Search results

  1. EnjiBenji

    My Tank Pictures..

    I wasn't a fan of backgrounds either, but eventually did decide to get a background for mine, and the impact it had was instantaneous and stunning, all the colours of the plants seem that much brighter and even the fish look more vivid in contrast to it. I decided just to go for a plain black...
  2. EnjiBenji

    My First Tank

    Personally I love the wood and think a fine piece of bogwood like that really adds to the over all look of a decent tank. Having said that you could always cut it so that it sits flush against the back of the tank, thereby not wasting any space and making it look slightly less conspicuous...
  3. EnjiBenji

    4X2X2 With Stand, Lid, Cannisters Etc £100

    Where abouts in South Devon?
  4. EnjiBenji

    Floating Plants! Rarer Phyllanthus Fluitans, Red Root Floater

    Hiya mate when will you be sending the plants out? Enji
  5. EnjiBenji

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    Payment sent on the Dwarf Sag and the Red Floating Plant.
  6. EnjiBenji


    I really would love to purchase the Galaxy Rasboras but collection is not an option for me unfortunately as I live in Devon.
  7. EnjiBenji

    Scots Pig Farm

    Nice pigs! I used to have one called Rodney, but sadly he copped it from old age and bowel problems.
  8. EnjiBenji

    Fry, Eggs, And A Monster

    Be nice to see how those babies develop. Keep us posted! :good:
  9. EnjiBenji

    My First Tank

    Nice tank. Like Pest Control said I think it would look better with more plants. What stocking have you got in there?
  10. EnjiBenji

    Floating Plants! Rarer Phyllanthus Fluitans, Red Root Floater

    Can you put me down for 1 small portion please. Ill PM you when I can for this and the Dwarf Sag. Cheers :good:
  11. EnjiBenji

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    Thanks for putting two down for me. Any idea how many posts before that feature becomes available? Thanks
  12. EnjiBenji

    Harlequin Rasboras Dying Off

    Hi all, have recently rescaped my 15 gallon tank. The filter is fully cycled and it has been for almost a year. Recently though I decided on a change of scape and fish. So I did a little research and started planting my tank. Once I had done this I knew that I definitely wanted a school of...
  13. EnjiBenji

    is very annoyed with the missing pieces from his new canister!!!

    is very annoyed with the missing pieces from his new canister!!!
  14. EnjiBenji

    Dwarf Sag ([I]Sagittaria Subulata[/i])

    Hi I'd be interested in buying 2 lots of the Dwarf Sag if you have any left, PM me details and I will organise payment. Thanks Enji
  15. EnjiBenji

    Dwarf Water Lettuce

    Hi, have you still got some for sale?
  16. EnjiBenji

    Dwarfs For Sale

    Are the Agazizi's still available? If so PM me please, I would be interested in purchasing them.