Companions for a female Kribensis

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2022
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Santa Rosa, California
In the near future after I get rid of my Mom Kribensis last babies it will be just her in a 20 long tank.
I had to get rid of dad awhile ago.
I will re- arrange the tank before adding anyone but wondered if a Hillstream Loach might go ok or another type of smaller Botia?
As she has been in the tank for awhile with just the babies I worry about putting anything in with her but want to keep her and want her to have some company.
The only other option is moving her to my 29 gallon community tank.
Residents include Cory's and a dwarf female Gourami.
I kinda doubt there would be peace adding her to the 29.
It can depend on how aggressive your kribensis is(as it can vary from krib to krib) but I have heard yoyo loaches can be kept with kribs, but I think yoyo loaches need a bigger tank?
Hillstreams like serious water flow that's hard to manage in a 20, and would make a pulcher/krib very unhappy.

Even alone, she'll still hold her territory, which will be the whole bottom of the tank. She'll have no friends, but she would like some bird targets above her so she can relax. They probably figure that if the surface fish get eaten by birds, they've been as good friends as a Cichlid needs or wants. So some kind of 4-5 cm shoaler would be good company. Smaller African tetras and barbs are hard to come by, but SA tetras will do, as long as you choose species that like the upper reaches of the tank.

Botias and loaches like the bottom of the tank, and will annoy her constantly.

And yes, I know you probably don't have predatory birds in your house. But she doesn't....
I think after all the hard work she has put in with her babies she deserves a nice peaceful tank.
Any type of dither fish you prefer?
Rummy Nose or some Harlequin Rasboras or would you think Cardinals?
Might I suggest some Florida flag fish. They have a bit of a personality as well, but like the top of the tank.
Might I suggest some Florida flag fish. They have a bit of a personality as well, but like the top of the tank.
Cool suggestion, those guys are neat and I had thought about Killi fish.
They say I can only put two in the 20 gallon.
Maybe a couple of those and some Rasboras?

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