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October FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Ok, thanks a ton. I will get this right. Cheer for my Cory's
  2. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Question, why would they have excess mucous coating and how can you tell that?
  3. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    I test my water every week with my water changes as well as wipedowns. I have been battling brown diatoms for months, that stuff is evil. Would it contribute to harmful bacteria, etc that you mention above. I am diligent about cleaning and water changes. I can move my snails to another tank and...
  4. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    I had a stripe of black and blue gravel at first but suspected it was to rough so removed 90% of it and am using Imagitarium brand Black sand. Maybe it's the wrong sand? It's a fish tank product. There may be a couple chunks of the gravel left but most of it is gone. I will be freeing up my ten...
  5. Gamegurl564

    Kissers used to be common… don’t see them much anymore… they do seem to be a little strange

    Hehe, que some Rob Zombie music and lordie lord, would that get ugly
  6. Gamegurl564

    Kissers used to be common… don’t see them much anymore… they do seem to be a little strange

    Thanks for the info. Maybe when things settle down I'll get some honeys. They really are pretty little things and if they are mellow, would be welcome. I think what people didn't realize about kissers is that they weren't affectionate kissing. Cheers
  7. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    What would you recommend?
  8. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Ok, here's a pic of my little cuties. The one to the far right has the worst of it and I'm not convinced he has an infection but would like your opinions. Just so you don't have to re-read the post, my question was if Melafix was an appropriate treatment but was told if infected that's not...
  9. corylips.jpg


  10. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Ok, when I get home I'll put up a pic. Interesting thing is I read a bunch of articles about this problem. They claim it's a myth that the rough substrate is the cause. Anyways, I'll get a pic up and thanks
  11. Gamegurl564

    Kissers used to be common… don’t see them much anymore… they do seem to be a little strange

    I had no idea Kissers could get that big. I learned alot about dwarf gouramis going through three if them. I'm kinda pissed that my lfs sold me the three with claims of them being ok. Maybe in a group of 10 or more but right from the start there was one bully, I took one back and she immediately...
  12. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Sorry, didn't see an edit option. My Cory's have the same issue with their poor little mouths. I have to move them to a ten while I do some work on my bigger tank. They are active eating well, I have bumped their food up to high protein diet, weekly water changes, and removed all gravel, only...
  13. Gamegurl564

    False julii cory missing whiskers - looks very bad

    Is Melafix an appropriate treatment for that?
  14. Gamegurl564

    Best fish to breed for someone getting back into hobby

    Kribensis, very easy to breed but be prepared for a lot quickly
  15. Gamegurl564

    Companions for a female Kribensis

    Cool suggestion, those guys are neat and I had thought about Killi fish. They say I can only put two in the 20 gallon. Maybe a couple of those and some Rasboras?
  16. Gamegurl564

    Companions for a female Kribensis

    Maybe a Clown Pleco?
  17. Gamegurl564

    Companions for a female Kribensis

    I think after all the hard work she has put in with her babies she deserves a nice peaceful tank. Any type of dither fish you prefer? Rummy Nose or some Harlequin Rasboras or would you think Cardinals? Thanks
  18. Gamegurl564

    Do amazon swords need Root tabs? Or can they be fine with no fertilizer/Leaf zone?

    I haven't tried it yet but really like the look of Micro Sword plant. Apparently they are good for carpeting and have small leaves. The other small leaf plant that comes to mind are Baby Tears. If someone mentioned those already my apologies
  19. Gamegurl564

    Companions for a female Kribensis

    Heyas, In the near future after I get rid of my Mom Kribensis last babies it will be just her in a 20 long tank. I had to get rid of dad awhile ago. I will re- arrange the tank before adding anyone but wondered if a Hillstream Loach might go ok or another type of smaller Botia? As she has been...
  20. Gamegurl564

