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  1. Tropical Tony

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Ahhhh so they poop them out like live bearers?
  2. Tropical Tony

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Whoop!!! So what happens now do they lay them somewhere?
  3. Tropical Tony

    Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

    Hi Guys. I’ve got 4 crystal shrimp in my tank but today I noticed some round black things in the stomach of one of them. I took a picture but it’s really blurry because I had to zoom in. I’ve circled where the dark spots are. Are these eggs? Also if anyone could let me know what happens next if...
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  5. Tropical Tony

    How many ottos?

    I’m enjoying the read haha. I was in my LFS today and seen some. I’m a bit scared about putting them in though incase they nibble my plants
  6. Tropical Tony

    Tank update!

    Hey guys, so my tank has been up for 6 weeks now. It’s 150l. Everything is doing great except for the Monte Carlo it’s not going fully green it’s like a brownish colour. Any ideas why this may be? I’m not injecting Co2 but I have Co2 booster liquid and I dose once a month with plants in...
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  8. Tropical Tony

    Can you over waterchange?

    Thanks for the replies guys! Think I’ll start foing weekly 50% waterchanges from now on
  9. Tropical Tony

    Can you over waterchange?

    Hi guys. Had my 150l tank for nearly 2 months now and I do water changes twice a week and take between 30-40% out each time. I was just wondering if you can over waterchange tanks?
  10. Tropical Tony

    How many ottos?

    Yes for algae
  11. Tropical Tony

    How many ottos?

    Hi guys. move got a 150l tank and was just wondering how many ottos would be enough to keep it clean?
  12. Tropical Tony

    Red plant suggestions...

    thanks for the reply! Yeh I was thinking crypts I’ve got a green one in there at the moment and it’s tripled in size in a month. What red crypts would stay small? I have a 30watt white LED so not sure if I need more lighting or not.
  13. Tropical Tony

    Red plant suggestions...

    Hi guys. I’ve got a 150l planted tank but want to add a bit of colour to it. I want to know if there are any small red plants for the foreground I could get or even any red carpet plants. Thanks
  14. Tropical Tony

    A months progress!

    oh really. The plants and fish seem fine and healthy like. I’ll just have to make sure I stick to the instructions and dose the correct amount
  15. Tropical Tony

    A months progress!

    yeh. I’ve never properly used Co2 so when I found the liquid version I thought I’d give it a go. I know it’s not quite like injecting the gas but the plants seem happy enough haha.
  16. Tropical Tony

    A months progress!

    Thanks guys. I only have 3 neons, 4 rummynose, 4 black phantom tetras l, 3 crystal shrimp and 2 nerite snails. The light I use is the ciano CLE100 30 watt LED. Im using tetra plantain once a month and liquid Co2 daily. Substrate is seacham fluorite black
  17. Tropical Tony

    A months progress!

    Thanks I’m really happy with it. It’s 150L
  18. Tropical Tony

    A good plant supplement?

    Thanks so much for the replies guys! I think I might try the seacham products. Yeh I couldn’t find any ingredients for the plantain. My plants are growing fine like but does seem a little strange they don’t list them
  19. Tropical Tony

    A months progress!

    So I thought I’d share a some pictures of my tank A month apart and I’m really pleased with the results. Plants are growing really well apart from my siamensis 53b. It’s gone really bushy but not grown much taller. Has anyone got any ideas why this may be? I’d also love to see everyone’s before...
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  21. Tropical Tony

    A good plant supplement?

    Hi guys. At the moment I’m currently using tetra plantain to supplement the plants in my tank. I like that it’s just one treatment per month. However I was wondering if there is anything better on the market? Thanks.
  22. Tropical Tony

    Captured a lovely picture of my nerite!

    I got two Nerites for my tank yesterday and caught this lovely picture of one tonight. Just thought I’d share
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  24. Tropical Tony

    The internal filter is out! (Pics)

    It’s 31 gallons so august it is! All the plants will be fully carpeted by then too
  25. Tropical Tony

    The internal filter is out! (Pics)

    Yes the internal box filter took up too much room in the tank so i installed an external one instead
  26. Tropical Tony

    The internal filter is out! (Pics)

    Finally taken my massive internal filter out. Thought I’d share some before and after pics just need the plants to grow now to cover the heater
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  29. Tropical Tony

    How much surface agitation

    So as my box filter is still running you can really see the surface getting agitated. When it’s switched off and just the external running it’s a really light swirl. Is this ideal?
  30. Tropical Tony

    How much surface agitation

    Hi guys. At the moment I have a 150l planted tank. I’ve got a box filter (what come with the tank) and an external filter. They are both running at the same time but I’m almost ready to take the box filter out and just let the external do it’s thing. My question is how much surface agitation...
  31. Tropical Tony

    Medium sized fish suggestions

    Thanks guys, they are neons and rummynose at the moment and thinking about some black phantoms too. Thanks for the suggestions. What Geo would be ideal because I know some of them do go to a decent size.
  32. Tropical Tony

    Medium sized fish suggestions

    Hi everyone, I’m after some recommendations. In my tank it’s mostly small fish (tetras). I’m after some medium sized fish that aren’t tetras But won’t grow huge. The tank is a planted 150L. Water is quite soft and PH at the moment is about 7.2. I like German blue rams but was just after some...
  33. Tropical Tony

    More plants less algae?

    Cheers for the replies guys! Really helpful. At the moment I’ve got some Monte Carlo, dwarf hairgrass, java moss, some hygrophila, cryptocoryne balansae, some reineckii pink, Rotala rotundifolia And I’ve just bought some Blyxa Japonica.
  34. Tropical Tony

    More plants less algae?

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if adding more plants would result in algae having less chance to grow?
  35. Tropical Tony

    What will naturally reduce PH?

    yes exactly just tetras mostly but I know they do like the PH a little lower than what it is at the moment.
  36. Tropical Tony

    What will naturally reduce PH?

    thanks for this! I’ve just checked and it says 32mg/l.
  37. Tropical Tony

    What will naturally reduce PH?

    GH is 60ppm. Not sure what the KH is.
  38. Tropical Tony

    What will naturally reduce PH?

    Hi guys. My PH is around 7.2-7.4 and i want it to be more on the acidic side. Apart from ph buffers what natural things can I put on to bring the PH down a bit? Am I right in thinking peat will bring it down?
  39. Tropical Tony

    Should I dose a new tank with algae gone treatment

    Thanks for the reply. there’s only a couple of neons in there at the moment. I’ve been doing 2 water changes a week only about 20% each time.