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  1. Galokin

    Advice Needed On Fire Eels.

    I saw some fire eels and Tyre eels today as my local supplier, and both are described as not to mix with small fish. Im thinking anything that can fit in its mouth, so definately nothing like Tetras.
  2. Galokin

    Planting Live Plants

    Ahh cheers dude, all of what you described makes sense. Thanks!
  3. Galokin

    Planting Live Plants

    Do you also remove it from the spongey kinda stuff thats in the pot? Thanks for your reply, you could have easily ignored my dumbass post lol :P
  4. Galokin

    5Gal Paludarium Build Thread

    absolutely fantastic project mate, bravo!
  5. Galokin

    My First Tank

    you shouldnt have any regrets mate, your tank looks good. Lots of spare room to expand decor with plants and such. Nice job :)
  6. Galokin

    My Pride And Joy

    the Red and white fish are gorgeous, I definately want a bigger tank in the future so i can keep beauties like yours!
  7. Galokin

    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    sod getting fish, you should get your own Scuba Diver in there! haha :P
  8. Galokin

    Upgrading My Tank :)

    Yeah, the best thing to do is get compatible species of bottom feeders, mid-dwellers...etc So you have fish in all areas of the tank :) (all in my opinion of course!)
  9. Galokin

    Upgrading My Tank :)

    you definately need to get lots more tetras! As suggested, 12 would be more interesting to watch! Hope the new tank goes well for you!
  10. Galokin

    Planting Live Plants

    Ok sorry my first post is a question, but here I go! :) Looking around at forums more and more at aquatic tanks and stuff Ive noticed every tank seems to have their live plants actually planted into their gravel/soil. Mine are just sat there in the plant pots they came in! hmmmm.... I know...
  11. Galokin

    is a keen new fishkeeper eager to learn!

    is a keen new fishkeeper eager to learn!