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  1. xtenrou

    Considering Getting A Fighting Fish...

    I want a new fish in my tank to add a splash of colour to it since it looks a little dull, so I was considering getting a Siamese Fighting Fish. But I wonder whether it will be ok in my tank, I was wondering what you guys think. Tank size: 24 Length, 15 Depth, 12 width. 14.81 Gallons/67.32...
  2. xtenrou

    Neon Tetra Seizure?

    Sooo...I was fiddling around changing the batteries in a Rolson 72 LED light (not an aquarium light, you can use this for anything & take it around with you) Anyway I was using the desk my tank is on to rest it on and when I changed the batteries I turned it on. It shone on my tank for a few...
  3. xtenrou

    Can Fish Become Bored?

    I'm doing some work for college...and I'm wondering, if theres no rocks/plants/caves/decorations, can the fish get bored? I know that sounds a little silly, but I was thinking if theres nothing for the fish to swim round/through would they get bored?
  4. xtenrou

    Lump On Side Of Fish?

    I did do my research. What I found said it would be ok in that size tank. Don't suppose anyone is going to tell me what that lump is...?
  5. xtenrou

    Lump On Side Of Fish?

    The store I got him from had him in a tank MUCH smaller than the one hes in now. I don't have anyone to take him. Sorry, but its the truth. :|
  6. xtenrou

    Lump On Side Of Fish?

    I have no idea what this test kit means either :C I'll do a water change now. Do you think (if he survives) he would do ok in a 14 Gallon tank? It's got 6 Neon Tetras in and some shrimp.
  7. xtenrou

    Lump On Side Of Fish?

    He doesn't have alot of poo or uneaten food in the gravel, I stir the gravel up so that if there is any waste in the gravel I can take it out. I can't find a new home for him, I don't have the money nor the space to buy a bigger tank, and there isn't anyone to take him. He's been completley fine...
  8. xtenrou

    Lump On Side Of Fish?

    I haven't seen my Red Tailed Black Shark for a few days, and I when I finally caught a quick glance of him this afternoon it looks as though he has a large lump on his right side. Like I said, I haven't seen him for a few days, normally he comes out to play in his bubbles or to look for some...
  9. xtenrou

    White Spot Help!

    Looking through google, and it mentions you can do some kind of treatment with salt? If I used this salt method, it wouldn't hurt the shrimp would it?
  10. xtenrou

    White Spot Help!

    A few days ago, I took one of my Neon Tetras out from the main tank and into a small hospital tank becuase I saw that its tail fin was ragged and lot shorter than the other Tetras tails. (I thought it might either be sick or being bullied so I separated them just in case.) Today, I saw that the...
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  12. xtenrou

    Why Did My Fish Die?

    My friend Red Tailed Black Shark suddenly died this evening and we have no idea why. My friend has had his tank cycling for 2 weeks, with filter and heater running. He went to buy his fish today, and took in a sample of his water in too. The lady at the desk said that the water was fine for a...
  13. xtenrou

    Sudden Fish Death

    My friend Red Tailed Black Shark suddenly died this evening and we have no idea why. My friend has had his tank cycling for 2 weeks, with filter and heater running. He went to buy his fish today, and took in a sample of his water in too. The lady at the desk said that the water was fine for a...
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  15. xtenrou

    Could This Neon Tetra Be Sick?

    Whoops, forgot to put that on. Yeah I am. ^^"
  16. xtenrou

    How To Keep A Tank With No Heater Warm

    Say the heater in your tank broke, you didn't have a spare and it was too late to go out and buy a new one. How would you keep the tank warm? I'm going through a problem thats sort of similar. I have a small hospital tank with a sick fish in but I don't ahve a spare heater for it as I couldn't...
  17. xtenrou

    Could This Neon Tetra Be Sick?

    So its definatley sick then? Do you think my other fish could follow suit? None of them look like they have any symptoms yet. Phew. I think I do have a small spare filter somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out. Hmm..I'm guessing I didn't let the tank cycle enough then? It's been cycling for at...
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  19. xtenrou

    Could This Neon Tetra Be Sick?

    Tank size: 24 Length, 15 Depth, 12 width. 14.81 Gallons/67.32 Litres [I used a sheet that came with the tank saying how much water it can hold. It's full almost to the top so this should be a rough estimate..] Take these with a pinch of salt becuase I can't read my test kit for the life of me...
  20. xtenrou

    New Fish In The Sea

    Well hi there fellow fishy lovers <3 Just wanted to say hi before I start posting everywhere. Got a bit of trouble with one of my tanks so hopeing to get some advice. :D