Fish Fanatic
So, I’m planning a 75 gallon peaceful community. There’s only four fish it has to have: 13 Albino Sterbai Cory catfish, Rummynose Tetras (13), 13 Glowlight tetras, and a BN pleco of the lemon-blue eye morph. Everything else below has to fit with them. I’ve picked everything I like that seems to fit below. Obviously I can’t have it all, so tell me which fish I can have in the 75.
-Lemon Tetra
-Ember Tetra
-Glass Catfish
-Adolfo Cory
- Green Neon Tetra
- Black Neon Tetra
- Cherry Barbs
- Dwarf Gourami
- Pearl Gourami
- Mystery Snail (?)
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Marbled Hatchetfish
- Apistogramma (Borelli or Cockatoo)
- Bolivian Ram (All-female school of four)
I also want Platys, but they don’t seem to fit in the acidic conditions everything else likes.
-Lemon Tetra
-Ember Tetra
-Glass Catfish
-Adolfo Cory
- Green Neon Tetra
- Black Neon Tetra
- Cherry Barbs
- Dwarf Gourami
- Pearl Gourami
- Mystery Snail (?)
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Marbled Hatchetfish
- Apistogramma (Borelli or Cockatoo)
- Bolivian Ram (All-female school of four)
I also want Platys, but they don’t seem to fit in the acidic conditions everything else likes.