Search results

  1. Tropical Tony

    What’s the best branched wood for aquariums?

    Hi guys. tim looking on adding some woody branches/roots to my setup but I’m not sure what’s the best type of wood to go for. I’ve heard stories about Azalia roots rotting in the aquarium so was just curious as what people are using?
  2. Tropical Tony

    What are these!?

    Mosquito larvae. Fish should munch on them
  3. Tropical Tony

    Phosphates too high?

    Thanks Colin. I have quite a high flow in my tank how would they stay in one place?
  4. Tropical Tony

    Phosphates too high?

    Thanks Colin, what floating plants would you recommend. I have an external filter so was thinking about buying the phosphate pads, cut them to size and slot them in.
  5. Tropical Tony

    Phosphates too high?

    I’ve just checked my tap water and I’m getting the same reading so it’s my house water what’s the problem. Any suggestions as to what I can use to reduce phosphates in the tank?
  6. Tropical Tony

    Phosphates too high?

    Hi guys, I’ve just tested my phosphates for the first time as I’m starting to get an algae buildup on plants and rock. It was reading about 3.0ppm. Is this the reason for the algae growth and if so what can I do to combat it?
  7. Tropical Tony

    Given up on my Monte Carlo

    And no there is no Co2
  8. Tropical Tony

    Given up on my Monte Carlo

    Thanks guys. Yes I agree. I’m thinking of getting rid of the wood what’s in there and putting some branches in. The only thing is the shrimp love the wood in there now it’s a really good hideout for them. Decisions decisions.
  9. Tropical Tony

    Given up on my Monte Carlo

    Hi guys, After a few months of struggling with Monte Carlo I’ve decided to uproot and get rid. It spread across the floor nicely but never really grew up and always had bits of algae growing on it. All my other plants seem to be doing well. Anyway I decided to replace the Monte Carlo with some...
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  11. Tropical Tony

    The difference two months makes!

    Thanks guys! I really can’t believe the progress. It’s so fascinating to see how the plants have developed!
  12. Tropical Tony

    The difference two months makes!

    Hi guys hope you’re all well! I was going through my phones camera roll and went all the way back to two months ago when I first set my tank up. I can’t believe the difference two months has made! Sorry but I just had to share. The first photo is from May and the second is from tonight.
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  15. Tropical Tony

    Pics of fish with food in their mouth

    Hi guys, I’ve just captured these pictures of my black phantoms eating bloodworm and Thought it was quite funny. Has anyone got any pictures of their fish eating to share?
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  18. Tropical Tony

    How much do you feed your fish?

    I feed once every other day. Always have. Mostly frozen foods. My fish are always healthy and the tank stays clean.
  19. Tropical Tony

    Help! Nitrate 160 ppm!

    I do 50% atleast once a week. Usually twice a week. Bigger waterchanges are much better for the tank.
  20. Tropical Tony

    Lighting question.

    Thanks Byron, just some digging and found this. Any use?
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  22. Tropical Tony

    Lighting question.

    Hi guys, I have a ciano emotions 80. Its just under 150l and the light on it is a white LED and it’s 28 watt. I was wondering how I would find out if it’s bright enough for my plants? I’m thinking about adding a pink and blue light (apparently helps plants more) this is the one I’m looking at...
  23. Tropical Tony

    Picture of my crystal shrimp eggs!

    No not yet. Here’s another I’ve just got what’s a lot closer!
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  25. Tropical Tony

    Picture of my crystal shrimp eggs!

    Hi guys. Captured this picture on my phone of my crystal shrimp with its eggs! I love the shot. (FYI I’ve put a vignette on it so the shrimp captures the attention not the fish). Dying to see some babies haha.
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  27. Tropical Tony

    Monte Carlo pearling after waterchange.

    Thanks Byron. It seems a lot more plants are doing it now not just the Monte Carlo. I’ve not seen them do this since I first put them in the tank.
  28. Tropical Tony

    Monte Carlo pearling after waterchange.

    So I’ve just done one of my two weekly waterchanges and as a lot of you know my Monte Carlo hasn’t been doing too well. (I’ve been dozing liquid Co2 and found out this can melt Monte Carlo) I cut the dying Monte Carlo right down to give it another chance. Anyyyywayyyy, I stopped dosing Co2...
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  30. Tropical Tony

    Anyone used this system before

    I’ve just been watching comparison videos of tanks without Co2 and plants with Co2 and people seem to have much more success with Co2. I want My carpet plants to grow mostly but also my rotalia. Here’s a pic Colin.
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  32. Tropical Tony

    Anyone used this system before

    I have Monte Carlo, dwarf hairgrass (the mini type) reikinii pink, java moss, cryp balansae, siamensis 53c, hydro tria, and a couple of other ones I can’t remember the name of at the moment haha. There are 5 crystal shrimp. I want to add some Co2 because growth just seems slow and some leaves...
  33. Tropical Tony

    Anyone used this system before

    Hi guys, mom looking on adding pressurised Co2 to my tank and was wondering if anyone has ever used the tropica Co2 system nano? thanks.
  34. Tropical Tony

    Trimmed Monte Carlo right down (pics)

    After my post the other day about the browning Monte Carlo I’ve decided to cut it right down and see if it starts to rejuvenate some healthy leaves. Here’s a picture of it after the trim. Also. My hydro tripartita has started to show little signs of browning/yellowing on old leaves. New leaves...
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  37. Tropical Tony

    Why is my Monte Carlo staying a browny colour?

    hi Steven, my nitrates are somewhere between 10 and 20. I’ll test the ammonia later tonight.Do I want there to be 0 ammonia?
  38. Tropical Tony

    A good fert to dose with flourish.

    Thankyou Byron!
  39. Tropical Tony

    A good fert to dose with flourish.

    So should I just stick with flourish and see how it goes Byron?