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  1. S

    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    I Found him, and he is still allive. :P I rechecked my filters and he had burried himself in the giant sponge in my filter. I had to cut the sponge to get him out. He has white spots on his body will he be ok? -_-
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    A cleaner fish for dp's

    Hello, I got some dwarf puffers recently, and I have noticed they are very messy eaters. I was wondering if there was a small fish that could go with them and help clean up the scraps. Maybe some kuhli's or gobies? I know that Dp's won't tollerate most fish but I thought I would ask anyway. :P
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    Yes I have checked and rechecked my litle guy is know where to be found. :no:
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    The tank is on an iron stand very easy to access the back side off it as well as the bottm.
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    no there is a cap covering the end of the filter.
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    YUP, I think my kittys got him. :-( bye bye little guy :byebye:
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    SirMinion, you can put bumblebee gobies in with dp's!? I thought it was just plecos and ottos. :*)
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    He is not anywhere in the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could he have made it as far as 10-20 feet?
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    ODD BALL EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!&#

    I've looked and loked and my rope fish is no where to be found!? He is not in his tank. I am pretty sure he could not get out but non the less he did. I can't find him he is know where near the tank. How far can he travle with out dying? Also my cats might have picked him up...
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    BGK is a Black Gohst Knife.
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    I GOT PUFFERS!!!!!!

    ok I will try it agian latter.
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    I know this might be pushing it

    Now I feel really stupid, my bad. :*)
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    I GOT PUFFERS!!!!!!

    I GOT MY DWARF PUFFERS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :kana: :hyper: They came in the mail, not sure if it was the best way to get them, but it was the only way I could. :/ There are 2 males and 4 females. One of the females has red eyes and redish colored fins, the others are all normal looking...
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    I know this might be pushing it

    You might try getting a spiny eel instead of a peacock, They basiacly look the same.
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    Feeding your puffer crabs

    The crab can also still fight back with its legs. You also might try some crayfish, but if anything they are more dangerous. mine piched me and made me blead.
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    You could try 3 or 4 african black knifes, but they might pick on the corys. Other then that I can't really think of anything else.
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    I just seen a shocking video

    there is also a difference by feeding the fish feeder fish, they are so small that it is over in a second.
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    I just seen a shocking video

    Wats wrong with that guy, why couldn't he just give it away.
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    Bossibly you could keep 1 or 2 clown loaches in a 50 gallon. Butterfly fish only need 30 gallons so you should have no problems. You could probably put in 4 or 5 AFB's in a 50 gallon.
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    Feeding your puffer crabs

    Taking the claws off does not kill the crab it just leaves it more vulnerable.
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    My trip to Clare's House

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    knife fish and new tank

    My BGK is only concerened with fish about his size, I have only seen him attack my rope fish once though. When I add new fish he is the first to investagate. Then after realizing he/she is no threat he carrys on his/her buisness.
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    Don King

    lol, awsome
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    knife fish and new tank

    Really, I thought the only reached up to about 1ft 6 inches maxed out. I geuss I'll have to find a bigger tank then.
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    knife fish and new tank

    I have a baby one in my 30 gallon, I am also pretty sure that a BGK could live in its own 30 gallon.
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    Mystery Danger. Pleas Help!!!!

    I am pretty sure it was the butterfly, this morning I saw him chasing the mollies.
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    Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's

    I orderd them from a supplyer who got them from Aquarium this website sells loads of cool fish.
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    Which Birchirs...

    another senegals? :huh:
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    Birchir for a 30 u.s. gallon?

    Hello, I am looking for another eel like fish to put inot my 30 u.s. gallon. I would like to put in a Bichir, but I don't know of any that are small enough. Is there one that could live in my 30 galllon? :huh: Also I'm taking the mollies out, and relocating them.
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    Feeding your puffer crabs

    some sand papper maybe :huh: ? Also you could wait untill the day the crab mults, the shell would be all nice and soft.
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    Feeding your puffer crabs

    didn't mean to but in, but I thought I would just add that
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    Feeding your puffer crabs

    Or you could get some Male gold fiddler crabs? There huge claw moves to slow to enflict any damge, and there little claw is brobably to small to enflict any damage. Also , this is going to sound kinda a groosome, but you could rip the crabs claws off, and feed the clawless crab and the claws to...
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    Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's

    y bristle nose?
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    my new cory

    awsome :wub: i love corys
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    Fertilizer? Some help please.

    oops sorry i ment to say if the fertilizers would hurt any of my fish?
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    Fertilizer? Some help please.

    I am a total newb, when it comes to plants. Could somone give me the basic needs to keeping healthy tropical plants? Also is there such thing as aquarium fertilizers for aquatic plants? will the fertilizer hurt any of my aquarium plants?
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    Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's

    Thanks for the help you guys, I will update when they arrive,