Could This Neon Tetra Be Sick?


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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Tank size: 24 Length, 15 Depth, 12 width. 14.81 Gallons/67.32 Litres [I used a sheet that came with the tank saying how much water it can hold. It's full almost to the top so this should be a rough estimate..]
Take these with a pinch of salt becuase I can't read my test kit for the life of me. Its a "Tetra Test 6 in 1"
pH: between 6.8 - 7.2
nitrite: It says 'safe' levels
nitrate: Same as above
gH: Something like between 8d - 16d?
tank temp: Currently set to 25C
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): This particular Neon Tetra just...didn't look as well as the others I have. He was swimming with them, but sort of on an angle. Definatley not straight. Almost like he was a little tipsy? His back fin seems to be a little ragged and doesn't look as 'full' as the other fishes tails, it looks short. I got a small spare tank out and cleaned it, filled it with tank water and put him in. I did it as a precaution in case he had something infectious... he's right next to the other fish but he doesn't seem very bothered about them. He's just floating in the middle of this 'hospital' tank being very still. I also don't have a spare heater to put in this hospital tank so Im trying to keep it warm with towels and hot jugs of water by the side of it, maybe hes a little cold..? I'd buy a new heater but it's too late to go out and get one now.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: Roughly 20% of the water once a week on a Wednesday.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: No chemicals [EDIT: Wait, slight oversight. Using Tetra Aquasafe], media..does that media, like equipment? Theres a Tetra Tec HT50 and a Fluval U2 underwater filter in there.
Tank inhabitants: Normally 6 Neon Tetra (The sick one has been taking out into that little hospital tank I mentioned) and about 12 Cherry Shrimp. Oh, and Im pretty sure theres one snail in there too. Theres a few small plants in there too, but I don't know there names...
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Earlier today I put in 6 Cherry Shrimp.
Exposure to chemicals: None.
Unable to get a decent photo of him.

Sorry if this infomation is kinda rubbish, did my best. ^^"

Tank has been set up since roughly the beginning of January, Only put in 6 Cherry Shrimp & the Tetras last week, and the plants the week before that. 6 more shrimp went in today but I don't think this could of affected this Tetra in such a short space of time..?

EDIT: managed to get a half decent picture~ gshjdtjtdgj.png
Personally I don't think you have cycled the tank long enough.
well forget about the cycling for now... its the fish that's sick, the tank can wait a little while...

it dont matter WHAT pic you post, just post one please!
Its a "Tetra Test 6 in 1"
Thats a test STRIP kit... you really need a liquid test kit

pH: between 6.8 - 7.2
Thats a decent PH but since it's a test strip kit i cant rely on it

nitrite: It says 'safe' levels
means nothing

nitrate: Same as above
means nothing
This particular Neon Tetra just...didn't look as well as the others I have. He was swimming with them, but sort of on an angle. Definatley not straight. Almost like he was a little tipsy? His back fin seems to be a little ragged and doesn't look as 'full' as the other fishes tails, it looks short. I got a small spare tank out and cleaned it, filled it with tank water and put him in. I did it as a precaution in case he had something infectious... he's right next to the other fish but he doesn't seem very bothered about them. He's just floating in the middle of this 'hospital' tank being very still. I also don't have a spare heater to put in this hospital tank so Im trying to keep it warm with towels and hot jugs of water by the side of it, maybe hes a little cold..? I'd buy a new heater but it's too late to go out and get one now.

I'd say that that neon tetra has ammonia poisioning and also some form of finrot.... do two 50% water changes on the main tank then go out tomorrow, get a heater for the little tank - perhaps the heater from the main tank and then for the main tank use a 100W heater... it will give you a longer heater life because it won't be on for as long... also you want a filter for that hospital tank so if you haven't already got one i suggest something like a Tetratec IN300 or a Fluval MINI... if you do get either of these, replace at least 1/2 of the media with filter media from your other tank... if you have already got a hospital tank filter... name it and replace half the media (again if you have not already done so)

hope it helps


I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing with blubble, but these 2 links should explain my thinking behind your neons illness.
So its definatley sick then? Do you think my other fish could follow suit? None of them look like they have any symptoms yet. Phew.
I think I do have a small spare filter somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out.

Hmm..I'm guessing I didn't let the tank cycle enough then? It's been cycling for at least a month with the filter & heater & things going in it though.
Or maybe I overstocked it..?
Wow, I feel kinda awful now. Well, can't learn if you don't make a few mistakes I suppose.
So its definatley sick then? Do you think my other fish could follow suit? None of them look like they have any symptoms yet. Phew.
I think I do have a small spare filter somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out.

Hmm..I'm guessing I didn't let the tank cycle enough then? It's been cycling for at least a month with the filter & heater & things going in it though.
Or maybe I overstocked it..?
Wow, I feel kinda awful now. Well, can't learn if you don't make a few mistakes I suppose.
Don't feel bad about it, I'm sure a lot of people have done the same. I'm only saying you didn't cycle long enough because I done the exact same thing with my 1st tank. I bought 6 neons and 5 zebra danios and all but 1 neon died. I hope I am wrong about your problem because if I'm right you may still lose more fish.
Just keep up with the water changes, get yourself a nice liquid test kit (api master test kit is a good one). Also, you say no chemical additives.... please tell me you are using a dechlorinator
Just keep up with the water changes, get yourself a nice liquid test kit (api master test kit is a good one). Also, you say no chemical additives.... please tell me you are using a dechlorinator

Whoops, forgot to put that on. Yeah I am. ^^"

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