    Help! Honey gouramis unwell

    Dwarf Gouramis will explore Everywhere! I frequently see mine go on its side and try to go under stuff. I had to remove two castles as they managed to wedge themselves in. Yours may have explored and got stuck. Make sure the rock is pressed down so it cant go under.
  21. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    The greens are good for your fish. Mine go after algae pellets
  22. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    I've heard Java Fern is one that's not tasty as well.
  23. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    Oh man. What is munching on it so fast? Would be frustrating
  24. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    The floaters should help and dont need a lot of light from what I know
  25. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    I feel your pain in regards to these evil brown diatoms. Two of my tanks are cursed with it. Would some Anubias survive your plant eaters? They have pretty substantial leaves
  26. Gamegurl564

    Pre-Feeding Time

    Your Botia is super cool
  27. Gamegurl564

    What type of gourami have I got?

    Hi, I'll wish you luck with your female Honeys. I started out with three Female Powder Blue dwarfs and am down to one. They are quite aggressive to each other. I tried two after taking back the third but one was beating her up constantly so now I just have the one and shes fine.
  28. Gamegurl564

    What fish off this list can I have in a 75 gallon peaceful community?

    They are hardier than the Germans as well. Make sure to have a sandy substrate for the Ram's and the Cory's. Rams will sift through the sand.
  29. Gamegurl564

    What fish off this list can I have in a 75 gallon peaceful community?

    My Cory's love to feed on any niblets on the plants and love the cover under my Wisteria. They look so cool surfing over the plants.
  30. Gamegurl564

    Plants to Outcompete Algae

    The floating plants like duckweed and frogbit spread incredibly fast. I'd start with 10 or 15, you can always add more.
  31. Gamegurl564

    🐠 TOTM Vote Now - April 2023 Tank of the Month Contest (17 to 30 gallons)

    Here is my entry for ToTM. This tank is still in progress. It is a 20 gallon breeder tank with a Pair of Kribensis in it with babies. Plants are Bucephalandra Green Godzilla, Anubias Nana Petite, Water Wysteria and Pogstomen. I have a double sponge filter powered by a 40g Air Pump, black sand...
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  33. Gamegurl564

    Kribs and their spawn

    Thanks so much for your reply. I can see the signals from Mom and they are such awesome parents. It's going quite well so far. Cracks me up when one or the other parent sucks up a wandering baby in their mouth and takes them back to the flock. Super cool stuff.
  34. babies1.jpg


  35. Gamegurl564

    Kribs and their spawn

    Heya folks, My sweet little Kribs just had babies. I had a moment of despair when I turned the lights on this morning and saw no babies. 10 minutes later, presto they were there. Big sigh of relief. Where were they? Do the parents hold them in their mouths over night? I had wondered if they took...
  36. Gamegurl564

    Question about dithers for Kribensis

    Just an update. I kept these little lovlies alone apparently in wedded bliss. 3 weeks in and we have Babies!!! Such a cool thing.
  37. Gamegurl564

    Question about dithers for Kribensis

    Thanks for your reply and the good information. The happy little couple is doing great. :cool:
  38. Gamegurl564

    Question about dithers for Kribensis

    Thanks Colin. They are happily digging digging digging. The female is getting a nice big red belly. I'm excited to see if they make some babies. Kribs are my favorite fish. The males color has changed a lot since putting them in the 20. He is a very dark blue grey with some amazing color.
  39. Gamegurl564

    Plants That Will Survive In A Cichlid Aquarium

    Nice post thanks. If this is an older post forgive me for replying. :P Wondered why you didn't have Bucephalandra on there. There are alot of awesome choices with them. Cheers and thanks
  40. Gamegurl564

    Question about dithers for Kribensis

    Howdy folks, I recently got a pair of Kribenisis. They misbehaved badly in my 29 gallon community tank so I got them their own pad, a 20 gallon breeder. Currently they are in there by themselves and doing great. I don't see them much which is ok but wondered if I should pop some dither fish in...