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  1. C

    Terra Cotta pots

    lol, smarty pants!! they look like 2inch terra cotta pots. :)
  2. C

    Look at my aquascape

    You did a great job, that looks incredible.
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    I am having a hard time finding them here as well, but I am hoping I hit it lucky once my tank is fully cycled (if that is what I am going to go with) What is the best habitat for them, other than a lot of plants? sand or gravel? any larger rocks? Thank you again.
  4. C


    What would be the best tank size for a pair of blue rams? I have fallen in love with them, and started doing some research, but I find it is better to talk to people that have them. Thanks!! I don't intend on keeping them with anything else, except perhaps if they are compatible with a...
  5. C

    how many tanks

    I have three. :)
  6. C

    Terra Cotta pots

    I do that as well, anything that goes in gets boiled, so I don;t consider boiling much work at all. Thank you everyone for your help!!
  7. C

    Enough big guys . . . let's see dwarf cichlids!!!

    Thank you for the heads up tear-scar. I don't see myself getting into the cichlids anytime soon though, but hopefully one day. :) For now I'll just stare at yours. :P
  8. C

    4 week old fry

    they are adorable fry!! what a little survivor!
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    back to nature

    Great pics. What type of camera wee you using?
  10. C

    For Cutecotton

    WOW. he is just beautiful! Great pics.
  11. C

    Water Changes

    I thnk I would be wanting a python with a 75gallon tank, but my little ones are not too bad for buckets, it keeps me in shape. :P
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    Tank teardown

    I picked up some chlorine bleach from my mom's house tonight when I was out getting new filter inserts. I don't need the abrasion of the salt, I thought it might be easier on the fish than using bleach. Thanks again Inchworm!!
  13. C

    Water Changes

    it is hard work if you are using buckets, but well worth it, IMO.
  14. C

    Enough big guys . . . let's see dwarf cichlids!!!

    You guys are making me want a dwarf cichlid tank! :angry: Those are all just beautiful!!
  15. C

    Terra Cotta pots

    Ahhh, thank you! I just bought two of them tonight for my tank, so it is good to know I don't have to worry too much with them. :) Thank you! BTW: yhbae, your tanks are really nice!
  16. C


    I wish I could help you, but mine all dropped like flies as well. The water was good on my tank as well. :angry:
  17. C

    Terra Cotta pots

    I have seen terra cotta pots in so many tanks, so I was wondering how you prep them to go in? Sorry if that is worded really badly, it's getting late here.
  18. C

    I'm so far behind!

    Amber, definatly check out tank services. I know how hard it is to carry water and do so much when you are preggo. Thank you for the pm as well. I wish you the best of luck with the pregnancy, and with your fish!!
  19. C

    Test your tap water &

    I know, am a little worried of that as well. I am in Sherwood Park, Alberta. i am going to eb testing my bf's water as well(he has softened water) so his might be better for the fish.
  20. C

    Tank teardown

    Can I use aquarium salt to clean my plants (fake)? I am guessing I would soak them in a saltwater solution for a bit, then rinse, right?
  21. C

    Tank teardown

    My little tetras had a really bad case of ich, in which nothing was able to help, that, accompanied with fin rot, and the poor things dropping all over, made me want to restart from the beginning. The rock I have is the aquarium gravel that you buy at the lfs.
  22. C

    Tank teardown

    Thanks Arfie. My tank is really clean, and in good condition, it just needs to be steralized. I figured I would be able to boil the rocks. I had to do that with other things I had put into my tank, my roomate will look at me weird when there is a pot of rocks boiling on the stove, but it is...
  23. C

    Tank teardown

    Thanks David, I don't want to leave it that long though. What should I do with the gravel? Buy new, or how do I clean/sanatize it?
  24. C

    Tank teardown

    I have readin some places to use very diluted bleach, and rise extremly well. I am not sure abt using bleach on my tank though, is there another way, perhaps boil everything, and use very hot water, or will that not kill any bacteria/etc that is left in there? Also, should I buy new filter...
  25. C

    Went nuts on aquabid

    I absolutly love the red and white one (sorry, I don;t know the name of it), and the rest are just georgous!
  26. C

    Test your tap water &

    PH: 8.0 Ammonia: .50 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0
  27. C

    Tank teardown

    What is the proper way to teardown an aquarium? I have sadly lost all my fish to a huge outbreak in my 10gal tank. I would like to know the best and most proper way to teardown a tank and get it ready to go into a fishless cycle. I don't mind if it takes a long time as I am not getting any fish...
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    Ich medications

    I don;t know if I will be able to save my little Bruno. I have been treating him as well with the ich meds, and his fins are looking ragged as well now. Poor little guy.
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    Congrats David! I hope you have some new fry to help with soon!
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    Ich medications

    Well, I don;t have to worry about it with my black neons, they both passed away today. I only have my Beuno Aries (Bruno) left, and he has ich pretty bad as well. *sigh* I think I am staying away from the Tetras.
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    Ich medications

    I have been doing that as well, minus the salt because I know it will do more harm than good. The fish don't seem stressed at all, just spotty.
  32. C

    Ich medications

    I am using Nox Ich on my black neons, and it does not seem to be working at all. The poor little guys are even more covered than when I started medicating a few days ago! What is a really good kind of ich medacation that I can use? Other than the spots all over them, they seem quite happy and...
  33. C

    Cycling... how long does it take?

    I am sorry to hear about your loss David. I hope everything fixes itself.
  34. C

    New way to Fishless cycle!?

    The lady at my LFS told me to use Cycle for fishless cycling, but that is all she told me to do. I am sticking with the ammonia system though, it seems much more recommended.
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    My VeeDub!

    Looks great!!!!
  36. C

    Balloon Ram

    He is georgous!
  37. C

    buenes aries tetras

    you're most welcome.
  38. C

    betta water conditioner

    Hi all. Silly question, but I just ran out of betta water conditioner and my little guy needs a water change. Can I use the conditioner I have for my tropicals, or should I wait and pick up the betta one? Thanks.