...
  34. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    All my babies are dead now. :( Every batch of fry has been a learning experience though. I was wary of putting these in their own tank because my last lot I think were killed in the stress of my filter breakdown and having to move them from tank to tank. Next time though, I am definitely putting...
  35. CezzaXV

    Where To Buy Suitable Ammonia?

    And it's still the case that unless you get massive amounts of media given to you, you still need to finish cycling it. All it does is give you a head start. When I was cycling, I asked my LFS for media. The guy just looked at me like I was asking what time the aliens are landing.
  36. CezzaXV

    Marina S15 Power Filter

    I originally had one of these, but it wasn't long before I replaced it. It's not that it's not powerful enough, but I'd say more that it is JUST powerful enough. Never hurts to have a bit of buffer in your filtration, so that if something impedes the flow or something, then it's still more than...
  37. CezzaXV

    Amano Ammonia Production

    I once considered keeping some shrimp in an unfiltered tank on a windowsill. I ended up not doing it in the end - I couldn't be bothered going down the whole Walstad route and I didn't want the extra electricity output, but I'm interested in the answer to your question. I suspect though, the...
  38. CezzaXV

    Omg Cory Eggs!

    At the moment I've got the bottom of a milk bottle cut off and floating in the tank, with an airstone half in the tank (if I submerge the airstone I feel the water movement is too much). The moss ball is tipping the bottle, so it's maybe 3 inches deep on the deep side, maybe less than 2 on the...
  39. CezzaXV

    Various Pieces Of Wood

    I'm also looking for something rooty. My tank is 61cm high, 61cm wide and 41 deep - do you have anything big enough to fill that?
  40. CezzaXV

    Lower Nitrates

    I agree with Danny. Sounds like they don't really know what they're talking about, or don't know enough to explain it to someone else. The general rule is your nitrates shouldn't go much above 20ppm above what comes out of your tap, but you'd need to have pretty darn high nitrate before it...