Adding Female(s) Dwarf Gourami To My Tank

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Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I recently got a 155L tank as an upgrade to my 60L tank. Amongst other fish I have a dwarf gourami male, and I am now interested in adding a female now I have the tank space.

However, information isn't so easy to find. Will my dwarf gourami be okay if I add a female to the tank? Is one female the way to go or should I add more than one?

Also as an aside, what temperature would my dwarf gourami(s) be happiest at? With my new tank I've got a new heater that is much easier to set. However, different websites seem to give me different info.

Also, what's the deal with keeping different kind of gouramis together? Is it a good idea? Anything I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance for your help guys.
if you can track down females - it is best to have at least 2-3 females per male in the tank.

Best to only have one kind of gourami per system, and at the 1:2-3+ ratio
My LFS sells "Peacock" and "Cobalt" dwarf gouramies - I believe that all the peacocks are males and cobalts are females. Obviously they're quite distinctive.
A lot of shops only sell male dwarf gouramis as they are a lot prettier than the females, which no-one wants. Females are usually silver with maybe the hint of stripes, though there are some reports of more colourful females being bred. By and large, if a dwarf gourami is very colourful, it's male.
On the contrary to a reply on here, I have just about every breed of gourami except the real big ones. They do fine being together. In one tank I have Opline, Blue, Pearl and Drawf.

I keep my tank at 82F or 28C, and yes 1 male to 2-3 female for all gourami.

Stay away from the Kissing and Paradise Gourami, they are not community fish.

Oh and make sure you have enough hiding spots for the females.
I'm off to my lfs tomorrow to take in 40 Molly fry and hopefully picking up some new gourami's and I'm hope to get different ones and I'm unsure to which to add as I have a blue spotted female and I'm not sure whether to add any males at this point as I might choose to start breeding at one point but ill obv be limited to one need as obv the male fighting issue.

Ill see what my lfs has to offer tomorrow and that should help me to make my mind up

Some of my LFS have some truly gorgeous gouramies in stock. I'd love to have a few different types.
Well I've added 4 and my blue spotted female is not impressed she's constantly chasing my 2 golden gourami's when she sees them. From what I can see they are all female I'm guessing its because they are half the size of her but not sure why she's not having a pop at the others as they are in " her " chill out area in the plants ???

Ill get pics up ASAP once my tattoo is finished

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