Medium sized fish suggestions

Tropical Tony

Fish Crazy
May 4, 2020
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Hi everyone, I’m after some recommendations. In my tank it’s mostly small fish (tetras). I’m after some medium sized fish that aren’t tetras But won’t grow huge. The tank is a planted 150L. Water is quite soft and PH at the moment is about 7.2. I like German blue rams but was just after some other ideas. Cheers guys.
How many tetra and what specie? I think german blue ram require very high temperature so it might not work with what you have..
Yes, German rams require a higher temperature than most tetras. What kind of tetra do you have?
Bolivian Ram , apistograms, curviceps, some smaller geophagus, will all be fine with most tetras and all share similar water parameters as they are from the different or same areas of the amazon. But yeah nailing down the exact species of tetra would be helpful:)
I agree with all of Utah's suggestions! As much as I would love to suggest German Blue Rams (I Love them, as my profile picture clearly shows), I don't think they would be a good fit, because from what I hear, they tend to be sensitive to water parameters (Temperature being one of them). Another suggestion I would have would be Rainbow fish. They come in a large variety of sizes and colors and are a fairly active schooling fish. But, again, knowing the species of Tetra's you have would be helpful in providing suggestions that will "mesh" well with the fish you already have.
Thanks guys,

they are neons and rummynose at the moment and thinking about some black phantoms too. Thanks for the suggestions. What Geo would be ideal because I know some of them do go to a decent size.
Thanks guys,

they are neons and rummynose at the moment and thinking about some black phantoms too. Thanks for the suggestions. What Geo would be ideal because I know some of them do go to a decent size.
I'm not sure that Geophagus would be a good idea with Neon Tetras? Even some of the smaller Geo's might be big enough to eat the Neons once full grown?
Before we can pin down suitable fish, we should know the tank dimensions. A 150 liter (40 gallons) is one factor, but the surface area of the substrate is equally if not more important because some fish have territories.

We can discount some suggestions. Blue (common) rams willnot work because they must have temperatures over 80F/27C and this is too warm for neon tetras that need it in the range 75-77F/24-25C. The Bolivian Ram someone mentioned would work, assuming the tank is 36 inches/90 cm in length.

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